Sunday Night

Sometimes you are not always your own best friend 
I need an arm around me tonight 
Sometimes we all do


  1. I never did get that arm around me ….hey ho

  2. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Sending you a belated big hug John if I’d of read your post sooner I’d of sent it straight away, being a widow I know what it feels like when you’ve no one there. Heather

  3. I couldn't make out if your comment inferred you were lonely, or perhaps given into some temptation you would regret. Perhaps others felt the same and held off from commenting. A dark night of the soul - we all have them. Watching the Audrey Hepburn video, as a moment of bathos, I wonder where the orchestra was standing as she played her guitar to an admiring George Peppard? :) x

  4. I did comment, but maybe it's disappeared into the ether. I sent you a big hug, it seemed like you needed it. xx


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