A Good Read


I’ve read most of the morning 
It’s an indulgence I rarely allow myself during the day, and it’s interesting that I only allowed myself the time to do it once every chore I could think of had already been completed. 
I take after my mother in that respect.
She would only have a drink once all the hoovering had been done


  1. I don't know if it's an age thing, but I can't seem to settle to read like I used to. Mind you, if a book really grabs me, I'll read for hours, it's just that not many books do grab me! Got a houseful of the things, too! xx

  2. I understand that...even if no-one is looking over your shoulder, the housework jobs have to be done first!

    The feeling of really being immersed in a book for hours..bliss!

  3. Few things make me tear up, but the ending of that book did...it's hard when old to think of what could have been.

  4. This will be added to the list, if it’s not already on it. Then I need to finally look at the list and download something! I don’t “Hoover,” so nothing stopping me.

  5. Same here with reading. I never seem to allow myself to settle down with a book except at night before I go to sleep.

  6. Did you see the miniseries based on that book? I think it dates from about 20 years ago. Australian, of course. (Just checked Wikipedia -- it was 40 years ago -- yikes -- and starred Bryan Brown).

    1. I remember it well and saw it again not long ago. For 40 years old it holds up well.

  7. I often treat reading that way too -- which is silly, really.

  8. Reading a good book--any book really---is better than daytimes spent mindlessly engrossed in TikTok. Tho I too do not read during the day except at mealtimes.

  9. Nearly 50 years since I read that I reckon. Loved his novels.

  10. Found it too painful to read.

  11. I read this and 'On the Beach' last year and I liked them, altho On the Beach had the women at home looking after babies while the better class citizens, the men, worked very hard, 'at work!' Of course they all died in the end.

  12. I can't 'settle' properly unless the jobs have been done. Then it's Me Time. A Town Like Alice was required reading in my 5th Form year. Great book.

  13. I am trying to talk myself out of guilt...it is deeply carved into our very soul though, isn't it?

    1. Yes in a bygone age it was considered acting responsibly now it's anally retentive

  14. Loved it, especially the first half 'tough women' part, but the Alice section didn't appeal to my imagination as strongly.

  15. Oh you're doing it all the wrong way round. Any good reader knows that you ignore the dust, stack the coffee cups as you work your way through them and only hoover once that 'aaah' moment has happened at the end of a good book. The ONLY thing that interrupts a good book is a dog wanting a wee, and then you take the book out into the garden with you and re-situate.

  16. Love Shute's books...read them in the 1960's and was often surprised by some of his little twists.
    Was thrilled when the miniseries of A Town Like Alice was on TV.
    John, you've got to binge read right now because once classes start you won't have the time to read or clean!

  17. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Love Shute's books. Re read them recently. They are rather dated but great stories.


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