Saturday Morning

 Slightly less blustery today. For days you could see the white waves whipping the sea from five miles inland and Trelawnyd seemed to have hunkered down against the Gop as one dark day merged into another.
I’ve started Prince Harry’s “ Spare” and minutes into it, you know you are are listening to a damaged soul, so much so that I’ve stopped reading it today. I will catch up with it in a day or so . 
So it’s a non Saturday. Work later. Sleep in the afternoon.
I’ve put on Classic Fm , but only very quietly. 
I can still hear the wind in the graveyard trees and the tick of the kitchen clock.

I had a Chinese life reading the other day 
Thanks to my Friends in Korea.

Apparently my power is at its highest this year and 2023 will be a significant year all told. I have two fires which is rare and have high pride, a big gentle heart and I have a sublime white horse in my heart which means I long for an ideal work no one else will see.
I like dopamine fixes of sex and alcohol and I have a good voice with excellent expression and although I’m good at singing I have weak lungs …..( which it oddly true) 
I have a pure heart and am attracted to people who will look after me
“the clear water cannot sustain fish” means I am straight talking and popular but people may be jealous of me and will scratch my personality …go figure…..there were pages of reflections and thoughts all pretty accurate I must say 
It also underlined the need for routine, which I get…….totally
It was incredibly interesting and indeed hopeful …2023 may feel more positive 

I will leave you with two videos both fascinating  and both incredibly moving in different ways


  1. I could have told you all that, apart from the weak lungs bit.

  2. I, too, am reading /listening to SPARE on Audible. I am half way through and your damaged soul commented is spot on. I chuckled at your life reading because from my viewpoint it appears right on the mark. Hovering at freezing here and so gray and dull but it is January after all. The videos are definitely different but based on cultural traditions which starts me thinking about SPARE again. I am thinking I need a good dopamine fix to chase the mid-January doldrums away.

  3. 2023 - the best is one its way. Let us know if the book is worth reading. I have held back on it.

  4. I have no desire to read Spare, but feel I've read it anyway as you can't pick up a newspaper or switch on the TV without someone picking over it. I can't help feeling that Charles should just get together with Harry and really talk. Maybe it's too late. The life reading seems spot on, to me, you big, gentle heart, you! xx

    1. hh - I just typed " spot on " as you had about John's reading- we may be twins x👯

    2. Well, we certainly seem to be on a similar wavelength a lot of the time! xx

    3. Anonymous3:51 pm

      Oh the "twins" reference, I had first hand experience of this and the consequences. Take care HH.

    4. hh - I said this after a lady recently called out "twins" after she bough a pair of wellies same as mine. x

  5. My grandson lives in China and is home for a fortnight - I shall ask him what he thinks to this.

  6. To me it is quite clear he is traumatised and I ju

    1. continued -I just hope someone can help Prince Harry - The cooking reminds me of my dear Godmother - and Your reading John to me looks spot on x ☕👮

  7. We used to go to ravioli making parties at my great-aunt's house when I was very young. That video brought back that memory to me. I wish I had learned how to do that but we just watched.
    Hope 2023 is a wonderful year for you, John! xx

  8. Do we see a Harry in your future?

  9. Yes, it's clear that Prince Harry is troubled and grew up/lived in some pretty toxic circumstances. I hope he's in therapy and that someday he will live a truly emotionally independent life from his past and family. Right now, despite his rebellion, it's pretty apparent that he still desperately wants their love, approval and protection but he needs to grow up, move on and stand on his own two feet like an adult.

  10. Anonymous3:17 pm

    This morning as I heard yet another report on Harry's book I thought, wow, he is really getting an insider look at capitalism. After living in a family with resources, IMHO he has been taken by people with $$$ signs in their eyes. Think of all the people, from Oprah through publishers and media, who are making bank on this young man's pain. I hope he can find his way to closing the door and spend some time reflecting, and then maybe try again to repair the damage with his family.

  11. We all know about your big gentle heart. I haven't read Spare but, a young child losing his Mum so shockingly and then being displayed to the public while the grief was so raw? That's got to mess with a person's head.

  12. A Chinese life reading? I've never heard of such a thing. But it sounds fascinating. Who wouldn't want to be told that they have a sublime white horse in their heart?!

  13. Barbara Anne4:46 pm

    Hope those pages and pages of follow-up to your reading were in English! From what you mentioned, those things certainly describe the John Grey we know and love
    Hope you slept well and are in fine form tonight. May it be a quiet and perceful shift.

    Oh, and we have the cold and blustery weather this morning!


  14. Traveller4:51 pm

    I have it on my list of books to read. As people say the death of his mother and such a young age and living in a goldfish bowl is a pretty rough start to a life.

    I find it amusing that many people have such strong opinions on people they have never met. Predicting how long the marriage will last. The press coverage hasn’t, of course, helped. Pages and pages of the Daily Mail dedicated to the book.

  15. people seem to forget that William lost his mum too.

    1. I came from a very violent home. The same as my sister. It broke her. It did not break me.

  16. I think you are right about Harry...and as Caz said.. William lost his mum wonders at how both have been treated. One thinks of their great aunt....and how others in their maternal great grandmothers family were treated when not considered normal.
    Fairly toxic all round. Very sad for them

  17. Your Chinese Life Reading sounds very interesting. Is it meant to guide you in some way? It sounds like more than a fortune telling. Yes, to all you say about H. Watching a marriage fall apart, loss of his mother, gaining a stepmother and all the family fray works to destroy a person. H is angry. Will telling his story as he is doing provide healing? I doubt it. That said, I am no expert.

  18. Anonymous7:53 pm

    Wasn't going to comment on the Harry debarcle, but changed my mind. Whatever Harry is trying to say here in his book. One thing is for sure, it will keep his wife in all the frocks and fripperies she so clearly coverts. Bet l get crys of 'oh no, she's not like that'. You better know she is, and has clearly encouraged the book, netflix and all the rest, regardless of the damage her husband is doing to himself. Sold out to the Yankie Dollar. Sorry, not sorry Tess

    1. Traveller8:28 pm

      As I said, amusing people think they know either of them.

  19. Anonymous9:29 pm

    The royals are silly people with too much privilege and no dignity. Kate spends too much on clothing and Harry …poor chap. Charles is to blame for the trauma he was a bad husband and father . Breeding out needs to happen in their family in order to improve the genetics and intelligence

  20. I have never heard of a life reading; hey, I learned something! I hope yours is accurate and portends a good year for you.

    1. I hope so too dear friend , I hope so too

  21. I'd dearly like one of those life readings... sounds facinating to me. I have always been interested in stuff like this. Sounds like 2023 is going to be a good year for's hoping for you. Poor Harry I feel sorry for him in one way but selling his story to the papers in book form isn't the way to get back in the fold with his family. Who would want to air their dirty laundry in public!

    Jo in Auckland

  22. I loved the top video, pasta making.

  23. Re Harry, I think he has had too much therapy! I have seen several counsellors over the last 40 years. Some were very good others not so much. My last counsellor refused to listen to my complaints about a relative's behaviour and the subsequent lying and just kept insisting that the lies were"her truth". I stopped going and thought I would be better off listening to my own advice!

  24. The two videos were very moving. I'll not be reading Harry's book, not even when it starts appearing en mass in charity shops in a few months as people dispose of it. The things he said in the interview and the quotes from the book just show it as he sees it all, which is fair enough, but family business even royal family business does not need to be aired for the world and his wife to read.
    He has obviously had lots of therapy and some therapists can let the client download all the blame onto relatives and others so that the client feels vindicated with their feelings. Both my sons and my brother have had very similar therapy, but one of my sons hated that he was almost told to blame his parents, blame his employers and blame everyone but himself and he knew that just wasn't how it was. My other son saw both sides to sessions and pulled out of it what he needed, and my brother laid all the blame firmly at everyone else's door. I think you can guess which one is the one that still actually needs therapy even though he can no longer get it!!


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