
 I spent much of the morning in urology outpatients 
I never tell staff that I’m a nurse, I’m funny like that, I feign ignorance and watch everything like a welsh terrier. 
The consultant was nice enough 
I didn’t think much of the nurse I met. 

This afternoon, I went to Chester to see the Welsh horror movie The Feast , which was so dire, I left after an hour .
A friend texted me a simple, sad message about him starting radiotherapy  and I was glad I walked out of the cinema . I hurried out of the Storyhouse and sat in the sun , in the Cathedral grounds 

And we talked a long talk 


  1. I hope the urologist offered some treatment for your recurring infections!

  2. Hoping for some effective treatment for you and a good outcome for your friend. xx

    1. I love my friend very much , he knows that

  3. It all sounds a bit sad today John - Back home I'm sure the furry ones will comfort you x

  4. John, never stop doing what you do best, soothing others in time of need. I wish your friend well. Sometimes though the healer needs healing and attention too. Hugs x

    1. My friend is a stoic sort , who never complains ….

    2. Even more reason to do what you dox

  5. Barbara Anne9:28 pm

    I'm glad the specialist you saw in Chester is a good treatment plan for you and I hope your friend also has a good treatment plan to enable him to have as much time as possible and in comfort.


  6. Hope the treatments work well for both you and your friend.

  7. I hope you and your friend left the doc's office with good treatment plans. Illness is very hard on individuals. That said, a good treatment plan lessens the burden and gives hope for a good outcome..

  8. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Some day... oof. Sorry for your friend. Cancer is an epidemic as well.
    Hope your thing is sorted...
    Sending you strength, E

  9. I often don't tell people what my professional background is. It makes them nervous that I am judging when what I really need is their best. Sometimes the best medicine, is a long phone call.

  10. Hahaha
    I do the same every time I can. Watching people do what you do is fascinating. And glad you called your friend. Definitely worth a long talk, those news...


  11. Anonymous2:40 am

    They also assume you know it all and left out information that can cause a problem, like not telling me I couldn't eat before a kidney biopsy .. I worked in neonatology, what did I know?

  12. Hope you have a successful treatment programme for your urology problem.
    Good wishes to your friend and glad you were there to listen and support. It breaks your heart doesn't it.

  13. Glad you were available for the friend instead of watching unneeded direness.

  14. You're a good friend, John. All my very best to you and your friend. Jan xx

  15. It's all too much sometimes isn't it? x

  16. I'm glad you could support your friend.

  17. The important thing was that it all came together to allow you time with a friend who needed the comfort of a friend.

    It strikes me as so very sad that I was in Chester for two days and had no idea how close you were. I would have loved to sit on the cathedral grounds and visited.

  18. I am so sorry about your friend. It is wonderful of you to spend time talking to him.

  19. Anonymous7:04 pm

    You are being a good friend . My husband finished this cycle of radiotherapy today . Before treatment this morning he was told he needed to have a further course to address
    pain in his ribs from bone mets . Not what he wanted to hear . I intervened and said no. He is having a break . We are going to Australia for six weeks in October. He can, if he chooses , start radiotherapy again on our return . It’s a much harder treatment than most imagine . I am pleased you were there for your friend . I am glad he has you
    Siobhan x


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