Standing At The Sky’s Edge


I’m in Mark’s having a coffee. 
Just enough time for a sausage ciabatta and a blog before I meet the others.
Standing At The Sky Edge is a lovely Sheffield own musical. cleverly staged and impeccably acted it explores three generations in the history of one of the Hyde Park Flats In Sheffield. A listed building built in the 1950s  as a “streets in the sky” panacea to slum clearance . 
And so we meet 1960s young couple Harry & Rose . She a loyal housewife , he an idealist foreman in the steel industry, they move and laugh and love in their flat in the sky alongside an 1980s Liberian immigrant family and 2017 Poppy an unhappy lesbian from London in search of a new life in the recently upgraded and trendy housing complex. The three stories unwind on stage together and it takes some very clever choreography to keep the action going and storylines precise and clear but Richard Hawley and Chris Ode for the most part carry the whole thing off admirably .
Of course the in jokes were lapped up by the packed Sheffield audience 
A character brings a bottle of Henderson’s relish as a housewarming gift, the spicy contents loved by the Liberian family who think all English food is not seasoned enough whilst another character slags off Leeds to cheers from the audience, all jokes being lost if the production shifts to London.

I did enjoy it, and was incredibly moved at some of the visuals and memories it evoked. The story of regeneration, hope and positivism balancing the real backstories of urban decay , poverty  and misguided  local government decisions . 
The ensemble cast were wonderful

They even managed to bring in the prop of the I love You Sky Bridge which didn’t leave a dry eye in the house when it appeared 


  1. Traveller11:47 am

    Sounds like a wonderful play and in the right setting.

    1. A musical set in the city it’s debut is in is mostly on awinner

  2. As usual John you have written the perfect 'crit' of what is obviously a brilliant performance. Wish I lived nearer and could see it.

  3. I want to see that play, now! We always have a bottle of Henderson's Relish in the cupboard. Very handy for adding a splash to soups, stews, gravy etc. xx

    1. The whole audience laughed when they recognised the bottle ( for those that don’t know it’s a relish made in Sheffield at the turn of the century )

  4. I'm glad you liked it as much as I did.

    1. I purposely didn’t read your review wanting to see it cold. Sheffield has certainly taken the musical to their hearts

    2. I have seen many theatrical events over the years - serious plays, musicals, opera, pantomime etc. but I have NEVER been part of a standing ovation like that one. Partly it was because attending Sheffielders had witnessed a show that spoke so fondly and joyfully about their oft-disregarded city. It wasn't perfect but boy it was good.

    3. I get that totally , though I felt the support was similar to the standing ovation LIFE OF PI got , mainly because that play was a product of Sheffield and no where else.
      Last night, the audience was proud and you felt it like a thump in the chest

  5. That sounds brilliant, it's good when there are lots of in-jokes and references that the audience can enjoy isn't it.

    1. Sheffield Wednesday vrs Sheffield United , Henderson’s , Cole brothers, all were mentioned

  6. It will be interesting to see how some of those jokes play in London. (And maybe New York?!) The story of the "I Love U" bridge is interesting...

    1. I doubt they will….the moment where the flats were trashed by local residents especially I think only had a resonance for the locals many of them weeping by the power of it

  7. True "theatre for the people"

    1. Absolutely ……the sense in the auditorium was electric

  8. Barbara Anne3:39 pm

    You find the most wonderful things to see! I feel quite swept away!


  9. Cor the things you do on a wet January afternoon with not much else to do and feeling bored.
    So, after extensive (not) research, it seems that Hendersons Relish is similar to Worcester Sauce, except it has no anchovies. I will sleep easy tonight in that knowledge, but won't be changing this condiment, even though Hendersons is a much cheaper option. Tess x

  10. Yes indeed very good times

  11. Is that Jane John - Doesn't she have a pretty face x

  12. Sounds like a memorable experience.


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