Being Productive

 The apathy of yesterday’s hangover has got on my tits this morning.
I looked for a diversion and saw there was a play on this afternoon at Theatre Clwyd with the occasional tickets left. 
But I was good and gave myself a kick up the arse instead
The kitchen was feeling like a bomb site what with piles of papers, and other such detritus flung everywhere so I rolled up my sleeves and channelled my own inner Joan Crawford in order to take back control. 
Cleaning and organising are like dieting, it’s a control thing and I’m thinking that right now in our history, there couldn’t be a better time for us all to be taking control over as much as we can.
Roger has enjoyed the momentum as he has had the opportunity to look into the back of cupboards he’s only dreamed about raiding in the past.
Already I have found his secret stash in the garden where he has hidden, an out of date packet of pasta shells, a burnt wooden spoon, a vegetable bag and a sprouting onion .
A walking group have stopped by the corner of the lane and the leaders are spouting all sorts of information I gave them earlier in the week about the history of the cottage.

“ He has a lovely honeysuckle over the front door “ I heard one woman comment
But another butted in with a more pithy “ Yes but his windows are in need a good clean “,…cheeky cow

That’s  another thing on my list today.

Post clean photos

I’m buggered
Off for a tiny lie down 


  1. Your cottage must have a very interesting history, but I don't recall that you have imparted much of it to your devoted readers. Apologies if you have earlier than I began reading your blog, rather a long a time ago now.

    1. My cottage was originally built in the 1600s and was know as an ale house ( beer could be bought here)
      It was referred to as church cottage )
      It is one of the oldest cottages in the village
      And this area of Trelawnyd was known as Tan y fwynwent ( under the graveyard)

  2. 'Take back control' - clean your windows - lol!

    1. I did do, eventually , front and back

  3. I would have tossed something in the cows direction.

  4. Anonymous11:34 am

    Hi, loved your comment on taking control. I get thoroughly p*ssed off with the way this country has gone and my mantra when things go a*rse up is “nothing works and nobody wants to work”. Of course I accept and show appreciation to the folks who do work as we need them and their positive attitude - we need more taking control in all aspects of daily life. You are an excellent straight talking model. Jan

    1. I fake it to make it jan, in real life I’m a dreamer

    2. Anonymous7:15 pm

      A Pisces?

    3. Anonymous8:38 pm

      Aah a Gemini, a life of two halves. Still think you are a great role model. Jan

  5. Haha, that really did make me laugh. Some people always look for the negative don't they, cheeky cow indeed.

  6. So she didn't offer to clean them for you? Cheeky cow indeed! Roger's hidden stash made me giggle. xx

    1. He added to it with a plastic plant pot, a pan scrub and and best tea towel

  7. Get a window cleaner x

  8. I bet she was just miffed that she couldn't see in.

  9. There's one in every group.

  10. Anonymous12:41 pm

    I so love Roger. -krayolakris

  11. Barbara Anne12:43 pm

    Good plan for today as setting all to rights will make you happier in days to come.
    We has a sweet Bassett we resued and we never could break her of the habit of stashing her food in corners, amoung socks, and elsewhere. We decided she had been hungry so planned on having snacks hidden in case we stopped feeding her. That never happened, of course. Sweet Roger!


    1. I’m working sat, sun and monday so getting straight today feels good

  12. Anonymous12:47 pm

    This morning when I let the dog out, it actually smelled like spring. I guess I will have to give myself a shake and get more serious about cleaning my abode. Living alone means that I am now in charge, never felt that until I became a widow. cleaning windows is way way down on the list lol. GG in Toronto on a very busy, dirty street

    1. Yes GG the buck stops with us.
      Iveoff loaded my garden onto my sister who gets paid for her lovely work …the rest I do myself

  13. May that woman never see my windows.

    1. She missed nothing , eyes like an eagle

  14. Anonymous12:57 pm

    You are not as good pet owner as you make out.
    Onions are poisonous to dogs

    1. Traveller2:51 pm

      And some people are poisonous on blogs,

      Boom boom

    2. Sigh, I know onions are dangerous anon
      Sounds as though you’ve been sucking one

  15. So do mine John lol!

    1. Lol I wish I had the energy, I can’t do much now,

  16. I think Roger may be gathering ingredients to cook his daddy a surprise dinner - Bless him x

  17. It's a beautiful sunny day here so I will be heading out for a walk this afternoon. Hope you are having a nice day, John, and getting a lot done.

    1. The weather was glorious yes but cold tonight

  18. I don't get on with housework since having hemiplegic
    migraines - Things get lost and dust wafts everywhere x

  19. Nice to know your cottage is a stop on the local walking tour!

  20. Taking control is a good feeling. We all need some level of order, don't we. Ha - the woman that comments on your windows is probably a perfectionist and never satisfied. (My mother was a white gloves, cleanliness perfectionist.) Roger's secret is out!

    1. I always feel better when jobs have been ticked off , that control box is ticked off too

  21. Roger and his stash has got me giggling. x

    1. I know , his crate bedding has several items too , including flowers from the garden

  22. Anonymous2:05 pm

    My mother was a lousy housekeeper, she used to say there is more to life than a bit of dust. It rubbed off on me, instead of cleaning I took my kids on little adventures and allowed them to have three cats and a dog at one time. I do keep the kitchen very clean and organized, but the rest can wait till it annoys me. By the way I am sitting here listening to Welsh men choir music and wondering if your choir ever got going again after Covid. GG

    1. GG have you ever read the poem "My dishes went unwashed today"? It was my mantra when my 2 were little. If you haven't, I recommend you Google it. xx

    2. Anonymous5:58 pm

      Just read” my dishes went unwashed today” for the first time. Got goosebumps it was so me. Thanks GG

    3. GG BOTH Trelawnyd Choir and My Gwaenysgor community choir are up and running again. Am in college Tuesday nights so will be returned to choir in June once my course has finished

    4. My dishes went unwashed today,

      I didn't make my bed,

      I took her hand and followed,

      Where her eager footsteps led.

      Oh yes, we went adventuring,

      My little child and I

      Exploring all the great outdoors

      Beneath the sun and sky.

      We watched a robin feed her young,

      We climbed a sunlit hill

      Saw cloud sheep scamper through the sky,

      We Plucked a daffodil.

      That my house was so negletected,

      That I didn't brush the stairs,

      In twenty years no-one on earth.

      Will know or even care.

      But that I've helped my little child to noble adulthood grow,

      In twenty years the whole wide world,

      May look and see and know.

      Author Unknown (Cited in, Mandolson: 'It Takes Two To Talk,' 3rd Revision, The Hanen Program, 1992).

    5. I love this poem.

    6. I love that poem ... I wish my Mum had been more like that. We squeezed life and fun into the time left over after her day, not the other way round.

    7. That’s sad Sue xxx

  23. weaver2:12 pm

    Hope you left Roger's stash - at least give him the satisfaction that he is hiding things from everybody; one lovely dog he is - full of charm (I guess he has learned that from you!)

    1. I took his onion for obvious reasons lol

  24. How rude. Too bad you didn't have window cleaner and a towel on hand. You could have just passed them through to her.

  25. Thanks ever so much for the quick summary of the history of your cottage (your reply to Andrew).
    I always leave washing the windows in the Spring until after all the pollen has been dispersed and settled down. No sense in washing windows when the Spring pollen count is high.

    1. My cottage was the smallest of small holdings , with a byre for two cows. In the 1870s 7 people including a lodger scared the cottage

  26. Traveller2:52 pm

    Be still my beating heart! Three photos featuring Albert

    1. He’s bounced back rather nicely don’t you think ?

  27. Barbara Anne2:54 pm

    Lovely, tidy, and charming photos of your clean kitchen ... and the pleased family on table top, the comfy chair, and checking out what Albert has theat they don't have!


    1. It’s like everything is in constant motion

  28. Your kitchen looks so tidy, bright and welcoming! And that the three photos include Albert = bonus. 😊

    1. It should do, I cleaned it for four hours

  29. Very cheeky indeed!! The spring sunshine exaggerates the least of smears!!
    Cheeky Albert too😉

    1. At least my honeysuckle was complemented

  30. Replies
    1. I know, ! I did cough to indicate I was there, but no,one said owt

  31. Anonymous7:01 pm

    Love roger more and more. Cheeky madam re the windows, some people have to see negative in everything.
    Good on you for doing housework, which I hate and only do on wet days which having 3 dogs in the house and 5 cats doesn’t make much sense,lol. Hugs noreen

    1. Cleaning the floor is the worst job, I often send the animals around to trendy carol’s so I’ve got the space to clean and dry them

  32. Anonymous7:33 pm

    Cheeky cow indeed! She should have offered to help if it bothered her. Roger is smaller than I had imagined; the picture of him standing by the table is adorable.


    1. He’s bigger than mary , but remember he’s not long had a haircut

  33. Anonymous7:52 pm

    Your kitchen is sparkling, are those gazunders on the top shelf or something else, very cool whatever they are ..GG

    1. They are my Burleigh ware Art Deco Crockery from the 30s , I have many pieces all on display in the kitchen

  34. Anonymous8:00 pm

    So glad to see Albert getting in on the kitchen fun. Jen

  35. Anonymous8:44 pm

    I have chickens collected from around the world on top of my flyover, no not live ones lol GG

  36. I find that "Windowlene" spray works wonders but I am not sure that it would clear three or four years of ingrained muck.You may need to use a paint scraper first.

  37. I agree about us taking control of our lives whenever we can and that it feels empowering. Am amazed that anyone would even be thinking about how clean windows are when listening and looking at village history.

  38. I know which one of those two women I would be friends with, and I'm sure she wouldn't give a rats a**e about windows :) The sun is shining today and there are 1001 things I could and should be doing in the house, but instead I'm jumping on a train at 11.00 to go to Kyoto Gardens in Holland Park. Never been before, can't wait! x

  39. Anonymous9:04 am

    Think I may of said to woman who commented on your windows"A blind man would like to see them how ever they look."


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes