Catch Up


As a student nurse , I knew this view very well. 
It’s the view of the west side of Sheffield from the multi story Royal Hallamshire Hospital and I love this photo in particular as in the recent snow storms a few schoolboys had written this greeting to all of the patients whose wards look out over the city.
How sweet is that?

Thank you for all your best wishes for Albert, who is brighter today , although certainly not out of the woods health wise .

In the middle of the night, tired of the cramped conditions , I retired to my own bed followed by Mary and Dorothy. Roger remained on guard and was fast asleep on the floor when I got up at 8 am for their walk. 
Albert stirred from under the bed when I moved it aside and looked at me angrily
He hissed when I tried to examine him 
He doesn’t look well and has lost weight but, still there he was, so I left him be and took the dogs out.
He was sat on my bed when I returned. 
I crushed some cat food in my fingers and put it in front of him.
And he ate it. 
But not all. 
I’ve left him with towels on the floorboards and the fan heater on.
I have a plan.

I will take him to the vets tomorrow if he gets worse or remains off his food. But I’m not wanting heroics. 
He’s a cat who hates being touched, abhors strangers and loathes vets and the thoughts of investigations and blood tests and let’s see what we can do ? is not kind for the type of cat he is. 
I’m in two minds  to take him up to the surgery but its 17 miles away and well out of the vets visiting district.
But we wait and see.


  1. Sorry to read about poor Albert. I had a cat once, a rescue cat, so was never sure how old she was - she'd been left in a box on the roadside with her kittens. I hope you don't have to make a 'final decision' just yet, but looking back, I know I'd rather have made that decision for my cat - and two of my dogs, sooner than later. I think we can humanise our furry companions and keep them going, perhaps for our own benefit rather than the dignity of our companion - which is what they are. It's very hard, and don't envy your choices. x

    1. Anonymous2:40 pm

      I agree with this comment very much, yes we humanise our pets and keep them going longer than we should, for our own selfish reasons. Once the joy of living has left an animal we should be brave enough to make that final decision, however heartbreaking it is.

    2. I’ve always guess the right time for my animals . I don’t think I’ve ever kept one just for my feelings

    3. Anonymous10:33 pm

      And has Albert still joy in living?

  2. such a lovely thing for the schoolboys to write, all credit to them they sure must have lifted the hearts of those who saw it
    i have had and loved many cats in my time and Albert isnt looking very happy or well at all, hugs to you x

    1. No he looked stiff and unhappy…after his painkillers he now looks more relaxed

  3. I am pleased to learn that Albert is still with you and not frozen to death under a hedge. Our old cat Boris went out one night and never came back. The not knowing is awful.

    1. Yes, I was so upset that was his fate on such a bad night too. When he had his car accident , it was only luck that I found him under a Bush

  4. Anonymous10:55 am

    Thinking of you and Albert as I care for my own senior cat.. My love to you both. You're in my thoughts. Jan xx

  5. Thanks for the update. I, like most of your readers, have been worried about him. I know what you mean about taking him to the vet. I think you'll know when the time is right. Maybe not yet, but probably soon. That visit to the vet is our final act of love for our pets. Never easy, though. Sending a gentle stroke to Albert, with my love. xx

  6. We had a cat in California who was quite like Albert -- although MORE anti-social. We had to remove our own emotions from healthcare decisions. It wasn't easy but we know we did what was right for him.

    1. Yes, his life has been one almost separate to the living room of Bwthyn y Llan
      A supporting role in another film so to soeak

  7. I'm so glad Albert is home and safe in your competent hands.

    1. Things seem rather more comfortable

  8. I'm sorry to hear about Albert's declining health. I'm more of a dog person, but when I moved in with my guy he had an aging kitty who decided that I was the warmest person to sleep with. It also helped that I made sure she had fresh water and treats and the occasional catnip. I was crying as hard as everyone else when I dislodged her from under the bed one evening after work in a similar situation.

  9. Care and comfort, and love, lots of love.

  10. You know Albert more than anyone else does, and so will know the kindest and right way to help him be treated as he prefers to be. Wishing you both be aware of your love for each other,-Mary

    1. Wise words mary and ones I hope everyone here ipunderstands

  11. Anonymous12:58 pm

    Poor Albert and poor you. I agree with all the above comments. Our last cat was fifteen and we had been injecting her with insulin twice daily. She was stoic and came to us for her eight o'clock injection. Then other illnesses came. Like Albert she hated the vets with a passion. She went peacefully. You cannot remove all your emotions as a human but all animals deserve dignity. Crying all the way home I was determined no more cats. So a couple of months later we adopted Bobbi who was a rescue cat and two years old. Now if I thought our other cats were stand offish at times we have adopted the Cleopatra of them all. She owns the house, we are disgustingly slow with all her needs and never fast enough. She is beautiful, clean, aristocratic and she just about allows us house room. We adore her.

    1. When life for a cat , like Albert means that outdoors is no longer an option then it’s time to go

  12. Anonymous1:01 pm

    hi there

  13. Hazel1:12 pm

    Hopefully albert will go peacefully and soon, ideally before you have to make the call on whether to take him to the Vet to be put to sleep. It's a horrible choice to have to make at the best of times, and it's even worse when you know the vet visit will stress him out - no one wants their beloved pet's final moments to be like that. As long as he's pain free, hopefully he will just drift off, warm and comfortable, safe at home.

    1. I wished for that last night
      But he’s turned the corner today which is bloody typical
      I’ve given him more painkillers ( now THAT pissed him off) and he’s eaten more

  14. Would Albert like soft moist food John x

  15. Knowing that Albert is home with you is reassuring. Your plan seems exactly right, you know Albert and will do what is best.

    1. Exactly so. Even if Albert himself isn't aware of it, we all know that whatever transpires, JayGee will ensure that it will the best for him.

    2. Raymondo ,
      Your care of your cats have always been exemplary .I’m supported by your words my friend

    3. Thanx, JayGee, but if only you knew knew how many times daily I have to keep a lid on letting my exasperation show by holding back from giving wallops, the worst of it being that the three of them just do NOT like each other, demonstrably so - and the eldest Patchie (now 18) insists on showing the others who's boss. Oh, the trials I go through! But you know all about that! ;-)

  16. Sad times for sure but I think you'll do what's right for Albert. x

  17. Having just gone through this with Tuxedo I know how painful it is, but in the end you do what's right for Albert.

    1. I have no problem being an advocate for tge old git lol

  18. Anne Brew2:37 pm

    This photo came from daughter 1 this morning with - "Look what we drew for Grandad in the snow!" - the man in question having spent Friday night in the Royal Hallamshire - as he was in Isolation I've no idea if he was looking out this side. A typical Sheffield thing to do.

    1. I found the photo not only typically Yorkshire in nature, but a incredibly moving thing to do

  19. Thinking of Albert and you today.

  20. Barbara Anne3:34 pm

    Bless Albert's very independent heart and other parts.
    When our 18 year old cat acted this way, she got tuna which she happily ate - for a few days.

    Hugs and high hopes!

    1. I’ve never had a pet who actively didn’t bother with me. Only since I ve been the only person in the household has he head butted me in welcome.
      He has never once sat on my knee, and I’ve only ever picked him up a few times to place him on the sideboard in order to eat.
      Even then he stiffens in irritation

  21. weaver3:41 pm

    They break your heart don't they/ x

    1. They do when they are hurting in themselves

  22. We are all thinking of you and's a difficult and sad time. Take care.

  23. Thinking of you and Albert. It's the hardest decision to make and knowing when the time is right is dependent on each individual animal. I know when my old lady (17) died last May it was heart wrenching but we managed to enjoy a few hours in the sun before we went to the vets
    I still wonder should I have waited a few more days but she was an independent cat and seeing her lose her tortitude and appetite I know deep down it was the best decision for her, if not for me. Take care and virtual ((hugs)). x

    1. Strange as it seems I’ve never found it hard to euthanise a dog ( except Finlay my first boy) he was only 5 years old so it wasn’t his “ time” all of the other dogs and cats were old ..Joan was,20 , Betty 16, George was 12 etc

  24. I'm glad Albert resurfaced but sorry he's in a fragile state. Let us know how things go.

  25. Holding Albert & you in my thoughts. Hugs for you and a gentle pat for Albert during this heartbreaking time.

    1. Things have settled a bit today, but I have no illusions , we are on a downward Slope

  26. Anonymous5:03 pm

    Poor Albert. My old cats would lick up egg yolk when they refused everything else, liquid bird I suppose.

    1. Good idea, he had some earlier before the chicken , thank you

  27. Poor Albert and you. Thinking of you and I know you will do what is best for Albert.

    1. I’ always seem to know when one of my animals has had enough . George was the last old chap to leave me at the vets .
      William and Winnie were lucky they died at home

    2. Albert has had enough John. He is old and you've said he's also suffering from kidney problems. That's a painful condition. Do the kindest thing you can for him, you know what that is.

  28. Glad you found him John and I do hope he improves. You've a sensible head on your shoulders and you love him so you'll do the right thing I'm sure. Good ole Roger finding him.

    1. Roger is intrigued by the present situation and has followed the plating up of chicken Marsala with some interest. The stairs have been blocked off to all the dogs at the moment , so he’s sitting quietly at the foot of the stairs , just listening

  29. They do break your heart, but it is praiseworthy that you can look at Albert and see things from his pov. I've see so many people who undoubtedly love their animals, but prolong the lives of obviously miserable creatures because they cannot bear to think of life without them. I feel sorry for them, but sorrier yet for the poor creature.

    1. His quality of life is paramount . He won’t be putting up with vets surgeries he would hate that

  30. Thank you for the update on Albert. Your plan is a good one, a fitting choice for him. He is lucky to have you as a parent. Knowing you will do what's best for him is a comfort.

    1. I’ve tested his wee which is ok,
      If he’s off his food tomorrow, like I said , I will take him to the vets

  31. Traveller6:23 pm

    So glad you found him and can keep him comfortable.

    Take care

    1. He’s had painkillers and has just eaten his second saucer of chicken . He’s on the bed in the back bedroom and at least is not under it .
      I’ve set him up with cat litter (fatchance if he uses it)

    2. Traveller10:52 pm

      Thank you for the update. Albert has a place in my heart through your writing.

  32. You will do the best for him I know. If he's 18 or so, that's about as old as most cats get with a few exceptions. Whilst he is still eating, there is hope.

  33. Has he been showing signs of kidney disease? I know that many older male cats suffer from it. Poor thing. You will do what is right for him.

  34. It is sad when family members of any kind get older and sicker. We just have to do what we can.

  35. I've come late to the comments... I see he has rallied and that is a great thing but as you say you will know the time. Give the old boy a nose bop for me and say farewell from New Zealand.

    Jo in Auckland

  36. A thoughtful sign in the snow!

  37. Anonymous3:32 pm

    We just went through the same thing with our male black cat. He just decided to stop eating. He had had enough it seems. We ended up taking him to the vet and she said it appeared his kidneys were shutting down so it was time. He had been dealing with kidney issues for the past year. He was 16 and a half. It is always a horrible situation!


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