The "I LOVE YOU" Bridge

I am just about to leave the house to help take my brother to the hospice for a week of respite care. It's 8.40 am and I need more coffee as I have just got off from another night shift. My work days are just like the old crosville buses from the 1970's...they all seem to some at once!
Yesterday I caught a fascinating documentary on Radio 4 where filmmaker and Opera director Penny Woolcock discussed a piece of graffitti on a Sheffield tower block walkway which seems to have taken on a rather magical and indeed mystical life of its own, since it was written a few years back.

High up on the grade II listed Hyde Park Flats, sprayed in an unsteady childish scrawl is the message
"Will you marry me Claire Middleton?"

Was it Destructive? (yeap just a little) 
Is it Romantic? (well... we all love a love story)
But it is the myth around the whole message that has caught the imagination of the bog standard Sheffielders as well as  the "artists" of the city........photographs of the graffiti circulated in the press; the developers of the flats comissioned a neon lighting up of the "Will you marry me?" part of the message saying rather whimsically that it was ;
""an iconic symbol of hope and romance central to the heritage of the flats"
Humm....even romantic old me can feel the bile rising somewhat, at this rather cloying statement......

so I was intrigued when Penny Woolcock started to delve into the real history of Claire and her "beau" Jason who as it turned out "penned" the proposal! 
The reality of the message is a sad one. 
Apparently Claire died in 2007.....there was talk that drugs and a chaotic lifestyle took their toll.....the proposal, it was said, distanced Claire from Jason....and today Claire's family seem to hate the perceived fairy tale reminder of a painful reality even though her name is now allowed ( as Woolcock sadly concluded in her moving programme) "To fade into the concrete"

The whole thing is a example of imagination clouding reality


  1. Yes, I heard that programme too, John. A degree of 'authoristic' license but interesting listening.

  2. A fairy story with an un-happy ending. Rather sad. Maybe a delve too far.

  3. I'd say it was people's hope clouding reality.

    Everyone wants romantic happy ending...

    Now, time to find the spray can for a 'will you divorce me' message...

  4. Oh how sad, John. I think there is something to be said for the 'down to earth' ness of my lovely farmer, to whom the word 'romantic' just conjures up a daft image!! Well, I confess, maybe a bit of romantic would be nice sometimes - but he is my rock and I wouldn't have him any other way.

  5. The sad part is John, there really wasn't any 'romance' to the story...the media and public tried to create something out of nothing.
    Somethings are better left alone.

  6. Anonymous11:10 am

    It's very sad. Perhaps it's time for a good power washing and a fresh start.

  7. That is sad. Yes, sometimes romantic things just seem that way. This almost seems like a stalking... It would be hard on her parents, a power washing instead of repainting it should be called for. JMO

  8. While the girl seems like a total mess and her parents in denile of said mess that was their daughter... It was the boy's love that is inspirational and pure... especially if he was accepting of her messiness. In this world when the news hour is 58 minutes of depressing shit and maybe one nice story... I'll take the neon sign. You can see everything else crumble apart in every other direction all the rest of the day.

  9. I like David's take on it. But the media's imaginative take on the "romance" of the situation must be very painful for that woman's family. Sometimes, reality just sucks.

  10. sad, should never have checked. Our imagination is always more romantic and also scarier that the truth.

  11. "today Claire's family seem to hate the perceived fairy tale reminder of a painful reality"

    People need a fairy tale... there is enough "painful reality" to focus on and not nearly enough fairy tales

  12. I, too, love David's take on it. Isn't that what love is all about - accepting the messiness and gestures that need to be as grand as the love?
    I hope that her parents can one day see that sign and realize their girl was an inspiration

  13. Makes for an interesting bit of history, though.
    Hope you all have a good day, John.

  14. I think it's a shame that she couldn't find happiness. I'll take the romance.

  15. My romantic self is saddened by that tale.

  16. I thought that was sad. Definitely time for a power wash .....

  17. I knew Claire when she was a little girl as I lodged for a time with her family. She had the cheekiest, bright-eyed, smiley face imagineable. Later, I lost touch with the family. Last year, I had an eerie encounter. I was at theatre when a woman tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Hello". The only way that I can describe this lady was that she had the appearance of someone whose soul wasn't inhabiting their body. I had no recognition of her at all,but when I tried to say, "I'm sorry but I'm not sure that we know each other", she was insistant that I did know her very well. It was Claire's mum, and as my children ate their interval ice-creams beside me, she relayed Claire's story. So so sad.

  18. elizabeth
    that's an amazing coincidence
    thank you

  19. Oh I wasn't expecting that ending....

    Gill in Canada

  20. Oh wow... a sad, thought-provoking story. I'd like to preserve the tale.

    John, thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your kind comment.


  21. Just read Elizabeth's comment. What a scary coincidence that was. Ooooh.

    Very sad tale never the less.

    I wanna go beddybies now John.

    S'gone midnight an I'm turnin into a lickle gween fwoggy again. Snivel sniff snivel.

    Going now.

    I really mean it John honest...

    Nite nite, hope the bed bugs don't bite...

    pitter patter pitter patter..


    (faintly muffled) - pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter...

  22. It is definitely romantic! I'm sure any woman would be swept off their feet with that kind of proposal.
    It just goes to show how much this man loves his woman.


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