

This morning I took Roger to Porth Eirias  where I met my friend Polly for lunch at Bryn Williams
By 3 pm I felt all talked out after at least seven hours solid chatter since Colin arrived yesterday. 
I needed the company of friends this weekend 
After lunch Roger and I braved the Promenade wind and now, as it’s approaching four , the dogs , Albert and I are heaped untidy bundles on the coach as the fire roars.
We underestimate the therapy which is chatter.
And when I say chatter, I’m talking about that proper two way interaction with friends .
The mixing of ideas, serious one and the frivolous , the sharing of confidences ,silliness and laughter.
It makes you feel more human 
Doesn’t it?


  1. It sure does. And friends you can “chatter” with are not easy to find.

  2. Traveller5:15 pm

    I think much depends on whether you are an extrovert or introvert. I am introvert and when I feel strung out, the last thing I want is company. Luckily my partner is also introvert, more than I am. But we have been together so long, I think of him as part of me.

    Glad the chatter worked for you. Strokes to Albert

    1. Again, if you are in a couple you can afford to be quiet and introverted . The company is always there

  3. Barbara Anne5:21 pm

    I'm so glad you've had Colin and Polly to chat with and agree it's verbal therapy as well as good fun! I'm just off the phone with a dear friend who lives halfway across the continent from me (we moved) and is memory care now. We're both quilters and have been friends for 30 years. She cannot talk about current events but we can talk for hours about things we shared further in the past. It does our hearts good.
    Stay cozy with the family!


  4. I have a few "chatters" that are perfect to visit with. We can pick-up the conversation where we left off at. Good for the soul.

    1. Balance is also good. Tonight I’m watching tv in the quiet

  5. Yorkshire Liz6:12 pm

    Sounds like perfect therapy and excellent use of time. Christmas is always an anticlimax, and the weekend before Christmas is often the worst time of all. You dealt with it well. Lovely photo of Roger; can't help but feel there should be a think bubble caption!

  6. and able to continue along the yellow brick road with a little skip again x ๐ŸŽ ๐ŸŒˆ ๐ŸŒ

  7. Good to have someone on your wavelength, who totally gets you. You seem to have a few such people, you lucky man, John. Roger is so photogenic. xx

    1. I have several close friends , they are my life

  8. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Life would be very boring without my dear friends. Each one brings something different the table.

  9. I just wrote about that today. Connection is so important. We can drift about but it is nice to know that there are our tethers out there that help keep us here, ready to face the next day.

  10. It sounds great! I chatter with my daughters but nobody much else. It will be hard to fill the gap when they move out

  11. Friends to chat with are all important. Friends that you can laugh, cry and do everything in between are precious. You are a lucky man. Sweet Roger is very photogenic; all his photos are good.

  12. Yeah, sometimes there's nothing like a good chin wag!

  13. Anonymous11:56 pm

    I have two really good friends who I have known for years and we can chat on the phone for at least an hour,sometimes longer.Bx

  14. Maybe it does or maybe we feel more human when we have silence and time to contemplate, to recollect and to look forward.

  15. I can do people for 3 hours tops. Then me and just me is fine with me. :) And Gemma (our dog) who doesn't talk, most of the time.

  16. I think that you need both the introspection and the connection and chatter with others.

  17. I went out to dinner with my sister yesterday and we had a good chatting session. My first such session with anyone in quite a while.

  18. When I am with my tribe, we can go on forever, it seems! We can be silly, and can have very deep and poignant conversations. We know when we are getting tired and need to go, and no one is offended. It's lovely being known!

  19. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Chatter of friends is soothing medicine!

    1. Anonymous2:02 pm

      Sez I, krayolakris (not Anonymous).

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I definitely need chat therapy. I chat on the phone with one of my friends almost daily. She's always been a talker so I tend to think of her as the reason we rarely miss our daily phone call. Then when we miss a day or two due to one of us being busy, I feel out of sorts, like something is missing.

  22. Loneliness is no one to talk to, even if someone is there.

    You are a very outgoing, gregarious man, a true extrovert. Good to see you w friends.

  23. I had lunch with my friend Carol on Saturday. Time spent with her renews me, so I understand what you're saying.


  24. Yes John it does. Days when I have visitors as well as my carer I feel more my old self. Brilliant as my carer is.

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