
Thank you all for your comments and concern
It was Roger who found Albert under the bed, in the a spare room as soon as I brought him and the girls back from Trendy Carol’s.  Albert had curled himself  up inside a firm Sainsbury’s carrier bag and looked poorly. 
I can’t believe I missed him
Roger ran up and down the stairs five or six times before I realised he’d found him. 
By the look of him, I think Albert has had a cerebral event , probably a stroke.
But he looks comfortable and is not distressed 
I’ve given him some painkillers and water via a syringe and all of the dogs and I are lying on the bed with Albert quiet underneath us.

I’ll see what the night brings
Animals….they break your friggin heart don’t they?


  1. They do indeed break your heart. The two cats we owned both disappeared outside to die, one under a bush and the other under the house. We found them and the vet took the final act.

  2. Anonymous10:12 pm

    Pouring out my heart and love to you and your “gentle” family. Albert will be comforted by your presence.

  3. Oh, John. At least he's safe, with his family around him. Sending love to you all, but especially a certain feisty, black cat who's captured many hearts. xx

  4. John, I am sorry to hear this. Yes they do break your heart. That's why I haven't gotten another dog after Murphy passed. I just don't think I can stand that pain again.

  5. I hope you all share a peaceful night.

  6. At least he's at home, where he knows he's loved. Take care, all of you.

  7. Barbara Anne10:46 pm

    Glory be! So glad Albert was in the house so not in the freezing cold. Hope his health improves and he'll be back to his usual self soon. Well done Roger!

    Big hugs!

  8. They certainly do (break your heart). I'm so glad he's safe and comfortable and surrounded by love, no matter what happens next. xx

  9. they sure do - it is good you are all together - prayers for your Albert.

  10. Love breaks your friggin heart. And you have so much love.

  11. Husband was just showing me video of people stranded because of the blizzard, and all I could think was "Albert is out in that!" At least whatever happens next, he's warm and dry and with those that care about him most.

  12. Aww, feel better soon sweet Albert.
    So sorry John.

  13. They certainly do John. I'm glad Albert has been found safe at home and that he hadn't wandered off into the cold. I hope he pulls through as he is my favourite and I shall be visiting your blog tomorrow for good news.

  14. Anonymous11:10 pm

    It's great to hear you found Albert! A relief I'm sure! Cheryl

  15. Anonymous11:12 pm

    Oh John
    I will keep your whole family in my thoughts tonight. I had to put my dear old 15 yr old dog Charlie down 2 weeks ago and I miss him so much and so do all my other dogs.They know... I hope whatever happens that Albert is not in pain. Take care
    Colleen in Indiana

  16. Well, at least Albert is safe at home and not out in the cold snow. You will all take good care of him, I know. Sending best wishes.

  17. They do, John. But Albert is lucky to have you.

  18. Yes John they do. But they give so much love as well. I am pleased you have found him, but so sad as well. See how it goes. Hugs my friend x

  19. Sending love to you all, yep they break your heart, shatter it, but grief is the price we pay for love. All our animals are a gift in our lives xxx

  20. Well done Roger for finding Albert and doing his best to get the message across to you. I hope Albert isn't suffering, Sadly cats are so good at hiding when things are wrong as long as possible.
    Yes, they do break our hearts.

  21. A relief to have found him inside. Thank you Master Roger. Hugs John , hope you all sleep well now. To have a heart is to love, to love a pet is always heartbreaking in the end, but the love they give back is unconditional and always.

  22. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Yes they do. Biggest hugs. I'm usually the first person to send my pets off if they are suffering and no chance of return, but in Albert's case I agree that an end at the vets is not right for him. It's possible that 7 days or so will see him improve if it was a stroke as it did for one of my past dogs, but if it doesn't, I think he would definitely was to go on his own terms as he lived, and a battle at the vets would be terrible for everyone. More hugs, Tina in west oz.

  23. Anonymous11:44 pm

    Roger as helper. I was picturing poor Albert out in the snow somewhere lost - much better to be comforted at home and surrounded by the pack. Thank you for letting us know.


  24. Albert is safe and surrounded with your love xx

  25. It's wonderful that at least for now Albert knows he's loved and not alone,thanks ever so much for this update,-Mary

  26. Yeah, they do. Glad you found him.

  27. Your poor boy; I hope he rallies but I fear after a stroke it may not be so. Thinking of you John, I've been through this with one of mine and yes they break your heart. Much love and many hugs at this time.

    Jo in Auckland

  28. Yes, they do. They do, over and over. But in that heart break, in that space..."that's how the light comes in". Loving an animal is a guaranteed broken heart, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sweet dreams, sweet Albert.

  29. I'm glad he's at home where he belongs. Whatever the outcome he is at peace with you all x

  30. Our grumpy kitty hated the vet as well, we were able to get them to come to our home for her last vet visit. I will keep a good thought for your Albert.

    They do break your heart but they also give so much joy while we are lucky enough to be blessed by their presence. :) Can't have one without the other.

  31. Anonymous1:00 am

    Dear John & Albert,
    We are so pleased that he has been found, the outlook may not be good but at least you are able to be with him and comfort him now.
    Wendy (Wales)

  32. Anne Brew1:14 am

    Very good that you now know where he is and can comfort him, whatever the outcome.

  33. Anonymous1:30 am

    I am sorry to hear about Albert. I am certain he feels your and his fellow fur siblings' love for him.

  34. So happy Roger found him ! and they do break your heart.

  35. Anonymous1:47 am

    I’m sorry you have to deal with this.

  36. Anonymous1:51 am

    Have thought of you and Albert all day today.....Albert is *speaking* to you..and you are a good (if not willing- in this case) listener, and you know what he is saying. My heart is with Albert.......and you. I wish him a peaceful journey ahead and strength for you.
    Susan M/ Calif.

  37. Anonymous2:07 am

    Oh sweetheart don’t they just . X

  38. They do. Bless Albert. Bless you and your whole sweet family. Good for Roger. He knew.

  39. Anonymous2:22 am

    Yes, they absolutely do break our hearts but they give us so very much. My sweet Annie is beginning to slow down - she is a lab mix and 10 years old. Thinking of you and of Albert tonight. Jackie in Georgia USA

  40. They do so. ((0))

  41. Anonymous2:54 am

    I am so glad you found him and can be with him. And yes, they completely break your heart.Thinking of you all. Lini in Petaluma

  42. Theresa in St Louis2:56 am

    God's Grace on Sweet Albert. Love to all of you.

  43. They do break our hearts. And you made me cry, again.

  44. They do break your heart but what would we do without them?

  45. Anonymous3:32 am

    They are definitely heartbreakers. I am glad he is home. He knows you are near. Jen

  46. My heart goes out to you. We’ve been in similar situations with our beloved cats over the years. I’m glad to hear he seems comfortable. Take care. - Jenn

  47. His behaviour certainly sounds like a stroke or similar. I hope for all your sakes he goes peacefully. You will miss the old bugger, though.

  48. I'm glad you found him.

  49. They do break your heart. But it is worth it. I hope the night goes well

  50. I was dreading your posting after the last one. Although we of course feel some relief that this isn't quite the final one we all recognise only too well the direction it's going, with only one the inevitable conclusion over time. Until then I wish you strength to hold yourself together enough, and are able within your busy schedule to keep him comfortable. I hope you and dear Albert are able to pick up on the comforting feelings of so many of your readers. I've no doubt at all that he feels immense contentment at your own presence there right now.

  51. Please give Albert a gentle pat ftom me. I'm glad that you found him with Rogers help, and hope that he can slip away peacefully at home.

  52. Anonymous7:46 am

    Oh dear he was where you'd already looked.
    When are you taking him to the vet or is the vet coming out to him as you said he didn't like going to the vets.
    It would be kinder for him to be treated or put to sleep in his own home, he's not a human patient to be put on the pathway to death by just being given painkillers. As sad as it is I hope you have the compassion to do the right thing.

  53. My first thought was that he was under the bed but not surprised you missed him in the plastic bag. Glad Roger found Albert for you so you could be there for him. Poor Albert and I felt so sorry for you too having to get straight off to work worried and upset about him. They absolutely do break our hearts.

  54. Oh John - he's an old cat but you still don't want them to leave just yet. I hope if the vet is necessary, you will call them out to your home and spare him the fear of the vet. I say this as someone who made that one-way journey with The Theo last year - and he fought the anaethstetic. Never again I said. At home only, when it's their time.

  55. Oh my goodness, what a worry for you. Fingers crossed he stays stable xxx

  56. Josephine from Deventer9:05 am

    Poor Albert, feeling ill, so hiding as animals do to stay safe. It is the way they try to survive, so give him the chance he deserves. He still has a chance with you as loving carer.

  57. Margo9:16 am

    I think a nice heat bag or warm hot water bottle may be a great comfort to Albert as he rests, have a towel under him for softness.
    They understand what you say, so just comfort your little friend and know you did your best while he was part of your family.
    So sorry this will be a hard time for you.

  58. Traveller9:37 am

    Breaking our hearts as well and we haven’t even met him. Take care of yourself and him.

  59. I am so glad you find him. He may be getting to the end of his life but it would be awful for him to go outside on his own. I hope he rallies but yes indeed they do break our hearts.

  60. I am glad he was found in a place of warmth and not out in the snow. x

  61. weaver10:18 am

    Oh John - with tears in my eyes I write - it is probably the end - cats do like to die alone - over the years I have had many and they somehow become remote when it is time. If he goes at least it sounds as though it will be peaceful..Much love to you all - two and four legged. x


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