The Storyhouse

 My course is set at the university department at a local college. 
It takes 35 minutes to drive there. 
The library Support is great but the coffee is lousy.
The Storyhouse library on the other hand is just 25 minutes from home.
There are no staff, save for the cafe and restaurant people, but the coffee is glorious and is brought to your table.
Guess where I am?

True I’m going to see the film Corsage later, but for the time being I’m enjoying the atmosphere and am pretending to work as I’m half listening to the conversation one of my fellow “ students” is having on the phone. It sounds as though his mother is poorly and is “ not responding “ to treatment. 
He put his head in his hands for a moment and a woman opposite to me lifted her eyes and caught my gaze for a fraction of a moment.
Frank Sinatra is playing softly and a couple of old men are playing chess on a nearby table.
I read about the advantages of goal setting, but I found myself watching another couple who had just met on their table and who were chatting loudly , another girl on my table sighed loudly and muttered “ Bollocks” as she typed angrily at her laptop. 
I ordered some Lebanese chicken and pitta for lunch and made notes, 
The room sounded restless , like an audience does before a play and all my table mates pretended not to watch when my lunch arrived. 
It tasted divine , full of spice and lemon and with salad leaves which I ate with my fingers
I checked my T shirt 
Good no yogurt down it yet…. 

I wrote around a page of notes before a gaggle of mums and babies in strollers marched through to the public space in the foyer. One of the old men playing chess shook his read at the noise.
I don’t mind their chatter as my film is almost ready
I always slightly feel that I’m on holiday in the Storyhouse
I get up and a man with a paper and a glass of red , takes my place


  1. In my university days, I could not bear any distraction when I was studying. The Storyhouse library would not have suited me at all.

    1. I couldn’t go there if I had to write an assignment YP

  2. Anonymous2:43 pm

    It sounds like hell on earth and your smelly food was deplorable.

    1. Barbara Anne2:46 pm

      Tsk, tsk, Anon. Judge not.

    2. Anonymous4:55 pm

      Here we go.

    3. It tasted and smelled delicious

    4. Oh Anon, you must be such an unhappy person. It's such a shame that you feel the need to try to spread your unhappiness around. Is there something any of us can do to make things better for you, or do you just need a time out?

  3. Barbara Anne2:45 pm

    The Storyhouse sounds glorious and am amazed youo could get such an interesting meal there. Hope the movie was worth your while and that you have a lovely day afterwards.
    We're ex expecting storms and all is gloomy outdoors.


    1. The film was somewhat of a disappointment , it dragged..I walked out after 60 minutes

  4. I'm guessing you're in Chester as I recognised the name having been up a fair few times when my offspring was doing his degree there. Fabulous city. Arilx

    1. Yes it’s not even 30 minutes away , it’s my place to go and go to place

  5. You are the main character in your life John - to be whoever you wish x ☕

    1. Anonymous6:43 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. People watching (and listening) is a wonderful pastime, much more interesting than studying. I feel I'm there at the next table when you write. Thanks! xx

    1. Thank you, I so enjoyed watching the room today. It felt vibrant and almost as though I was on holiday

  7. Sounds like a great spot!

  8. I must admit I like the library to be quiet. Last time I went a group of playschool toddlers were sitting in their little corner , singing " the wheels on the bus go round and round" .I'm afraid I left without choosing any books..couldn't concentrate. They were enjoying themselves tho, bless them.

    1. I get that too caz and I agree, perhaps I was only being lightweight today in my study

  9. I love that place. What a wonderful place to people watch. There is such a variety of people and ages and walks of life. Even pudgy American grannies!

  10. Good coffee, food and seating/workspace is important. Storyhouse ticks all the boxes and even has a great atmosphere.

    1. You have been susan?

    2. I wish! Coffee shops near me do not compare to what you describe and your photo shows. Sandwiches and scones in plastic bags. Poor coffee. Seating is not comfortable.

  11. Eavesdropping is one of my favorite things to do. You hear the most interesting things. Sounds to me like you found the perfect place for it and you can eat and study there too! A sort of perfection.

    1. Sharing a table, you just can’t help it
      So it’s not rude doing so

  12. John libraries in the US no longer require people to be quiet... just blows my mind.. and totally ruins the library experience for me... My local library several years ago also moved to a different , more modern location.. its bright , airy... and just well , totally wrong.... However , any other place than a library and your location sounds like fun.. i LOVE people watching and eavesdropping...with a good cup of coffee .. all the better.. Hugs! deb

    1. I sure everylibrary will have a quiet area for refection and study

  13. Just more evidence that you are more civilized over there than we are here in Texas. The concept of a Library that serves food and drinks to its patrons just boggles my mind.

    1. It is also a meeting place with dozens of organisations having forums there, lots of formal and informal groups and teachings, a large performance space , a professional theatre , and art house cinema , ain informal mini theatre , children’s rooms,
      And an extensive reference library

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Cafes can be so entertaining with all the people-watching. I used to write in my journal 20+ years ago while sitting in coffee shops, and it's so funny now to read about the people I saw (and heard!) around me at the time.

  16. Anonymous5:05 pm

    This sounds like my kind of place. I will be residing in Llanelwy in a couple of months, so I'd love to know where I can find this haven.

    1. a google search shows this:

    2. Llanelwy is st Asaph , the place of my birth ….you will be ten minutes away

    3. Chester 40 minutes away

    4. St.Asaph is not far from your current abode. We looked it up on Google earth. We are buying a house in St. Asaph and will move just as soon as UKI can get the visa together.

  17. Fun but not productive for serious study? Maybe Starbucks take out coffee and the uni library when serious work is planned. ///I wonder if people realise they are being listened to, watched, and judged? No eating out for me bec of Covid resurgence so I guess I am safe, will whisper in future tho.


    1. Just watched and listened to lizzy …the Storyhouse has private study areas in the old cinema balcony and in the reading rooms and atrium near the cinema entrance , I liked watching the bustle

    2. What a fascinating concept/ place. Warm and enjoyable.

  18. Sounds like the beginning of a story of a life story coming up. The beginning of the series or movie . The first scene. :)

    1. I guess we all are participants in hundreds and thousands first scenes …if we only knew it

  19. I knew one or two comments would be of the disapproving kind I am always surprised at how I can pick them. I am too a person for silence whilst studying... but otherwise your location sounds perfect for my number one pastime of people watching. It makes for a fascinating couple of hours trying to guess about people. The grub sounds fantastic too.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. It’s a library jo but is a multi use one, people can choose quieter parts of the building if they need to

  20. I would spend hours in a place like The Storyhouse, although they wouldn’t be as magical as your descriptions.

    1. Next door to the Storyhouse is a refirbed market with bespoke eating places and a new cinema ( no yet opened) it looks fab

  21. Let us know when the movie comes out. Who plays you? Always interesting to read your take of the world around you, John.

    1. Russell Crowe if he’s still alive

    2. Anonymous8:07 pm


    3. Of course !!!! Who else???

    4. I should have guessed Russell Crowe, the perfect choice. If he met you, he'd be honored.

    5. grandma sandy are just a big hug and a kiss that everyone needs. Yes , you are right ...Russell Crowe would be honored. He only pretends....John is the real thing.

  22. I enjoyed your description of the cafe. I almost felt I was there.

    1. I’m pleased, that was my intention x

  23. ohhh sounds like my kind of place, wonderful.

  24. John, you are such a good writer. You are able to "capture a scene" with vivid words. As I was reading your post, I felt as if I was there.

    1. As I was at your engagement ..I’m jealous but congrats xx

  25. One reason I'd be reluctant to go back to school is I've never been good at studying on demand, which you have to do to get through a course. All that noise you describe would just be too much, but honestly, even if it was as quiet as a Trappist monks' library, I would still have a hard time studying if the subject didn't absorb me. Yet if the subject DID absorb me, it could be as noisy, and as musical, as a shopping mall at Christmas, and I'd still be able to study. But I guess that's why it's called absorption.

  26. A great place to just be part of something so alive and interesting while enjoying good food and drink too! Sometimes a bookshop cafe works for me to feel part of life if it's a cosy one with pleasant staff.

  27. It sounds like my perfect place to go, drink coffee, eat food, people watch ... and just pretend to study. I find that I need almost total silence these days to be able to properly digest information.
    What a shame that the film didn't live up to expectations. :-(

  28. That library sounds wonderful, books AND food?!! Wow. I would be in pure heaven, minus the loud people. I've had to fix that for myself with headphones and earplugs, which I now carry with me everywhere. Can't make others heed my need for quiet. Too frustrating. I used to think I was broken because I didn't handle loud, cacophonous noise. Found out it's just how my brain is wired. As always, thank you for a piece that paints a vivid picture.

  29. A wonderful narrative about what is happening around you, and in your head. Practiced writing, it takes time and work to develop that talent. Thanks for taking us along for the afternoon.

  30. The Storyhouse library is the ideal place to write, all the more so since it feels like a holiday.
    You have a rich vein of material, both your professional and private lives, your friends, family and pets, your eye for detail, your ear for conversational gems.
    No need to strain for plot and thematic development, the astonishing tapestry is all there around you !


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes