It’s Almost Christmas

 I will report on the Choir Christmas Night out tomorrow 
But today I’ll report that I’m feeling a little more Christmassy 
Just Outside the village to the East is Jackson’s Garden Centre
Every year the garden centre gives every house in the village a gift, a small pot of spring bulbs 
It’s a lovely thoughtful gesture  and one that surprised me again this afternoon.
Animal Helper Pat , called around with a gift of bara brith wrapped in silver foil and a huge sprig of holly and Sailor John left me a bottle of bubbly and a card .
Tomorrow I’m meeting Chic Eleanor for an early supper in the pub ….lovely


  1. Sounds like everyone, including the Garden Centre, is full of Christmas Spirit!

  2. Barbara Anne12:21 am

    What delightful gifts you've received from friends and the gaarden center and that you're feeling more Christmassy! Surely you'll sing better now that your spirits have lifted! I look forward to your report tomorrow.
    Enjoy you early supper with Chic Eleanot r, too.


  3. Christmas giving and sharing is a lovely part of the holiday. Unexpected thoughtfulness shows warmth, appreciation and caring. Tonight, I gave the Amazon delivery driver a box of chocolates and wished him a happy holiday. His surprise, big smile and thank you was touching.

  4. This sounds like a lovely gift that came from the Garden Club. Your village is so special and so are you.

  5. That all sounds wonderful!
    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a good 2023!
    Linda from Alabama

  6. I finally put up a tree last weekend; now it looks a bit more Christmassy but I still don't get the vibe. Christmas was always a trying time for me as a child and as a wife. Now I have my lovely partner it should be different... but I think many ugly pasts have spoiled it somewhat for me. I am just happy to have a day or two off.

    But I would like to wish you a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful 2023 whatever you are going to be up to. Much love to you and your fur babies. Give Albert a special squoosh from me.

    Jo in Auckland

  7. What a very kind tradition from the Garden Centre.

  8. What a wonderful gesture by the garden centre. Husband is having trouble getting into the festive spirit. I've offered to put on my 'Santa's little helper' outfit but, unfortunately at my age, it just looks sad.

    1. Now this mad me laugh out loud !
      Season's greeting to you !

  9. All such lovely gifts, and things to look forward to. I was sorry to miss the local Christmas Carol service as it makes me feel truly Christmassy.

  10. What thoughtful gifts all round. The true spirit of Christmas. xx

  11. Unfortunately as per there are problems approaching the festive period in this household - I will do my best however to find a glimmer of happiness with my beloveds x

  12. Do Fireman Sam and his crew also live in Trelawnyd? It may be the real name of Pontypandy.

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