Christmas Morning

 I woke around 4 am.
Somewhat breathless .
I have a post covid cough which sometimes feels worse in the middle of the night.
I couldn’t sleep, so I’ve pottered around a quiet cottage. 
I showered and tidied up. 
I walked sleepy Welsh terriers and drank a smooth cup of coffee at the kitchen table
I cleaned the carpet where Albert christened with pee, a foot from his litter box
And I tried to read my book club book
My cough settled down and I moved to the living room where I sat sipping the cold coffee with the lounge window open. 
Listening to the rain.
Dorothy walked heavily from upstairs and stopped halfway to peep through the bannisters at me I told her I was coming back to bed soon and she returned to my bedroom with a snort.

Apart from when I’ve been working I’ve never been up at this time on Christmas Day since I was 10 


  1. Wishing you - and your 'family' - the happiest of Christmases, JayGee. I hope you can give yourself a nice surprise or two. Have a splendid day.

    1. And I hope you had a peaceful day raymondo xx

  2. Anonymous7:14 am

    Merry Christmas to you and your furry family.

    1. Lots of anons today xx

    2. Yorkshire Liz8:50 pm

      I don't think it is trolls, more that folk cannot work outages new comment system.

    3. I’ll take nice comments anytime Liz xx

  3. You never know what Christmas morning brings. I remember staying up late/early ? to set up Santa gifts. I loved the quiet with music playing softly. Santa always left foot prints from the fireplace to the tree.
    Merry Christmas to you and the furry ones.

  4. Being able to potter around..bliss!

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your dear animals. May your day we full of food and drink, joy, good company and lots of laughter

    1. Every box were ticked today 🎄⛄️🍗🐕‍🦺

  6. Anonymous7:27 am

    It's much the same at my house, but I woke at 11:30. :( Pat

  7. Yorkshire Liz7:27 am

    Pottering without any pressure whatsoever is a very quiet and calming Christmas treat, And a lovely bit of downtime to recharge the batteries. Love the idea of Dorothy peeling through the banister then going back to bed. That is one chilled Christmas canine. Have a peaceful and precious day. My lot are on call, so may end up, as often, keeping up the Christmas cooking while they deal with one medical emergency or another....usually kids and new trampolines or scooters. So pass the coffee!

    1. She’s a diva and was just grateful I didn’t walk her

  8. Merry Christmas, John the dogs, feel better!!

  9. Anonymous8:07 am

    Merry Christmas from a follower in Amsterdam x

  10. Merry, merry Christmas John ...... wishing you a wonderful day with your family. Sending lots of festive love. XXXX

    1. It was lovely to see them got some cracking gifts

  11. A pottering Christmas day sounds good. My plans have been scuppered, as husband has a nasty virus (not Covid) and has been sweating and coughing like a good 'un for 3 days. Visiting the kids/grandson will have to wait.😭
    Hope your day is filled with good food, family, friends and love. Merry Christmas, John and love to the fur gang. xx

  12. Happy Christmas John - That coughs awful - I've been off since the end of last month - The other week I had been coughing ,pain in my chest ,breathless and eventually took to the sofa - I phoned drs and they sent me to hospital -I had heart monitors stuck on,blood tests and a blood test he said for oxygen levels in my blood - and x ray in case I had a clot on my lung - Diagnosis the coughing had caused muscle pain - I'm able to go out but still drained -I am telling you this in case you have forgotten about clots x🎄

    1. Thank you flis. 0lease take care of yourself 🎄

    2. thankyou John - may I add what the nice handsome Doctor - dark as I like them said - use some painklling gel and rub it around - he did the action - So helpful x 🎅

    3. Anonymous10:05 pm

      He needed to show you how to use painkilling gel? Didn't you have a guardian or a responsible adult with you?

    4. I didn't ask for a demonstration either - I am so lucky that I meet such lovely people x

    5. Anonymous10:40 pm

      A handsome doctor rubbing gel on your chest? In your dreams flis

    6. No in real life way back - But in this instance it was on himself - O K ? x

    7. Anonymous5:56 pm

      It was way back? But you said it was "the other week" and that you've been off since the end of last month - how could that be way back?
      You've tripped yourself up there flis - care to elaborate? Or shall we just put it down to your usual life in fastasy land.

    8. thought you may continue your interrogating - My Dr sent me to hospital 2 weeks ago last friday 🌪

    9. Anonymous6:58 pm

      2 weeks ago is what you call "way back" - good try but unbelievable as are most of your fabricated comments.
      No reply required but I'll bet you can't resist leaving one as no doubt you'll return to the same post over and over again as you continually do. However I won't be here to see it, you'll be talking to yourself. Bye.

    10. Oh yes you will - as you are so troubled I shall try and help you - Way back an alternatve dr did just that with oils

    11. Lol, catching up with blogs after Christmas and finding comments almost as entertaining as the actual posts, although I do wonder flis why you always feel the need to be so involved with John's blog.
      Hope your cough soon improves!

  13. Sorry the post-covid cough kept you awake. Hope you still enjoyed the magic of an early Christmas morning. That look and harumph from Dorothy would make it worthwhile.

  14. Merry Christmas John (you weren't secretly up early hoping to catch Santa coming down the chimney - were you?). Hope the cough swiftly goes away.

    1. I’d be happy and any man creeping into the cottage

  15. A very Merry and Blessed Christmas to you John and a thank you for the many years of great reading I have enjoyed here.

  16. Nadolig llawen John, and to your furry friends. ❄❄⛄⛄⛄⛄

  17. Merry Christmas John and the fur baby’s x

  18. Merry Christmas John and a Happy New Year. I hope you're feeling a bit better now. Jean

    1. I’m fine xxx a lovely restful day with family

  19. I may have already said this but Happy Christmas to you and your family both two and four legged and thank you for your blog which I read every day even though I only comment sometimes x

  20. Merry Christmas to you JG xxxx

  21. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Merry Christmas John and all the furry ones! Thank you for sharing, I look forward to reading every day.

  22. Anonymous1:23 pm

    Happy Christmas John, It’s 7.15am a bitterly cold 23 below in Winnipeg. Good wishes to you and your family including the ones with the extra legs. Pretty quiet here, just me and a turkey about to go in the oven.

    1. Anonymous2:08 pm

      Hugs to you in Winnipeg if you’re on your own (well, hugs anyway)

    2. Keep warm and keep safe x

  23. Peaceful start to the day. Merry Christmas John, Albert, Dorothy, Mary and Rogerxx

  24. Merry Christmas from S. Colorado!

  25. Merry Christmas to you, John! I hope that cough subsides.

  26. I hope Santa didn't miss you out because you were up waiting for him.

  27. Merry Christmas!

  28. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Merry Christmas John, to you and your 4-leggeds. Thank you for your blogging. It’s a real treat.

  29. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Merry Christmas and happiness and good health in the new year. Bonnie in Minneapolis

  30. Merry Christmas, John. Wishing you all the best in the coming New Year. --Elise (now in Arizona)

  31. Merry Christmas, John. I hope your dinner is delicious and your glass is full this evening. Cheers.

    1. The meal was the best Christmas dinner ive ever had, it was cracking

  32. Anonymous3:33 pm

    Merry Christmas

  33. Ellen D.3:53 pm

    Merry Christmas, John! xx

  34. wishing you and your pets a happy Christmas :) I am a 4am restless walker - it's the best time of day, the world asleep and nothing but your own thoughts :)

    1. I hate being awake in wee small hours
      Absolutely hate it

  35. Geez go back to bed. Have a fun dinner later! Happy hols!

  36. Merry Christmas John! Is it possible that your kitty may benefit from a pet anti-depressant? Not sure if the peeing is due to age, or new pets. When I and my cockapoo moved in with my guy (10 yrs ago), his kitty started peeing inappropriately. After ruling out a UTI, he was ready to take drastic measures. No, no, no! I looked up kitty Prozac, and she was resolved in a day. It was amazing. Kitty Prozac and doggy insulin kept everyone going for a few years.

    1. His urine is clear of infection
      I hope it’s just a reflection of cold weather but I will take what you suggest seriously thank you tara

    2. I know you would have checked for a UTI. You are a nurse! Thank YOU for listening. Our kitty's nose was out of joint, and when I say it was amazing, she stopped peeing inappropriately within a day. She was not happy that I and my dog moved in with my guy. I will say, I took damn good care of that baby while we had her. I'm not a cat person, but when I sat down on the steps, she knew she was getting treats!

    3. I’m going to the vets with Mary so will ask x

  37. Merry Christmas, John. I was up early too, with Olga wagging her tail and whining. These animals and all they put us through! :)

    1. Indeed, sounds as though you’re better, that’s good x

  38. Happy Christmas, John. I was up early, too, cleaning up after a tomcat who over-indulged in his stocking treats.
    Today he and his feline brother and I will avoid the minus-amazingly-low wind-chill by staying snuggled inside, watching the birds feast at the patio feeders. Quiet blessings --we haven't lost power & the pipes haven't frozen.

  39. So nice to be able to go back to bed! Dorothy is so sensible. Lol.

    1. She only wants to leave bed when it’s light outside

  40. Barbara Anne8:39 pm

    Don't you love a quiet house when the world indoors and out is still asleep? I do. Last time I was awake that erly was when our sones were little and were so excited.
    Nice that Dorothy has come to understand your words!


  41. Anonymous11:01 pm

    It's already boxing day here, John, but I hope you and the bests have a lovely day. Tina in west Australia. Ps yes anon because on my phone no matter how many times I try to log in the comment it just disappears and I'm back to square one!

    1. I’m working boxing day night and hope to have a walk with Dave in daytime x

  42. I hope 2023 is a good one for you!

  43. Merry Christmas dear friend. All is peaceful and calm here this Christmas night. Relaxing with some cordials tonight.

  44. Merry Christmas, John.

  45. And nearly over.....hope it was lovely for you ...and that in 2023 you are healthy happy and solvent xx

  46. I , reading too quickly I expect, read that Dorothy peed through the railing at you. What a trick that would have been and thought I had missed your new boy Randy. Hee Randy Roger. Hugs and fine Christmas wishes to you and yours. Glad your meal was lovely. Makes everything better.

  47. Merry Christmas from a very cold South. All the best to you.
    Linda from Alabama

  48. Anonymous12:42 am

    Really sorry that you are not feeling well. Sending you warm wishes from Australia.

  49. Merry Christmas to you and your furry family 🎄x

  50. I woke this morning to a small present on the kitchen floor (a first in years), I think it must have been the result of Billy having been given too much Turkey.

  51. Merry Christmas!!! Sending warm wishes from across the pond!

  52. I think Christmas Day is the only time that a 4am wake up seems somehow more magical than annoying. Pottering around, breathing in the icy outside air from an open doorway and marvelling at the unusual silence as the deserted roads and pavements wait for others to awaken.

    But going back to bed to keep Dorothy company sounds like it was a very good idea.

    Happy Christmas John. xx


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes