I Love BBC Radio 4

 If you can,  listen to this, either live  or on podcast.
It’s an often hilarious conversation between two bright Irish women. The author Marian Keyes and actress/ writer Tara Flynn
Simple, engaging, and warm 
Real autumn fodder Radio four does so well.


  1. I cannot stand those two insincere women and their made up problems by fake correspondents. I hate this program so much I have to turn it off every time.

    1. They listened to Fi Glover and Jane Garvey and thought, 'We'll have some of that'.

    2. I thought they had a natural warmth and humour in bucket loads ...how different we all are!

    3. I do like Garvey.....fi Glover makes me laugh

    4. Anonymous4:28 am

      Well I love Tom’s comments but I adore my dear John. So isilll listen in the morning and be honest about my review. Goodnight all from San Francisco

  2. Someday I should learn about the various BBCs. One of them at least puts out some of my favorite podcasts.

  3. Well, sitting here in West Texas listening to their Pod Cast I find them to be absolutely genius. Their talk at the beginning about snakes matches my feelings exactly so anything else they say is made better by that. Thanks for the heads up. I will listen to them more.

  4. I heard them the other night on Radio 4 Extra. One of my other favourites are 'Hudson and Pepperdine', another female pair well worth listening to.

  5. I will have to listen later as too early in the day for me. I tend to listen to a lot of BBC Sounds podcasts which I like.

  6. Must give this a whirl.

  7. I enjoy Radio 4, but prefer Radio 4 Extra. So many good plays and series repeated. I especially like those murder mystery types, where no matter what else iis happening, if it is 5 p.m. then it must be time for a glass of Sherry, and you can always find a policeman waiting on any street corner for a crime to happen. Pure fantasy and escapism! Tess x

  8. Radio 4 is one of my best friends. He rarely lets me down but I'm not keen on "Saturday Live" or the religious claptrap they insist on sharing on a Sunday morning... "Gracious father in the light of whose holy wisdom we dwell, forgive us for our unworthiness..." etcetera ad nauseam. Amen.

  9. The only talking I like are the classic fm presenters - Chatting outside x 🎙

  10. I listened and I'm hooked. I laughed so hard. Thanks for the cheery start to my day!


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