Sex at Bwthyn Y Llan

 Bwthyn y Llan has never been a hot bed of sin to be sure.
Ok, I’ve had my moments, this is true, but Don Juan is not a nickname the neighbours have or will ever give me.
I’ve booked Roger in for his castration in January and after a couple of years of barren wilderness 
Dorothy is now suddenly  in full season. 
Subsequently Roger has become a panting, blob of hairy jelly and Dorothy has suddenly morphed into Rita Hayworth in Gilda.
The air is electric , and filled with eager panting and lots of come hither looks. 
It’s like a soft pot video with 12 nipples and fur.
I met my sister in law for lunch today at Bryn Williams and took Roger with me . He sulked like a teen and only perked up when walking back to the cottage to see Dorothy flashing her toilet parts at him through the cat flap with a lascivious look on her face


  1. Quit with the virginal pretence x

    1. Hormones mave, you will remember those

  2. Anonymous4:58 pm

    How big is the cat flap? You could see not only Dorothys rear end but also the look on her face?
    Embellishing a story doesn't always make for better reading John, it just makes the whole tale sound unbelievable.

    1. It’s a story anon….do yourself a favour and let yourself go a little, but then the post is about sexual fun and I suspect that’s something you know nothing about

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    4. You are not hijacking a simplistic , banal and silly post Ursula , not again

    5. Oh yay, ursula is back. What's the emoji for sarcasm?

    6. Don’t worry she will be always deleted m I will not allow her to hijack simple posts for the hell of it

    7. Anon needs a 'good seeing to', maybe it would make them feel a little more 'chilled out'!
      Of course, as they spend their sad little life sitting hunched over a keyboard, just waiting to spit bile, it's never going to happen!!!

  3. Anonymous5:02 pm

    This was truly hilarious! I was laughing out loud. I really always enjoy your posts so much, but this one was in a class of its own. I can just see it.

    1. I SO agree with Nina, this was a great one. ;) Not were I thought you were going with this title or the first line.

    2. Female bulldogs ( all four I have owned) all have turned out to be sexually promiscuous

  4. So plenty of time for the patter of tiny paws then!

  5. I wouldn't wish to be castrated myself so I have great sympathy for Roger. Couldn't he just use "Woof!" canine condoms instead?

    1. If only ….remember he’s dim….his little grey matter is totally sex orientated at the mo

  6. Oh, I thought this post was going to be about you having a steamy night of passion! The image of Dorothy giving come hither looks to Roger is hilarious. Poor Roger, all those hormones! I hope the vet gets to him before Dorothy does, otherwise you'll be overrun with little fur balls. xx

    1. I don’t think he can quite “ reach” if you see my meanig

    2. Anonymous9:40 pm

      Stranger things have happened in the world of dogs. Best to keep a close eye on the two of them till Roger's surgery, and for however long afterwards your vet suggests. Carol - a reader in Philadelphia

  7. I thought you had booked yourself in for a moment.

  8. When I walked in the house with my little teddy from a quite basic old fashioned dog rescue where he hadn't had his parts checked over previously - he weed up the walls and humped my large lily all day - Next day he went to our vets for assistance x

  9. Barbara Anne6:02 pm

    Never a dull moment in the cottage, John.
    Still laughing here.


    1. I’d find it funny if I wasn’t watching them all like hawks

  10. Oh, Dorothy! He's far too young for you, old gal.

    1. And she’s surprisingly slutty, like her old friend Winnie who was a whore

  11. Poor Roger that the price of lust is castration.

  12. May I add - though my teddy was nipped he is stiill amourous 8 years later with my lily x 🍒

    1. Anonymous9:46 pm

      Dogs will still hump after castration - it's a dominance thing. They'll hump other males as well as females. My last dog was like a school yard bully, humping younger and smaller dogs for most of his life, despite being neutered at age 6 months. But at least no progeny resulted. Carol in Philadelphia

    2. Humping with blanks is fine x

  13. Yorkshire Liz7:17 pm

    The mind boggles! Good luck with all that......

  14. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Roger's cuteness was too much for poor Dorothy's body chemistry!


  15. Some would argue that point to the nth degree

  16. Gilda - now there's a good film noir. Your post made me smile. Dogs - my male Border Terrier would need a step ladder to get at my female Wirehaired Pointer when she's in heat. Then again bitches are known to lie down to accommodate males of a smaller stature. Filthy hussies! Have been looking to buy some dog diapers as an extra precaution. That and keeping one or the other of them confined to barracks (a large crate). It's all go.

    1. It was sad when Rita said “;everyone wanted to sleep with Gilda but woke up with me”

  17. Just curious- what are you doing to prevent Dorothy from getting pregnant? In my experience it's always been next to impossible to keep a randy male away from a female when she's in heat. That is true for dogs as well.

  18. I've seen the lady parts of bitches in heat and they're hard to miss. Thanks for making me laugh:)

    1. That was the idea of the whole post
      To make everyone including myself laugh

  19. Also disappointed, thought it was about you not about doggy sex shenanigans

  20. I thought you had exciting personal news to share w us, darn!

    Maybe you will have cross breed puppies this spring! designer pups: "welshiebulls''? Look like Dorothy but really hairy, hmmm...

    Time for D too to have the snip, unless anesthesia is a major issue? Remember how Winnie suffered w the uterus problem later in life. And last..treat your cottage and D to female doggy diapers, Amazon is your friend.

    love lizzy x

    1. When it happens I will let uk know lol

  21. Sounds like Dorothy is a cradle robber! Nice to see an older woman with a young man!

  22. Those would be some strange looking puppies. Lust is in the air.

  23. Will there be a mistake breeding LOL

  24. I wonder if Dorothy is perhaps too old for a first [presumably?] litter. Or even if she had pups pre-John. And you know...what about Mary, not interested? they d be purebred puppies.

  25. I can't recall when something made me laugh so hard. I am just glad it is you and not me.

  26. JG, house of hormones raging. Are you prepared to referee?

  27. You're much braver than I am! One of them would be taking a holiday at someone else's house.
    Great post!

  28. Billy has had 'the snip' but his ardour still emerges. I'm ashamed to say that he does get things very wrong occasionally.

  29. A good thing it's only a doggy thing to flash your lady parts through the dog flap! :)

  30. Goodness me, your randy pets need to calm down a bit before they spontaneously combust.

  31. Victoria10:29 am

    My terrier puppy used to behave inappropriately with a large fluffy slipper shaped like a cow owned by teenage son. Needless to say he (the dog not the son) was booked into the vet quickly .......

  32. Oh John, you have a way with words. Got a good chuckle this morning. This is why your blog is the first thing I read every morning. Love you!

  33. Wonderful, awful imagery here, John. The sex lives of our pets can confound us -- if you think dogs are difficult, hark to the tales told by parrot-rescuers. (They stock up on those stuffed birds sold for training hunting dogs...)

  34. I saw hotbed of sex and Roger's castration and for just a moment couldn't think of who Roger is and why you're having a man castrated! It gave me a good laugh, as does your writing.


  35. John, this post made me laugh so much I nearly fell off the chair. You do have a lovely way with words. Thanks for cheering up an otherwise boring shift. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  36. I laughed out loud. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and an exciting New Year.

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