Winter Is Coming


As Carrie Bradshaw would say And Just Like That…’s autumn.
It’s seventeen minutes past six and it’s not yet dawn.
Where did the summer go?
I’ve booked the chimney sweep, and ordered the logs 
And the Bake Off have another motley group of 12 for us to either love or hate over the next few months.
The Christmas request rota is up at work 
The WalkingDead returns for its finale 
And I’ve already sorted through my jumper drawer trying to find ones that will fit.

Where has the year gone? 
Lockdown seems a million miles away now but the memories of isolation make us feed on company more more than we ever did. 
I’ll filling my diary with stuff and I have a list of things to do around the cottage for my last holiday of the year the week after next.


  1. Mornin' John. I did the same with my jumpers the other day. How many days do you work now?

    1. I work 24 hours a week which is two twelve hour shifts…..and I’ve done 1 extra overtime shift to help out x

  2. It's that liminal time between seasons here too, one day it's freezing, the next is sunny and warm, rain, wind, it glitches in and out of winter like a bad radio signal. I hope you find some cozy jumpers and rediscovering your winter clothes is a joy! I'm looking forward to pulling the summer clothes out of storage, some time!

    1. I noticed that cars had their lights on when I was coming into work

    2. Erk, the ends of the days closing in a little at a time. <3

  3. Yes, the air has definitely changed. I hope the price of logs won't go up and you escape a lot of the energy price hike.

    1. I’ve got them booked and paid for

  4. Never watched 'Bake Off' but from above there might be at least three good reasons to give it an occasional peep - and they're all male (Funny that!)

    1. They always have at least one poof on show raymondo

    2. Yes, I got that impression, but he's gotta be one for me to salivate over to be worth bothering to going back for. However, just on the strength of your still photo there seem to be a few potentials here.

    3. The bear is straight

  5. So many signs of autumn now. Different pleasures to look forward to and I look forward to so many. Especially the beautiful leaf colours, curling up under a blanket with a book and a freshness in the air. But it is harder to socialise than in the summer and I do feel much changed after Covid isolation. Will have to make a greater effort to see people then.

    1. I’ve got another London trip sorted with my nephew , we are going to see the musical six ,,I have a railway trip with Nu and hopefully another trip to Barcelona

  6. I'm clinging on to summer for as long as possible. I don't mind autumn, if it's dry and crisp, but the winter seems to go on...and on... and on. All makes me feel quite melancholy. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. xx

    1. Yes , our long awaited rain is due to arrive tomorrow for the week

  7. I love the Autumn fall - I'm not a summer person and am happier when it passes x🍏🍁🍂🍄

    1. Oh I love summer. I love the fact there are no dirty paw prints everywhere

  8. Definitely autumn..look at the hedgerows!

    1. The drought has made many of the trees shut down early in an effort to conserve water

  9. That perfect time of year is coming to the Costa del Sol. I’m ready.

  10. Yorkshire Liz8:34 am

    You same up and suddenly the air smells different, And it is Autumn just like that. The Last Night Of The Proms always means Christmas is on the way. Sorting the garden getting out the dog walking boots. Jam And chutney making.And dark mornings!

    1. Nicely put
      Lighting the fire at six
      The smell of woodsmoke
      And soot

  11. Very recently it was still pretty light at ten thirty in the evening. Winter creeps in so cunningly and this will be one of the bitterest winters our country has known.

    1. I'm not sure everyone has realised this yet YP. It's worrying.

    2. Yes it’s cunning is a good way of describing it

  12. Time flies when we are having fun.

  13. Here in Canada, we get the Bake Off episodes about a year later than in Britain. So right now, I'm watching the last couple of episodes of last year's competition. Different motley crew, as you say!

    1. They couldn’t get any diverse if they tried

  14. The year flies by too quickly, John. I do love Autumn, tho.

    1. At our age , everything flies past too quickly

  15. I just can't get excited about another Bake-Off. We'll probably wind up watching it, though.

  16. Decided to become squirrel like atm. Filling up on tinned foods, freezing foodstuffs that will be useful, looking round the boot fairs for fluffy warm jumpers and other items to keep warm with. Bought a couple of new hot water bottles. Making sure we have candles, batteries etc. Ruthless chuck out of expensive items we will never use or need, Le Creuset Terrine !? for example, then selling them at a couple of big car boot sales and calling any money made ' the fuel fund'. If it is better than they are predicting hey, thats good and if it is worse, well at least l tried! Tess x

    1. I won’t be surprised if we have power cuts at some stage…perhaps not this winter but sometime…I have candles and batteries in stock

  17. I'm happy to see Autumn. The heat of the Summer was horrendous. At least it is cool (43 degrees F) mornings and 70-80 after noon. I want cold and snow this Winter. We'll all be managing the Winter challenges soon.

    1. I hate winter wet..that dirty, dirty sludge wet that winter brings sometimes
      Give me lots of cold , yes but dry

  18. Barbara Anne2:30 pm

    What a delightful summation of your wonderful autumn plans. Hope most of the jumper still fit.
    It's still hot here - 31*C here today and about that for the coming week.


  19. Hot and summery here, blue skies, blue ocean, September at the beach is best of summer. No Fall til November-ish, if then. I am still seeing lockdown repercussions, so hard to get help in or repairs done still. Waiting week three for a plumber just now.

    1. What repercussions are in place lizzy?

    2. Very hard to get workers in for repairs or cleaning, prices are sky high--they ask a fortune then do not show up. Also still distancing and masking in stores, eating outdoors even at friends', masks in a medical spaces. Ongoing anxiety, phobias, nightmares---not just me. Long waits for appliances, new cars, appointments [vet, physicians]. The price of lumber, home reno is popular here, as I think, tripled. And the price of groceries, omg!Usually I'd welcome summer house guests, now I just cringe and wonder if they'll bring me Covid got a house gift. [maybe ''repercussions'' is not the right word--fallout? aftermath?].

  20. The dreaded Christmas off duty rota up already. The stuff of long-drawn-out arguments. Just stopping short of knock down drag out fights. How I miss them not
    Permanent nights - you can work them all. Part time you have to work half of it. The justifications for either, oh the tales to tell. Good Luck with that one

    1. Yes , I’ve put in my requests , a bit of both , with fingers crossed

  21. Yes all the old reminders creep in one by one and then suddenly it is Christmas.

  22. Anonymous11:56 am

    We are escaping Autumn, much as I live it , and heading to Australia for a few
    months . My husbands cancer is progressing ( we knew at the point of diagnosis that he could not be cured) and his recent radiotherapy was palliative. He wants to enjoy one last Australian trip, and is basing his decision on quality of life as opposed to quantify
    I will miss the log fires
    And the Christmas preparations
    But I am supporting his choice
    And Australia is a grand place x

    1. I hope Australia is everything you both need xx

  23. I am really looking forward to Bake Off, it's always a lovely evening the first time I settle down to watch it. Biscuits and a coffee and lots of lovely new introductions. And I always feel really sorry for the person that goes out on the first week. It should be the one week where everyone stays, it must be so hard cooking in a strange kitchen and in a new-to-you oven for the first time.

    1. Yes they should all stay the first week

  24. It is funny. No matter where people are in the northern hemisphere, they all are commenting that autumn is moving in quickly.

  25. Anonymous5:53 pm

    I love the Bake off !!!! Looking forward to it so much xxxx Sally


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