Good? Friday

The cottage, looking cute

It’s a beautiful blue morning.
Springlike and quiet.
I’d forgotten it’s Good Friday.
I’ve never liked the holiday if truth be known.

I’ve opened the cottage windows facing the field and the ponies raise their heads as one to the noise.
I will cut the lawn shortly and tidy up the patio. 
If I have time the little flower bed by the church gate will get a weed.
That’s all I have planned today.

I feel I’ve not got much to share.
Sometimes I feel witty and interesting .
Today I feel reflective and quiet. Going Gently has always been a journal, not a forum for discussion  blog like most others, where politics and news are debated depending on how vociferous and bright the authors think they are.
Im neither, when it comes to politics.
And I’m keeping away from the news the older I get

I check my messenger account. 
A hello from a friend in hospital 
Two late replies from yesterday’s hello to friends in Liverpool and Sheffield 
Spam emails are next
Facebook likes.
Everyone intent on looking busy, vital, interesting and happy.

Albert resting in the sun

The ponies watching my sister in the garden

I cleared out a cupboard in the kitchen and boxed up an Art Deco clock, a tin tea caddy and bowls and other such bric-a-brac ready for the table top sale in the hall .
Then I watered the house plants in the cottage since covid I have collected 30 all told
I make another bucket of coffee, 
It’s nearly 11.30. The phone rings it’s a chap from the village wanting to pop down a cheque for the pane of glass sponsorship I’ve had another two requests by email, found by accident in my spam folder.

A group of walkers go past, but these don’t stop at the cottage.
My mind wanders to childhood Easters filled with too many cheap Easter eggs and The Greatest Story Ever Told on the tv.
I hated Easter as a child,
And I’m allowing old patterns of thinking to Reenact them
We all so that so well me thinks.
So I switch on the radio, something bright

Chic Eleanor has just made me smile , she saw there is to be a silent disco at the local cathedral in September and has asked if I want to go. It’s a 1990s based do where you dance with headphones on.
Sounds bizarre but fun.
I  said yes immediately.
At 60, I’m saying yes more and more.

My sister has just messaged that she will come and do the garden this afternoon. 
I’ve just cut the lawn and chatted with Anthea who lives in one of the neat little cottages on London Road.
She had been cutting horse chestnut on the bridle path and told me about orchids growing on the Gop
She has also planted an oak tree in the community garden just outside the village. 
It will be the first oak tree in Trelawnyd

I start brushing the patio. On the Garden wall was a box 
In it was small Easter egg in yellow gold foil
There’s no note.

Good Friday? 


  1. Well, so far it sounds like a "good" Friday to me.

    1. It turned out that way, the bulldog is licking my feet so that’s a bonus

  2. Sounds like a nice quiet day, getting things done that you want to do. Thanks for bringing us along.

    1. Pretty boring I know, but thanks david x

  3. John, Good Friday is not my favorite either. My blog is like a journal as well. I just wish I was better at posting and capturing all of the little moments of my life because when you think about it, the little moments are the ones that count, like a quiet spring morning.

    1. Looking good in that bobble hat! Lol enjoy your retirement xx

    2. Bobble hat is a word I didn't know so I looked it up. It is not exactly a bobble hat as there is no pom-pom at the top. I actually bought this hat in Iceland back in 2016 as it was freezing there and I needed to keep my head warm! I will enjoy retirement!

  4. "Everyone intent on looking busy, vital, interesting and happy." My partner always tells me to be happy and positive on social media. EG, don't show photos of slum black housing in South Africa. I noted his opinion and applied it to FaceBook because he sees what I post there, but nowhere else. Life is not always good. Bad things happen. You may not always be the cheerful chappie. The human nature is not something to be hidden.

    While I know blog posts are written with the mindset of what we post about ourselves is how we want others to see us, I do like your blog for its seeming honesty.

    1. Of course Going Gently is only once facet of my personality , do try to be honest about the fundamentals .
      I’m still very lonely at times, I’m a negative thinker sometimes , but I’m like most people, just a work in progress

  5. Sounds like my kind of day. I wonder if the egg is from Mrs Trellis? Or better still, a secret admirer! It might just be an apology from the woman who was so scathing about your windows. Whatever and whoever, a kind gesture. The silent disco sounds like it'll be a laugh. Do you all listen to the same music? If not, it would be interesting to try and work out what each person was dancing to. xx

    1. It had been the centre of an already opened ester egg, so my money is on Mrs trellis lol

    2. Anonymous2:09 pm

      That's a snide and unkind comment about Mrs Trellis, why couldn't you just be appreciative?

    3. Very nice of Mrs Trellis to share a gift

    4. Anonymous1:54 pm

      Yes GZ so kind of her to share a gift and John's comment was unkind.
      She sounds to be a kind and thoughtful lady and has left gifts for John on mnay occasions, it isn't kind to ridicule her or her gifts.

  6. weaver11:20 am

    You sound to be belittling your daily posts - never do that John - your post is without exception the first one I read evey day. You write in such a way that I feel there with you - I know your friends, I know the layout of your cottage and your garden and I almost know youl You are a bit of an enigma but that adds to your attraction!

    1. Oooo an enigma …I like that ..l think……
      In what way pat, I’m intrigued lol
      To be honest I felt somewhat boring today, I’ve go no news , I’ve got nothing important to say

  7. Anonymous11:47 am

    John, your blog is the one I read along with Weave everyday and I learn something from you two daily, always thought provoking Love you. GG

  8. Wishing you a "good" Friday. I like Easter dinner and gathering to enjoy the feast. I'm slow cooking corned beef. I also read your posts with interest each day and am never disappointed.

    1. That’s kind , perhaps I’m just not feeling very interesting today , the more conversations I had, the happier I felt, Peres that’s the key of everything

  9. Anonymous12:23 pm

    This is one of my favorite GG posts, although admittedly I have many favorites. Yours and Weaver's are the only blogs I follow regularly. Jackie in Georgia USA

    1. Thank you Jackie, that’s very encouraging , I must admit I do enjoy “ chatty” posts
      Ones telling me about everyday life , those that give windows into worlds I don’t know , but think I do

  10. Thank you for using the word "vociferous." One of my favs, and underused! As a child, I only liked Easter because it meant being able to indulge in candy, specifically marshmallow Peeps! I love your posts John, and I rarely miss a day. You have a delightful way with words - you can paint a picture like an artist!

    1. Karla, I enjoy sharing stuff, and. I like playing around to describe stuff that often I find amusing . I love Gerald Durrell’s way of writing, he could describe the smallestest of things in a way I thought hilarious

  11. In my experience, bloggers who reflect upon current affairs do not do so on the basis of "how vociferous and bright" they think they are. They do so because they are interested in the wider world and how sometimes distant events impact upon them and their feelings.

    1. God point well made, perhaps you are right

  12. Glad you had a pleasant day, John. We have lots of good things in our lives. Some days, I feel sad and I have to remind myself about the good things.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. I’m glad I’m working day shifts tomorrow and then two nights , the bank holiday will shoot past as I want it to

  13. The Silent Disco sounds like bizarre, goofy fun!

    1. Goofy Ida good word for it debra, it sounds bizarre especially being situated in a welsh cathedral

  14. krayola1:28 pm

    John, your blog is my must-read every morning. Your openness, your descriptive style and so much more sustain me. You remind me that there is always hope no matter how bad things get and how badly people act. I wish I had as many people to interact with as you do in your village. It’s lovely.

    1. I’m very lucky , and you must know that I don’t always report the more negative aspects of Village life for obvious reasons xx

  15. Lynn Marie1:51 pm

    It's good to have a quiet day. Since childhood I've always appreciated the solemnity of Good Friday. A good day for reflection.

    1. Yes, and that’s what it was always intended to be
      With fish to eat with the dreaded parsley sauce

  16. Anonymous1:57 pm

    John, just by being you and writing this blog, you are a good and insightful person and I look forward to every one of your posts whatever your musings. As you said ‘fake it to make it’. Jan

    1. “Fake it to make. It”
      Has proven to be a old mantra for me these past five years

  17. It's a beautiful day to be quietly and gently busy

    1. And that is all that matters GZ ,thank you for reminding me ….

  18. A silent disco will be a real laugh, it's even better when the dancing masses have different tunes in their headsets. At least three or four tunes make for a wacky looking dance floor.
    We both treat our blogs as diaries to our days and our lives, and it's great to look back when the years have rolled by, just like Facebook Memories ... but I agree perhaps more honest!

    I've just booked us a second weekend break, so yes, it's been a very good Friday

    1. Yayyy booking time away is so cathartic Sue
      I have to remember that writing everyday is a habit, a joy, a necessary, something I’ve done since 2006
      It doesn’t feel “ right” if I don’t write something
      That’s a extra pressure on myself

  19. Traveller3:38 pm

    I love that wall of yours it is very productive.

    1. It’s a lazy table
      It saves everyone walking all the way around to the gate at the bottom of the garden

    2. I like that I call it a lazy table

    3. Traveller12:21 pm

      It is a good name

  20. Barbara Anne4:13 pm

    Lovely post, beautiful pictures. Love the photo of Albert warming himself on the stones.
    Be sure to give dear Janet a hug from me and, if she doesn't mind the trip, I could use her gardening services.
    Ta for the laugh as I imagined the gyratoions by participants at the silent disco!


    1. I do hope Eleanor got tickets , it my normal bashfulness means that much alcohol willbe drunk beforehand

  21. Your life is so varied and interesting John - plus reading about your day keeps me grounded as I sit with a cuppa x

    1. Thank you flis but it is so not ….lol

  22. What a beautiful morning you've shared with us! Your words always paint such vivid scenes, and the photos you've included today are smashing and very much appreciated! Albert on the wall and the ponies looking into your garden are wonderful.
    Many of us read your posts every day, and we do so for so many reasons, and one reason we all share is that YOU are the author/writer! You write with such feeling, candor & honesty, as well as a beautiful willingness to share (the good, bad or ugly). You mean so very much to so many folks, locally & globally.
    Wishing you, Albert, Dorothy, Mary & dear dim Roger a lovely & peaceful weekend.

    1. This moved me, and you can thank my mother for my storytelling abilities as she and my grandmother were natural oral storytellers..I’ve just translated it to a blog ….
      I don’t thank my mother enough for the positives she handed down to me

    2. Anonymous7:21 pm

      I thought you always referred to her as a drunk?

    3. Not a nice comment and incorrect , my mother had many facets

    4. The drunk bit was correct though unfortunately

    5. Ttaveller7:37 pm

      Wow that nasty comment took 15 mins.

      Glad I came back, missed the Albert photo first time!

    6. And someone’s pretending to be Traveller

    7. The troll shows herself

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. It sounds like you're having a good Friday despite it being Good Friday. I love the idea of a silent disco.

    1. We are having a Eurovision night in the hall tooon the final night.. which should be a camp dance fest

  24. That silent disco sounds very bizarre. Enjoy!

  25. Anonymous9:05 pm

    John, your blog is the one I read without fail every day. Often you have me chuckling and I enjoy the way you write generally I'm not the only one who would buy a book that you had written. Good Friday in our house growing up was basically hot cross buns and a day off school.. no more, Easter Sunday was the cheap Easter eggs you talk of. I can't abide them these days, much prefer chocolate with far less sugar. I generally work every public holiday with the exception of Christmas; it gives me at least an extra week off work by the end of the year, fantastic in my book. Your weather looks lovely the ponies are very curious about what is going on in your garden, seeing Albert sunning himself makes my day. He's made a remarkable recovery, long may it remain.

    Jo in Auckland

  26. Some days are just meant to unwind at a slow and measured pace. It sounds wonderful.

  27. Anonymous1:34 am

    John, I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on your table center piece a la feline! As always my heart goes out to old Albert. So glad to see him eating and moving around. Easter was never my favorite either but it was close to summer vacation!

  28. The more and more brightness that entered your day is it went along. AND ponies.

  29. We have an 8 kilo Turkey for tomorrow between 6 of us, that's ONE AND A THIRD Kilos of Turkey per person. We may not survive!

  30. I have many quiet and reflective days. Unlikely that we can be fun, witty and busy all the time and not sure that would be good for us anyway. The lonely moments are hard though.

    Your photos of Albert and of the ponies looking over to the garden are cheerful. And an Easter egg on the wall!

  31. I used to like Easter as a kid, mainly for the Easter basket and the candy, but also because we dressed up for church and it was a "special" day. As I got older its significance paled! Now it's just another celebration of spring.

  32. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Good Friday meant Hot Cross Buns. They were delivered at 4 a.m. don't know why so early. Easter the boys got a baseball and eggs, girls a skipping rope and eggs. This Good Friday (yesterday) was spent in the dark. Big ice storm in Quebec , lost power for 3 days got it back this morning at 11. Happy Easter John hope the bunny finds your house. Look under the leaves...

  33. You have a really great life. I love the people in it and your reports and memories and everything else. -Kate


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