
 The Community Choir’s Christmas night at the Eagle And Child pub was a rather emotional affair all told. We haven’t had the traditional night out since well before the first lockdown and singing together in public remains a novelty since zoom choir .
We had a rather nice meal and a catch up. Heulwen, Margaret and Dave, from Trelawnyd were there, Hattie turned up from the local nurse picket line and sang and the lovely Lindy swished up like a younger / trendy Margaret Rutherford without her Charlie .( Charlie was her dog who used to join in when we all met up on zoom over lockdown )Gentleman farmer Peter who I sing next to  was there too in a fetching Christmas shirt
I promised myself to video the whole  performance but I so wanted to sing with them……I didn’t .
I’m so hoping to get back to choir in March .
Conductor Jamie ( Sans his RAF. Moustache ) led the charge in the encore and his new project of Only You  really impressed me as it was so difficult . 
Here are a few snippets of the evening .

Off for a meal with Chic Eleanor this evening


  1. Anne Brew12:56 pm

    Our choir performed in a church on Psalter Lane last Tuesday - our new musical director is young, very good and improving in confidence every week. He likes us to sing unaccompanied which makes the harmonies sound wonderful.

    1. The acoustics would be wonderful Anne , tell me what you sing

  2. Sounds like pure fun, we need that.

  3. Your choir gathering to sing live at the pub with a good audience is great for everyone. Your music director knows how to engage the group and after a long haul with Covid this is heartwarming.

    1. He’s a live wire for sure …and loves to play to an audience

  4. Cameramen don't normally sing along. They are meant be like flies upon walls. All the same, lovely videos that speak of a community having fun together.

  5. A choir singing is often a spine tingling experience as is singing in one. It must have been lovely to all meet up again in the pub after such a long time. XXXX

    1. Yes, It was lovely and strange all at the same time

  6. Barbara Anne2:29 pm

    Music and a night to make the spirit soar and feel welcomed home, too. Ta John!
    Do please share with us the menu you and Chic Eleanor chose.


    1. I had beef stroganoff and Eleanor the chicken supreme

  7. Looks like a good time was had by all. I love Jamie's style of conducting and the choir sounds great. Enjoy the meal later. xx

  8. You ''wear your heart on your sleeve" as the old adage goes----gives the lie to stoic Britishers. [there! lots of cliches trotted out today!].
    Jamie looks very handsome without the odd retro mustache. Did you see Hattie's baby, toddler now I suppose.
    Have fun tonite again w CE and her pashmina. Hope the fur children do not indulge in orgies while home alone, do let us know.

    1. Of god Lizzie , I turned my back for literally 5 seconds to Open the door to the postman today and he’d mounted Mary

    2. There ya go, babies on the way.

    3. Ohh how lovely -You'd better start knitting John xx

    4. A Rogering from Roger - well done that young lad and not so young lass. Can't fight biology (well, until yer nuts get chopped off, I suppose)

    5. Unless I have misunderstood the comment: "... to open the door to the postman today and he’d mounted Mary." The postman? And which Mary?

  9. I love Jamie's fun enthusiasm - and cheeky dancing x

  10. Anonymous10:12 pm

    this lifted my heart, thank you! Susan M/ Calif.

  11. Rather touching that.

  12. That was a fun piece! When I saw the title, "Only You," my mind went right to The Platters song of the same title. I used to sing/kill on purpose that song to my sister's fox terrier, Hamilton. He would drop his tail and walk right out of the room! :-D Then he would do that to, "Hamilton, do you want me to sing to you?" :-D This was way before cell phones but we sure wished we had captured that on video tape... Miss you, Hamilton! (the dog) Merry Christmas, John!

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