The Little Pink Spot


I’m deciding who will get what” 
My patient was a single woman in her early fifties, and she was making copious notes on a Basildon Bond writing pad.
Her answer was a reply to my finger pointing 
I sat down and waited for the rest of the story.

My patient was due to be discharged from hospital later that week. 
She had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer for a while now and this was to be her last admission for any medical treatment  . 
When she deteriorated further she had asked to be sent to St Lukes, which was Sheffield’s hospice at the time. 
I knew she lived in a large family house in Broomhill, which was the trendy and expensive suburb of the city, 
Her house, she told me , was filled with trendy objet d’art .
She was a popular woman too…who went to the Crucible more than I did 

It was her collections and belongings she was worried about .
She wanted the right thing to be given to the right person and was worried that her will , although completed was woefully inadequate for the job 
So she was making a list. 

I had an idea.
I rooted through the ward clerk’s cupboard and found several sheets of multicoloured coloured stickers 
“ Put a sticker under something you want to leave someone and leave your executor the key “;
She thought it was a fabulous idea so much so that she promised to leave me “ an item” for having the idea when she got home. 
By the end of my shift she had such a long list of bequeathed gifts , she had to enter various symbols and letters inside the sticker so that things could be allocated .
I never saw the patient again . I never heard from her executor either 
The pink sticker must have fallen off ……….

Post script 
In the top right hand drawer of my lovely new office desk, in the west wing of Bwthyn y Llan is a sheaf of multicoloured stickers . I bought them in 2009 from Woolworth’s in Prestatyn before they closed and
Someday in the future , I will take the day off ordinary chores and activities and I will amble around my cottage putting stickers on every last bloody thing 

There is some strange satisfaction at this simple thought


  1. My dear , that shall be quite the job and hope your stickers need replaced before your time to go comes.

    1. Lol I think behind and underneath. Most would be safe

  2. I like the idea of handing them out ahead of time if possible. The big things anyways.....

  3. My ex MIL has a fab collection of original art. Many years ago she asked which painting I'd like when she was gone and she duly wrote my name on the back on one that I'd always admired. I was just wondering recently if I'd ever get that painting when the time comes for my ex husband as her executor. Maybe one day I'll be surprised!

    1. Lol my ex husband told me after his death I could have a painting we bought of a bluebell wood.
      I was moved until I remembered that I’m 8 years older and unlikely to get it lol

  4. Anonymous9:50 pm

    It is kind of sad to think about all that, but I get it. My Mom when she passed never layed out a plan, I am executor and it is still an ongoing progress for over a year. It pays to have a plan. My wishes it is all executed as you wish. Suzy

    1. For various reasons this resonances with me at the mo

  5. My mum has started complaining that nobody is showing any interest in her stuff but we all think it would be bad form to outright put dibs on anything!
    Great idea, John. I wish you had received an item

  6. A great system so long as the executor knows the colour codes! And, as you say, if the stickers don't fall off.

  7. Everybody needs a plan. If there is no plan, fate prevails.

  8. I always liked the idea of the kids sitting together taking turns choosing. The real fear is that none of them will want any of it, lol.

  9. Anonymous11:26 pm

    My mom had a large collection of vases. She gave each child and grandchild (in laws too) 10 stickers with our names on them. We picked the vases we loved as reminders of her. The only glitch in this system was that we had to be careful not to dislodge the stickers when we washed and dried nearly 200 vases for her. Lynn

  10. Wow. I need to ponder this.

  11. When you put on your stickers, pick out something extra cool for me and I'll do the same for you. hahahahaha!


  12. Anne Brew12:09 am

    I like it when you mention Sheffield. My adopted city and one I love. It didn’t take us long when we moved here to realise that Broomhill was outside our price bracket.

    1. It’s my home town , too
      Always will be

  13. Reminds me, some years back all three kids were in Montana, I was doing something in the back yard, came in to find them in the living room...talking. "Ok, but I get this" one said, pointing. The others nodded. "Fine, but I get this" another said...I went back outside..

  14. Why were you in Xray? I hope you are ok? My stuff is going in a dumpster I know. Tastes change, heirlooms are unwanted.

    Oh and I am generally maybe on time or a smidge late. Early is as rude as late! I grew up in a late household, except my mom who had no opinion. My dad was notoriously late and [before rigid screening] he'd get me to the airport barely in time to make the plane. He'd say, ''They won't leave without you.'' Now the backstory is, my dad was an air force pilot who later flew commercial planes. One day I had an epiphany as I ran for a far gate at OHare---'Daddy you think the plane won't leave w/out you because YOU are the pilot! The rest of us get left behind.'' [he smiled."There's always another plane..."]

    Remember, early is as rude as late. And w doctors always ''running late'' and being so self important, it doesn't hurt a bit to be late for them.


    1. I would like some of my loved pieces to go to someone who will love it , even for the shortest of times
      My sister is wise, she said
      You never own antiques, you just look after them for a while

  15. I do hope someone didn't pick a sticker off a carefully chosen gift intended for you John x 🎁

  16. I think that's great idea, just make sure the sticky back is long-lasting!

    1. My ex promised he left me a beautiful painting of a bluebell wood in his will
      Pure bullshit

  17. It would be very satisfying to go round the house with coloured stickers! But to be safe, maybe have a back up plan of a photo list of named items which you keep safe or put on a USB stick with your will maybe?

  18. We went and made a will recently... om fffing god what a can of worms that opened. I nearly divorced my not married partner.. I have children he doesn't. It makes it oh so complicated as I want to leave them a share of my/our property in my will...I nearly broke my neck trying to accomodate everyones wishes. Nighmarish and very confronting. I should have been a loose woman.. it would have made everything oh so simple... pity I am too old now hahaha.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Oh yes. Best to keep a will very simple

  19. We've got very simple wills. Everything to the surviving spouse, then 50:50 between our 2 children on the death of the other. Their tastes are so different to ours, so they can fight it out between them and sell what they don't want. I like to think they'd keep one item each at least, as a little memento. xx

  20. Those stickers are a brilliant idea. My aunt, a collector of valuable antiques, talked about what she wanted a few very special people to have. I told her to put our names on those things, but she never did. The vultures circled when she died and I stayed out of the way.

  21. My mum's friend did this to much hilarity from everyone but it made everything so much easier when the time came plus they all had such happy memories of the conversations.

  22. Could you put a Yorkshire blue sticker on Albert for me please?

  23. What a good idea. Although I suspect that most of my stuff will end up in a charity shop.

    1. Mine too, but I’d be happy that perhaps a few dozen loved pieces will be recycled

  24. Having settled a couple of estates, it is surprising what people don't want, still estate planning is as much about the person as those who things are left to.

  25. Ooh Basildon Bond! Only used for special letters, a lovely thick texture. The memories are rushing in- thank you x

  26. Anonymous11:42 am

    St Luke's is still Sheffield's only hospice, providing care not only for patients but for their families, both at the hospice itself and in the community.

  27. Anonymous11:50 am

    Are you serious? The sticky backs probably won’t stick if you bought them in 2009. You know they still make multicoloured dots. Just go and buy some new ones.

    1. Anonymous12:03 pm

      What’s with the attitude ? Jesus!

    2. Anonymous3:43 pm


    3. Stars would be nice x ⭐

  28. Family law attorney advised us to urge elders to "keep the knickknacks out of the will." Instead, leave the executor a "letter of instructions" which lists who gets what. This saves fees since the letter can easily be changed without involving a lawyer. Attorney also said jewellery, "the real stuff", should be professionally appraised and listed separately "since this is a bone of contention that is usually well gnawed."

    1. Yes I was told that by my solicitor

  29. Barbara Anne1:52 pm

    Great idea! Sadly, our sons don't want our old furniture, mmade of good, sturdy wood and previously wonned by parents or grandparents. Who will want my fabric stash?! My lovely abundant number of earrings? Time will tell.


    1. Perhaps you should choose a recipient

  30. My grandmother put a sticker on the bottom of everything that was ever admired in her house. The name of the admirer was written directly on the sticker and after her death, "the admirers" received their gifts. My siblings and I still joke about writing names on the bottoms of our treasures but I don't think any of us has actually done it. It seems a tad too premature.

    1. So it seems a more common event than I realised

  31. Can we baggy what we want now 🤣🤣🤣 { just joking anyone who thinks I mean it !!! } It's a great idea and will give peace of mind. XXXX

  32. I have got as far as putting stickers in my address book to indicate which entries need telling of my death.

  33. Anonymous8:23 am

    Among my mother in laws belongings was a duck that used to hang on her wall the other two over time fell off and broke. The one duck left had also fallen off many times was chipped had a broken beak.
    That duck was the one thing our daughter asked if she could have as it had always been on her grandmother's wall flying alone looking for its sister and brother. That memory stayed with her from childhood. Our daughter has had the duck over 20 years now break still broken rest of it chipped but it is cherished and kept out of love.
    It's not always the big or valuable things people would like.


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