
 I’m sat in X-ray waiting for my appointment . 
I’m fifteen minutes early.
I’m early for everything I do.
I’m very seldom late.

I was musing about this fact only the other day. 
And now being early is a long term friendship joke.
When I’m off to the train out of London at say 7 am, Nu will often say that I’m catching the afternoon train home.
She knows me well.

I know myself very well too.
For this abhorrence for lateness comes from the constant and low level anxieties a child has when going to school.
As young twins, my sister and I were taken to school by my father, who was notoriously bad tempered in a morning. He was also slightly lazy and would not be hurried by school rules so every morning we suffered from anxieties bordering on abusive levels when trying not to chivvy him into snapping but balancing prudent silence against encouragement to get through the school gates on time. 
That constant, low level anxiety shaped a need to be always on time if not early.

It’s not rocket science 

I took the dogs down to the beach after the hospital visit, came home and prepared a Korean fish curried soup which is simmering on the stove . 
I’ve done laundry , moved half a hundred weight of kiln dried logs from the driveway into their store by the kitchen door and have had to sit down as my back is aching like a nun’s knee
Time to watch the latest Walking Dead on Disney….
What strange bedfellows


  1. Lynn Marie1:12 pm

    You've given me something to think about today as I go about buttoning up my condo for winter here in Maine. Early.

  2. Traveller1:42 pm

    I am more of an “on time with a built in cushion against traffic or other delays” type of person. This mean I am invariably early.

    A very close friend is the opposite - “see you at 11:00” - tends to mean “I’ll start thinking about leaving around 11:15 and, depending on whether I come off the line, I’ll probably see you closer to 12:00”

    1. Once you know the rules it’s fine , but learning them , often can be a stressful process

  3. Like you, I'm always on time. It is interesting to know where our habits originate from and even lock in to our every day life. That said, being on time or even early is good manners. Being late, says, I do not care.

    1. Most of our quirks and habits and baggage’s are set in stone in childhood . They often can be explained away if you look close enough

  4. Does your twin sister similarly show up early or on time for everything now, too?

    1. I’ve never noticed her ever being early to my extent , in fact I think she’s slightly late

  5. My mum said it was rude to be late - Better to be early than late - I met someone who I am certain did it on purpose - for all but their mother - Very rude x 🤦

    1. Fashionably late
      I’ve never understood the reasoning

  6. I am always on time or a bit early as I like to allow for getting lost just in case...

    1. Catching the Irish ferry home the other month was a logistical nightmare for me lol

  7. Like you, I hate being late. I'd rather be an hour early than 5 minutes late. When I worked in a junior school, we never chastised the children for being late. After all, it wasn't their fault. And as you found, all it does is make the child anxious. Hope the x-ray is productive. xx

    1. Can X-rays be productive?
      I had an ultrasound

    2. I meant, I hope you get some answers. xx

  8. Also a member of the terminally early club. I have a very relaxed husband though, so we're usually just a little early. Unless I'm on my own.....hehe x

  9. Barbara Anne2:47 pm

    Like you and others, I need to arrive a bit early, everywhere, and always. DH has two delightful aunts who are always late in the 51 years I've known them.
    Hope your x-rays are enlightening to the doctors and to you.

    DH made corn chodwer lasst night. Yum!


    1. It’s strange but my sisters , tome , never seem to be on time

  10. I think to some extent we all learn to walk that tightrope as children... I come from parents that the Father was manic depressive and alcoholic Mother... We all do what we have to do to come out alive from our childhood with hopefully as little baggage as possible.. I don't like to be late either.. but i think that comes from my husband.. a retired military man... lol Hugs! deb

    1. My mother was seldom up at breakfast time

  11. I used to walk to school and was never late. Then we moved to a village on the outskirts of town, and dad drove me every morning. The new dual carriageway was just being built and the inevitable traffic delays made me late, every single morning. Thankfully the school headmaster also lived in my village, and suffered the same problem, I was never given a "late" mark because of it. I'm always an early bird to appointments or gatherings, it was taught by my grandmother. xx

    1. I was so happy aged 11 to be allowed to walk the 2 miles to school…I was always early then

  12. Anne Brew3:58 pm

    I can't bear being late.
    An inability to be on time would finish a relationship for me before it started.
    That and them being religious.

    1. Really ? You’d finish a relationship for lateness?
      Lol I’m not as bad as I thought x

  13. I am always early also, often times to make sure when in an unfamiliar area, that I get where I need to be. Why does the association of Disney and The Walking Dead seem so very wrong to me? Walt must be rolling in his grave. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. Yes the two don’t go together at all

  14. I am also early. Being late is insulting to the other person unless it is unavoidable. Sorry about the sore back. I assume you have something to ice it with.... I keep a bag of unpopped popcorn in the freezer and take it out and use it as a cheap ice pack but don't know if they sell bags of unpopped popcorn in your neck of the woods. I used to use frozen peas but they would melt and cluster and be a hard rock- didn't work. Take care, dear John- I read you first thing every morning and last thing at night.

    1. I’m flattered dear lini.
      The back is just a product of doing too much lifting and being 60

    2. Here, you can sew up rice in cloth bags to toss in the microwave as a heating pad. I bet they could be frozen too. I always need heat on my back.

  15. I am almost always very early for everything. Otherwise, it’s high anxiety to make it on time.

    1. I’m glad I’m not just the only one

  16. My father INSISTED that we were on time. As a direct result I arrive early. Sometimes so early I have to go for a walk before I go in. And I always have a book with me.

  17. Being online for me is at least 15 minutes early

  18. If I am going somewhere unfamiliar which is common in my day to day job I jump on Google Maps before hand to find out exactly where I am going. Then I make sure I leave in good time to arrive at least 10 - 15 minutes before I need to be there; any later and I am sweating and twitching with anxiety. Rather be an hour early than late at all. Glad I'm not the only one.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I get the twitching and sweating thing all too well

    2. I get very dizzy too and stumbly x🐣

  19. All I am wondering is why you needed an X-ray. Did I miss something?

    1. I had an ultrasound and no you didn’t miss anything x

  20. Anonymous10:02 pm

    'My back is aching like a nun's knees'. What a great description! I've never heard that.
    Hope you are rested now, John!

  21. This is a timely post as just yesterday after nearly 10 years I ran into the person who taught me to have a horror of being late.

    I was working the 6pm to midnight shift and this person was meant to take over from me at midnight. I cannot remember her ever being on time.

    Usually she would show up 5-10 minutes late. The girl I was working with who arrived at 11pm was her good friend and would sign her in on another computer so she wouldn't get into any trouble for being late. BUT the 5-10 minutes was sometimes 45 minutes, and sometimes after 10 minutes her friend would call her to find she was fast asleep and she lived 30 minutes away so then it would be an hour, and sometimes she would just not turn up at all.

    These days if I am late, the people I make appointments with know to be worried, because it truly does only happen in the event of an actual emergency. Usually I am 15-30 minutes early.

  22. I always arrive at the allotted time. My obsession also comes from my school days, where some bastard of a senior boy would give you a good thrashing if you were two mins late to make his wretched toast. I'm now a very good timekeeper.

    1. Gwendoln12:42 pm

      Thank heavens things have changed and older boys can no longer trash younger ones.

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  24. I once was waiting at the airport in Glasgow to pick my mum up and my husband pointed out that her plane had just taken off from London.


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