Last Night Out

 “ Darling John I need a hug “ 
You always know you’ve had a Chic Eleanor welcome 
Hugs and darlings all round
Heads turned in The Crown .
They always do when she’s around.
She smiles wildly and flicks her hair like Lee Remick did in the 60s

I had the stroganoff and she had the chicken 
And we talked like two old friends do when they are on the same wavelength 
I’ve done lots of talking the last six days, 
Lots of friends ……now it’s back to work for two nights now 
Then it’s back to my sister Ann’s for Christmas. 
I’ve always had my best Christmases at Ann’s ..


  1. Your Chic Eleanor has the most beautiful face John x

  2. Barbara Anne11:13 pm

    So glad you've had such a joyful time with friends and will have more joy during Christmas day with Ann and the family! Nother better!
    Chic Eleanor is as lovely as ever.


  3. Eleanor has a luminous quality

    1. I love that she has a “ following “

    2. Happy Holidays, John. Enjoy, it sounds great.
      I shopped today for stuff for the next few days, we are supposed to get snow and freezing rain tomorrow and Friday, with a half inch of ice covering things even walking is treacherous.

  4. Oh lucky man. That's a Christmas tryst a chap couldn't turn down! No mention of a pashmina?

  5. Anonymous11:45 pm

    I am reading a book by an author from Glasgow, William MCilvanney, and the main character is a gritty detective called Laidlaw,, and the landlady at the B and B tells him someone is waiting for him in the lounge who looks like Lee Remick. Lee Remick was in a movie with Glenn Ford and there was a scene that terrified me, when the bad guy comes into the women’s washroom where she is, he’s disguised as an old woman.

  6. You know how to make and keep good friends. Not everyone does.

  7. Where do we sign up for the Chic Eleanor fan club? Do they sell T-shirts? There was a pop song in the sixties called "Elenore" by The Turtles..."Elenore, gee I think you're swell..."

  8. Anamaria1:23 am

    Happy Holidays to you and yours, all the way from North Carolina!๐ŸŽ„

  9. Anonymous2:13 am

    You bring us joy everyday. Thank you, dear John. Have the merriest of Christmases. Love from, Gail in California USA

  10. Happy holiday, John.

  11. I like the sound of your 'Chic Eleanor', do sent my best Christmas wishes.

  12. Anonymous6:46 am

    Lovely. Merry Christmas John.
    Alison in Wales x

  13. Family, friends and chatter - what Christmas should be. I hope the 2 work nights pass quickly and peacefully. xx

  14. Eleanor sounds like such a glamorous, fun and kind friend. You do have some great family, friends and village neighbours! So good to be able to hug at Christmas again too.

  15. Anonymous8:10 am

    False and pretentious people who put on a show for effect are perfect aquaintances for insecure people. You can hide behind them acting out their part and feel bolstered to be in such company.

    1. Anonymous9:06 am

      Perfectly put. Thank you. It was all done for show, including writing about it. Just like Andy Warhol and women.

    2. You are jealous - Clearly ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‡

    3. I’m interested in just why this comment was made and the real emotions behind it. You couldn’t be more wrong about Eleanor she is. Neither false or pretentious , far from it in fact.
      There is, you are perfectly right, a showy aspect of presenting it. But I’m more interested in why anon you feel you seem to have the need to be critical and outwardly unkind?
      Perhaps you are the one being bolstered by such comments?

    4. Anonymous2:20 pm

      flis why do comments made to John affect you so much?

    5. I won't keep quiet when someone is being abused

    6. I’d prefer it if you kept silent flis x

    7. Ok John - but not elsewhere x

  16. It sounds like a “darling” Christmas. You're surrounded by love and you share it.

  17. Happy Christmas dear one - enjoy.

  18. Has my original comment gone to Spam?

    1. Yes yours and Tom’s and Steve’s often disappear there

  19. John, I am wishing you a Happy Christmas and each and everyone of your loyal followers. Yes, even the anonymous one whose heart is filled so with hate and that gives no true reason for the ugliness that is spewed forth. Again, Happy Christmas to all!

    1. I’ve just posted my video Christmas card to you and others here xx

  20. Enjoy your family at Ann's home on Christmas. Here in Michigan USA, we are expecting 5 to 8 inches of snow and wild winds/drifting with single digit tempertures. I may or may not be able to get to my daughter's house which is on an unpaved road, but I remain hopeful. If not, we will all get together the next weekend, as that is what we did last year, because of Covid in the family. Aren't friends like Eleanor the best? They are the bright spot our world and we are blessed by their presence in it.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Talking to a real friend is grand. Happy Christmas, John.


  23. Merry Christmas dear heart, from a snowy and cold Tennessee.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes