Fa venire l’acquolina in bocca

 After walking the dogs, I slept heavily until 3pm
I must have needed the sleep , for I woke cuddling Albert which never happens when we are both conscious. 
Subsequently I’m on catch up.
The place looks like Coventry after the bombing. 
Having a new puppy is like having a toddler without a nappy and this compounded with night shifts mean than the cottage looks, well rather grubby.
I drove to Sainsbury’s listening to the seven minute Last Resort by The Eagles 
And sang it all the way through.
I bought healthy
Mozzarella, Basil, huge organic tomatoes and a small Italian ciabatta. 
Chic Eleanor caught me by the fruit aisle and peered into my trolley
Fa Venice l’acquolina in bocca” she purred
She’s taught me that phrase before.

I came home and made proper coffee in the Moka pot. 
I gave each one of the dogs a pigs ear ( Dorothy always has two as her mouth is bigger) so I’ve got, I reckon a good 15 minutes piece until they start demanding again.
I pour my coffee and sit at the table 
I need a few minutes to write my blog and chill.
I note I have written several syringe driver readings on my hand in pen
You can always tell a hospice nurse when you see them, written above the glove line.

There’s a Trelawnyd Community Association meeting at 5.30 and because of the brief rain we had everything feels humid and sticky.
I need a shower too
But not before coffee and kitchen table time.
Dorothy kicks the cat flap in a diva anger strop and I let her in. 
Villager Jim is standing outside the cottage on two sticks 
I haven’t seen him since before lockdown. 
He wasn’t well then
We chatted for a while 
“ Apparantly I have  early onset Alzheimer’s John” he told me
“ You remembered my name after three years” I reminded him
“ Oh yes I did” he said rather pleased with himself.
Roger threw up his pigs ear onto the patio and Dorothy gleefully sucked it up.
I took my coffee and ipad into the living room, pigs ear smell is revolting

Winifred’s Rubber chicken lies forlorn on the carpet.
And from the kitchen I can hear Mary chasing Roger outside in order to bark a welcome to another passerby…Dorothy joins in because she feels she should 

Nothing is still except the chicken

I may light the log burner tonight


  1. Anonymous3:30 pm

    Loved reading about your eventful day so far - that bit about you and Albert was priceless!
    Wendy (Wales)

  2. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Hi John, I always enjoy reading about your day. Life is never boring with pets!
    Take care.❤️

    1. Thank you Robin…I needed to see the funny side of things today

  3. "I woke cuddling Albert which never happens when we are both conscious" -- hahahahahaha! And when you awake, I bet neither of you looks the other in the eye for awhile, eh?

  4. Log burner!? No wonder you were feeling all autumn-y.

    My first pug was addicted to pig ears, current pug has never tasted and never will. Doggy crack, they love them. $$$ here as I recall, too.

    1. The smelly the food the bigger the dog appetite , mine love garlic and Parmesan

    2. But pig ears are the ultimate, greasy, stinky, crispy.

    3. Only when chewed , they are usually dry

    4. https://www.amazon.com/123-Treats-Chews-Natural-Certified/dp/B007B4PNL4/ref=sr_1_21?keywords=Pig+Ears&qid=1662347689&sr=8-21

  5. Pigs ears sound disgusting, but if the dogs like them... Maybe Roger wolfed his down too quickly. Your villager Jim story touched me, as I'm sure it will touch many who have had loved ones with dementia. Sadly, we all know the trajectory of that disease. Don't overdo the cleaning of the cottage. Remember, you work part-time now, so have plenty of time for housework. Pace yourself! xx

    1. The community meeting took an hour and a half and I declined gin and tonics afterwards as the velvet voiced linda pours crackingly strong gins

  6. I have never seen a pig's ear other than on a pig and really don't think I want to.

    1. You don’t pat , they are quite revolting

  7. You and Roger. I’m trying to imagine what it looked like when you both woke up and realized what you had done.

    1. His eyes were wide
      Having said this he’s over thirteen now and seems to be more cuddly than he ever was..having said this he adores my friend colin

  8. Replies
    1. A bit like a straight man after four pints @fter a night out with his gay best mate

  9. Traveler4:31 pm

    “Nothing is still except the chicken” reminds me a bit of the last line of Ozymandias

    1. That line seems to be popular ….I’m happy it is

  10. Some great writing here John . I like 'I gave each one of the dogs a pigs ear ( Dorothy always has two as her mouth is bigger)' and 'Nothing is still except the chicken'! I would like to read more of these every day scenarios. x

    1. Thank you simone..I always remember jo March in little women being advised to always write about what you know

  11. The runner chicken belonging to Winifred brings a wave of emotion to me - Chic Eleanor is so elegant - I don't think I ever heard my relative say that - but they spoke so quickly and loudly I may of missed it - and the food was good x

    1. rubber x 🐔

    2. I’m glad I didn’t frame the chicken …Mary adores it

    3. Ahh - I love Mary x🐓🐥

  12. You and your animals delight me-always good for a laugh. You and Albert together...priceless and Dorothy is too much. Thank you for sharing your life.

    1. We are welcome lini…I was at a loss of what to write
      Today then I just looked at the mayhem

  13. “Nothing is still except the chicken” ... best line ever!

    1. It was the truth , sometimes the whole floor seems to be moving

  14. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear but you can make a young Welsh terrier as sick as a parrot.

    1. Dogs adore dried pigs ears. I never kept my own pigs’ ears when I had them culled…could face seeing them

  15. Haha, with me super-powers of deduction, methinks you were listening to Johnnie Walker, Sounds of the Seventies? En route to Sainsburys.
    Life in the fast lane, gotta be done.Tess x

    1. I was…I loved The Last Resort and haven’t heard it in years , well done Miss Marple

  16. A couple of days and you will have everything back in order.

  17. Barbara Anne7:13 pm

    How startled was Albert to find himself snuggled up to you?
    It's a treat to read about your days and to read the replies of your distant friends.


    1. The older he gets the more benign he becomes

  18. Your matter-of-fact ticking off of the day's events give today's post a kind of Jack Webb vibe.

    1. Thank u Kirk , I had to look him up

    2. I will take it as a compliment x

    3. You took it right.

  19. "It's enough to make your mouth water". Being caught by Chic Eleanor in the fruit aisle...The log burner - definitely a change in the weather.

    1. Even there, she welcomed me like a long lost friend

  20. Delicious in Venice...yes. One of my most memorable meals was on the island Lido, just off Venecia...a cuttlefish pasta, black squid ink past...with a Murano style tossed orzo.

  21. Still shorts and T shirt weather down here in the south, I don't think I'd light a fire; even if we had one.

  22. Unconscious cuddles with Albert :)
    Delicious food! One of my favourites

  23. Oh John ..... Last Resort is one of my favourite Eagle songs ..... I LOVE it ..... its played in my car all the time. Take it to the Limit is another favourite. XXXX

  24. Well, I learned some Italian today!

  25. You sound reflective here. Must be one of those weekends.


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