Dim,Dim, Sweet but Dim

 I think it’s time for a Roger update, given the fact he’s now been with me six months now.
He is 18 months old and not a puppy anymore.
I snort….yeah right! 
There is no hiding the fact that Roger remains dim. Even with the girls providing the ideal role model, he still has not mastered the art of jumping into Bluebell for his morning walk and stands clumsily on the sill waiting to be helped.
Getting out of the car is easier, as all you have to do is pull his lead and hope for the best, but even then, that is a bit of lottery of how he in fact lands. He’s no cat after all.
The cottage stairs he has mastered, and to be fair he makes a rather good job of them once he gets his legs going. 
It’s a bit of a “hurl himself hopefully at them” sort of thing but it works…..eventually.

Like William before him , he is a gentle dog. I’ve not seen him chase bees but he’s a big leaf kicker and skips in this autumn like a little boy does in short wellingtons.
Uncoordinated but delightfully gauche.

Since everyone’s hormones have settled, his resting relationship with Dorothy is somewhat non plussed .
He and Mary will play together and Albert is gently tortured until his temper snaps and claws are shown, but for a lot of the time Roger is on guard. 
He patrols the house and the garden with rigorous efficiency being careful to bark his gentle bark at anything new. 
He is friendly with other dogs but is too quick to say hello and has yet to learn manners with a more dominant male. He smiles with his eyes and trusts everyone he meets and in the evenings will curl up on the back of the sofa next to Albert and place his head gently onto my shoulder

In short, he is a delightful dog

Sleeping on my shoulder


  1. In terms of his canine IQ, I guess Roger is the opposite of a Border Collie. If he went to school he would be in the special needs class.

    1. This comment made me laugh out loud

  2. A beautiful and fun addition to the Gray household. Wouldn't it be boring if they were all the same and behaved perfectly !!! XXXX

  3. Attaboy, Roger! We love you madly no matter what your I.Q. is.

  4. We all learn at our own pace. At least he's gentle and well meaning. Better that than aggressive and yappy. And what a face - who couldn't love that? xx

  5. Roger sounds just like Mavis. Alan used to describe her as 'having the brains of a rocking horse' ... which I told him is very cruel. She does work hard to learn things, but needs to be reminded regularly and she is the sweetest little girl ever.

  6. They are all different with their cute and sometimes not so cute ways, just like humans. When anyone takes on a pet, rescue or not, you never know. It's a lottery waiting to be revealed. Roger fits into your household very well.

    1. He does and I’m grateful for that

  7. Roger sounds great. Can you post him to me. Ah, probable twenty year life. 65+20=85. Nah, forget that.

  8. Roger sounds like a charmer -- And unlike a Scottie in so many ways.

    1. I’d forgotton just how taciturn scotties are

  9. Traveller12:43 pm

    They all have their own personalities. One of our cats isn’t the swiftest in the bunch. He is a straight forward uncomplicated lad who enjoys life. A simple soul.

  10. My thatch is a "chatty " dog as the Vet kindly put - and he can be the cause of my stress on walks - but as his mother I do adore the little so and so - He may look similar to your Roger but naughtier x

  11. Oh, those bright little button eyes in that curly face!

  12. Traveller1:04 pm

    Dear Anon - not 100% sure that Roger’s reading ability is quite up to the level of being able to read this blog.

  13. Had to grin at Traveller and agree. We had a Golden Retriever who was worse than Roger at being a problem solver and remembering things. It just makes them so much more endearing. ❤

  14. Anonymous1:17 pm

    John says he’s such a good person .Calling someone stupid is not a nice thing to do

  15. My son has a dim dog. That dog loves his daughters and they love her, which guarantees that poor dim Izzy will be a key player in his life for as long as she breathes.

  16. A sweet dog, found the right pack to join.

  17. Perhaps he has too much sweetness in him to allow for a great deal of intelligence. And that is just fine.

  18. John you have given him a delightful reference. He sounds lovely.

  19. Anonymous2:51 pm

    Perhaps he has outsmarted the others in subtle ways.

  20. He sounds like a lovely dog and sometimes a dim dog is a much more content dog. This works for people too:)

  21. Perhaps the rather delightful Roger isn't as dim as you would think.....he may have realised that if he waits you will lift him into Bluebell. Crafty thinking !

  22. It's sweet the way he lies on your shoulder! It's been my experience that male dogs are often not quite as quick on the uptake as females. (Which may be over-generalizing, but whatever.)

  23. Are either or both of the female dogs pregnant now? Will puppies be arriving w the springtime? Will you have Roger and/ or the girls neutered while still young? I remember how Winnie was so ill late in life.

    1. No puppies, he’s been book for his February ob since November

    2. Oooh. Kinda disappointed here. You'd be a fabulous puppy daddy and so much blog material for us to enjoy.

  24. I think the word innocent is how l see your description of Roger. But he has the others to look out for him, so maybe he doesn't have to do too much thinking or planning.
    Having had Rotties, who are definately super smart and switched on. My two miniature shihtzu 'wards/ temporary guests' who l thought were going to be both dozy and docile are anything but and the lengths they go to to steal the cats food is to be seen to be believed. They hoodwink me into thinking they have left the kitchen, double back, hide, l then leave the room, they scoff whatever is left and then bark indignantly as l have shut them in. Who's the dopey one now!! Tess x

    1. I must admit he’s bright when stealing the cat food is concerned

  25. The most important thing is...that he's a nice chap!

  26. Endearing soul, loving. Perfect companion.

  27. Barbara Anne4:42 pm

    Roger seems a fine fit for your family and hope he learns to jump into Bluebell in due time.


  28. My romanian has become a clever bugger - bless the baby - He asks to go outside and thinking he needs to toilet I let him out - again and again - He stands on the lawn looking at me - no toileting at all - I say yumyum and kissing noises and he runs in for a treat x

    1. He's trained you well, flis! xx

    2. My current pug does this too! Where did I go wrong, my other dog got it right away.

    3. Pugs are mischievous

    4. Yes, that is their charm. They are catlike and funny, smarter than they want you to think. My childhood dogs were Pointers, noble, calm, intelligent.

  29. Roger sounds like a lovely young boy. He is still coming in to his own and has skills to learn. Everything will come together eventually. In my experience, male dogs take more time to learn some skills.

  30. Anonymous6:09 pm

    So sweet. Sometimes very clever dogs are anxious all the time - dim can be happier.


  31. Roger sure is a sweetheart even if he'll never be a Nobel laureate.

  32. He is a loving hound..and looks to fit in with the others.
    Well done Roger!

    1. It feels as though he’s always been here

  33. Anonymous7:00 pm

    Of the three dogs I've had as an adult, the "dimmest" of the three was also the best pet I'll ever have.

    1. Anonymous7:00 pm

      Oops - commenting as Carol in Philadelphia

  34. You love your pets, John, and it always shows in your writing. xx

  35. Such a sweetie. Are you sure his hips are OK? Just wondered as he doesn't like jumping in the car or is awkward going down the stairs.

    1. Barbara Anne10:53 pm

      Good question!

    2. No he stretches out on the floor like all pure breeds

  36. I met a Chocolate Lab' puppy for the first time yesterday. After he'd become enthusiastic about our meeting I was left with two very large muddy paw prints on my trousers.

  37. Roger sounds so endearing! He will bring you much joy.

  38. He sounds lovely and has a perfect place in your family.

  39. The sweet younger brother. He sounds like a lovely dog.
    Boys are a bit dim generally in my opinion but more affectionate, I am thinking of my grandson when he was small.

  40. There's nothing so marvelous as a dog. I am glad you have each other.

  41. Roger seems so perfect to me. A docile, happy dog who is learning his place and wants to sleep on dads shoulder. What's not to love.

    Jo in Auckland


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