It hasn’t got light today, just a damp sort of dark twilight pervades everything 
I took myself off to the Mostyn Gallery to see the Cerith Wyn Evans’ neon light sculptures which ironically push out more light than anything else here in Wales today. 
I bought sushi cabbage from the street food deli and katsu curry as an afterthought and sat reading a few books in the cafe at Waterstones until it was time to get home.
I’m getting my monies worth  from Netflix later 


  1. The Cerith Wyn Evans’ neon light sculptures remind me of the scribbles our little granddaughter keeps doing in her drawing book with dry wipe markers. Maybe she could be offered an exhibition at the Mostyn Gallery too.

  2. Call me old fashioned but - Before I looked closer I thought "oh no" Who has done That - The B******s x

    1. Anonymous4:57 pm

      your wish is granted, you're old fashioned.

  3. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a damp, grey day - short of hibernating (which I always feel like doing on such days). xx

  4. The neon works---labor intensive yet pointless, except for the intrinsic ability to provide light on a dark day?

  5. Are you watching "Treason"? That's one of our current Netflix shows. We've got those dark skies today too!

  6. It's as dark as can be here too today.

    Oh I miss hours in Llandudno's Waterstones café with a few books and as many coffees.

  7. Cool exhibit. It was beautiful here today, but the sun sets in 5 minutes.

  8. Anonymous5:22 pm

    Did someone get paid to make that rubbish?

  9. I love those scribbles of light!

  10. I am fascinated by those sculptures John - wish I could see them 'in the flesh

  11. Just imagine that being done with sparklers on a damp and foggy November night! It captures that...and gets people thinking and talking..success!

  12. If that is "art" then I totally missed the Art Boat! What a waste of time and money!

  13. Those "scribbles of light" made me smile just now, even though I'm only looking at the photo! Thank you for this on a grey California day, sweetpea! xoxo

  14. Reminds me of the sculptures in Conway Castle. Spending an afternoon in a gallery and reading sound delightful.

  15. I think the art is interesting, but I agree that it is extravagantly wasteful.

  16. Barbara Anne11:57 pm

    What an interesting light display and it does look like scribbles. You do find such interesting placces to go and amazing things to see (and eat) what it would bee fun to tag along - if only there wasn't an ocean in the way. Oh, and lack of energy on my part.


  17. I wonder if the sculpture changes every time it's exhibited. I imagine it has to.

  18. Anonymous8:17 am

    It should be viewed in a darkened room with black floor. This setting is not good.

  19. My cats - or, indeed, MOST cats - would be frustrated out of their minds watching such a display of beams of light. When a reflection of light from my watch face appears by chance onto a wall they become entranced by it and very soon can't help chasing and trying to catch it, something I find so amusing.

    1. We used to call those reflections "kellys". No idea why. It is funny watching cats chasing light beams, or looking behind the TV for the football that's gone out of shot. xx

  20. I've never heard of cabbage sushi. Is it stuffed cabbage? (The culinary sentences are the ones that immediately catch my attention. I don't understand much about art.).

  21. I imagine that sculpture would look better in the dark.

  22. I like the neon light sculptures. A shame I can't see them in the flesh, as it were.


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