Dust on the Candlesticks


I prepared cold Turkey slices and fried eggs for breakfast.
A treat as I listened to Kirsty Young on Desert Island Discs , which, not surprisingly proved to be another treat.
I could listen to her all day long.  
I paused her interview to catch up with friends Ruth in Findhorn and Ben in Seoul on zoom and finished it after I came home later, after having a walk with Roger and Gorgeous Dave.
It’s just past 1pm , and already I feel as I’ve done a lot .
I sit at the kitchen table, my back to the window sipping coffee.
All I can hear is the wind, which has picked up from the East.
And notice that the candlesticks need dusting


  1. A little dust never hurt....all the best to you John x

  2. While you've got the duster out, could you pop round here, please! xx

  3. Boxing Day . . . back to the real world!

  4. The color of that lap blanket or whatever it is is so gorgeous.

  5. Traveller3:16 pm

    Love that art wall.

    Kirsty Young was wonderful. The comments she received about her voice were appalling. Good to know the country has moved on a bit and you don’t have to go to a certain school, tailor or have a certain accent to be deemed competent!

  6. Yorkshire Liz3:54 pm

    That low, over bright winter light shows up every speck of dust, every smear on the window and every crumb on the worktop. As if we don't have enough to do without all that extra noticing!

  7. A little dust never hurts and is never ending. Catching up with Ben and Ruth sounds great. I am doing the much same with friends and relatives living abroad.

  8. I wondered whether Ruth was returning to findhorn - I had a book once about it - If dogs are allowed I may ask to join and live there happily ever after - Too much dust under the carpet here x

    1. Anonymous3:07 pm

      Perhaps when you're an adult flis.

      Do tell how you get dust UNDER the carpet.

  9. Is the dust etc a metaphor?
    Beautiful photo, imagine the joy of sunflowers in late December! And the magenta/ purple mohair throw is gorgeous.

    1. Probably getting too deep for myself

  10. Barbara Anne5:59 pm

    What eye candy is in your photo, from dogs, to that colorful throw, to your sunflowers and art wall. A visual delight!
    We caught up with DS1 and DIL on a vidoe chat yesterday - fun and heartwarming, as I imagine your chates with Ruth and Ben were.


    1. It was lovely to see them as well as speak to them

  11. I always love to look at the photos of your home. So much to see and enjoy especially when a furry friend is about.

    1. Thank you , one of your pieces of work is on that wall

  12. Damselfly7:05 pm

    What a cozy and comforting photo! Truly delightful to see this corner of your home. Again, thank you for sharing your heart & hearth. And for goodness sake, don't sweat a bit of dust here & there. 😊

    1. No, I just noticed it, I didn’t dust it away lol

  13. Sounds like time for a nice lazy afternoon nap.

  14. Anonymous8:57 pm

    The Stalker
    Interesting pose from the doggies….why the faces down?

    Contemplation ? Ignoring each other? Giving youcold shoulder? Or may be they wanted Turkey for breakfast and were

  15. You have such a lovely collection of bits and pieces. The dogs on the chair look very peaceful. Sounds like a good day, even if you did notice dust on the candlesticks. Very hot here, not at all pleasant.

  16. And I've just noticed that behind my laptop needs serious dusting!

  17. تعتبر شركة مصر للمصاعد من اكبر شركات مصاعد في القاهرة كما تقوم شركة مصر للمصاعد بعمليات الاستبدال والتجديد لجميع أنواع المصاعد بمعايير مطابقة للمواصفات العالمية.

  18. I noticed today that my sideboard needs dusting, but if I did get out the feather duster the tinsel would need to be moved and everything would be disturbed right in front of the television where it would bug me for a few days until the decorations come down. So I have renamed it my Christmas Dust and it can stay for now.


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