
 Roger has a sore ear which he’s been scratching too much, (he’s presently asleep sat up on my lap)
I’m worried about money as a mortgage rise is on the cards 
I’ve put myself down for some extra shifts .
The new washing machine is playing up too and I fucking forgot to activate the warranty 
Bluebell has her MOT and service tomorrow 
On a positive note
I’ve cracked Google classroom.
I’ve got in two hours of study today and yesterday 
I’ve lost 5 lbs this week 
And the noise from effin Charley, the loud mouthed Yorkshire terrier from next door has suddenly been at a minimum recently.
I wonder if he’s passed away
Is it bad of me to say that I hope he has? 

A little bad
A little good 

Normal, boring life I guess 

Roger , collapsed as I watched a recorded bake off


  1. Anonymous9:48 pm

    oh goodness indeed. Poor pup, as for you good job on your studies. And a yappie dog cross fingers went on the rainbow bridge, highly unlikley. but fingers croosed I am bad as well. Suzy

  2. No , I think he was nicked when he had a hair cut

  3. Yes, life always has its ups and downs, doesn't it? I hope Roger's ear clears up on its own.

  4. We have a fixed mortgage rate.. do not have that where you live? Hope Roger feels better soon..

  5. Mastering Google Classroom is good news. A little healing salve might help Roger.

  6. Just had to renew a mortgage on a house I own with our son, old rate 2%, new rate 5%. To keep the payments affordable he had to take a 30 year instead of a 20 year mortgage. Payment went from $700 to $900.

    Good luck and consider all your options.

  7. I think your warranty is good once you pay, registering it is just a gimmick for them to take and sell your info. [imho] /// Shouldn't you have a fixed rate mortgage? //Poor Roger, my Mo has a chronic ear problem, has flared again w weather changes. Idiot vet says if he didn't have ''rolls and wrinkles'' his ear would not be infected. Um..he's a pug, supposed to have wrinkles. Wash daily, dry, Otomax for ten days, repeat.

    I hope you are feeling ok, five pounds is great if you are feeling well.

    lizzy x

    1. PS I see Roger's ear is a cut not an infection. New groomer needed?

  8. LIfe is a mix, isn't it? Glad you got the school stuff sorted out, and I hope that Roger's ear clears up. Good luck.

  9. Sorry to hear about the impending possible expenses and increases. It's always something, as Gilda Radner used to say. Our one cat has an ear infection that we treat daily by holding him down and squirting antibiotic liquid down his ear canal. I'm surprised he keeps coming back into the house. Excuse me, you lost five pounds in a week?!?! To do that I'd have to amputate something! Congratulations on conquering your online class work! Onward and upward. -Jenn

  10. Life is such a mix. Money worries never seem to come along one at a time either.
    But your positive list is great!

  11. Troubles never come singly. Hope Roger's ear heals quickly. As Lizzy D says, your washing machine should be under warranty anyway. Sale of Goods Act - item should be of merchantable quality. Contact the seller, it's them you have the contract with, not the manufacturer. Maybe Charlie's owners are fed up with the yapping and have "moved him elsewhere"? Whatever the reason, enjoy the peace. 5lbs - WOW! There'll be nowt left of you at this rate! xx

  12. I think we can say with certainty judging from the photograph that Roger has well and truly settled in.

  13. Money worries seem to be going around lately. I think it is the over all economy.

  14. Hope all goes well.

  15. Normal life is what I like best about your blog, John. Normal life is what I like best about life, period.
    Keep it up, xoxo Kate


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