22.07 Bedtime

 I’ve just checked on Albert and he’s hidden himself away under the spare bed again.
Roger crawled underneath the flotsam when I climbed the stairs and has decided to stay with him which is odd 
Or perhaps it’s not .
I’ve left them both there lying close to each other.
Funny animal humanity on show 
Mary and Dorothy just can’t be arsed .

Hey ho


  1. Dear, gentle Roger obviously senses that Albert needs the company and comfort of a friend. I'm hoping that tomorrow brings news that Albert is rallying, but fear the news will be sad. I wonder if he knows how much he is loved by so many strangers. xx

  2. Barbara Anne10:29 pm

    How nice that Roger is looking after Albert and perhaps, if Albert slips away during the night, Roger will let you know.
    Wishing all of you well.


  3. Something very odd happened when my dog was on his deathbed. A dog from the neighborhood came to our house. He had never done this before. He kept trying to get in. Then he went into our open garage and we could not get him out. He stayed all night even tho the door was open and he could leave if he wanted to. I'm convinced he knew our dog was dying and needed to be there. We never had him visit again after that. I'm glad Roger is there for Albert tho it is fascinating that as the newest dog he is the one to stand guard.

  4. Good for young Roger

  5. I'm glad Roger is keeping Albert company. I wish everyone a good night's sleep.

  6. Anonymous11:50 pm

    Yes animal humanity being shown by Roger. Where is your humanity, why are you prolonging the suffering of a of a cat that has come to the end of it's life?

  7. Had a long-haired orange cat that gave up eating for his 15th birthday. Wookie had always been a pessimist; I think he just didn't want to go through another Indiana winter. Had him put down. Had a big black cat, Boojum, who after we buried Wookie, spent a couple of days sitting by the grave, even though they'd never been pals before.
    Several years later, we were moving, and I put Boojum and Fafhrd in the back yard to keep them out of the way of the movers. They spent most of the day where Wookie had been buried, even though that wasn't a spot they usually hung out in. It was like they understood this was a last chance to be together.

  8. Roger has a heart and a soul John. He is just grateful to be with you all, and he obviously thinks a lot of Albert to stay with him. Although Albert has always been his stubborn self and has to do things his way. Thinking of you all. Hugs x

  9. Anonymous12:55 am

    Roger showing his caring side...it is wonderful for Albert.

  10. With my 5 previous poorly dogs I've always waited - thinking whilst there's life there's hope - It seems Albert is comfortable now and has eaten and has a friend for company - God bless xx

  11. Such a wonderful gud dug Roger is and lying close is much needed. No one should be alone.

  12. I'm sure that certain dogs show sympathy for each other. It sounds like Roger is amongst that ilk.

  13. i had a few cats at the time and i wouldnt have said they were close to one another but when Sooty was very ill Tigger stayed by his side on the couch, animals are more aware than we know, hugs to Albert and Roger x x

  14. Maybe Roger feels he needs to be on watch as he knows something is happening with Albert. Also he may feel that need to just "be there" with him. I wish you all a peaceful night. Such sad times.

  15. I'm watching your blogs with a mix of hope and dread. But what else can one do?

  16. Makes one love Roger even more.

  17. Ah, I think I am in love with dear sweet Roger.

  18. Darling Roger wanting to be there for Albert. It seems something's going on, and it doesn't look good, does it. Thinking of you all. xx

  19. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Dogs comfort humans when we are ill or sad, so it seems natural to me that Roger is doing this with Albert. Now, on the other hand, I'm a bit surprised that Albert is accepting this! I know how hard this is on you, John, and hope knowing that we are all out here helps a little.

  20. Just lost my punkerpuss in February. I'm heartbroken. I hope Albert heals. And I'm certain he knows just how loved he is by all of you.

  21. I love Roger all the more knowing he is being Albert's companion in such sad times.

    Jo in Auckland


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