A 2 Toilet Household


CBM was a miracle worker yesterday.  
Not only did he remove a cast iron bath single handedly but managed to get it down the stairs and into the garden without any help.
A phone call to village elder Islwyn was all it took to have his brother, who lives on High Street to come and collect it for scrap. 
Bish Bash Bosh 
All done and dusted. 
CBM also found out that I have a small outhouse that has an old non working toilet in it. In minutes he had repaired the loo thus providing me with a spare ! 
I am now an official 2 toilet household! 
My mother would have been very proud indeed.

Up early today as I’m not getting caught with my pants down again . 
I’m going out for the day after walking the dogs 


  1. Anonymous7:06 am

    Wow, that’s like one of those dreams where you discover an extra room in your house! How marvellous.

  2. I'm very happy for you

  3. Big job x

  4. You kept that 2nd lavvy very quiet! You will now have 2 places to " go". Why didn't it get fixed before? Had you forgotten it was there?

  5. Well that’s a nice surprise. No more poos at Sainsbury’s?

  6. Anonymous8:28 am

    What a lovely bonus , no more worrying about being caught short ! Handy if you’re gardening, and don’t want to tramp dirt through the house x

  7. Marvellous! No more grubby footprints in the house at the end of dog walking!!

  8. My sister has an outhouse at her cottage as well as an indoor bathroom. Guests often comment they prefer using the outhouse. There's nothing like the privacy of an outhouse nestled in the trees when the indoor bathroom has a line up. I'm curious how you didn't notice you owned an outhouse. It's such a cool feature.

  9. wow a 2nd toilet! woo hoo!

  10. You have an outhouse you didn't know about? Did you know it was there but think it didn't work, or did you not know about it at all?

  11. veg artist10:43 am

    A few houses ago my 2nd loo was in the downstairs of a coach-house, walk through the old stable which was being used to store coal, window facing down into the fields with lots of ivy coming in around the window frame.
    It was so peaceful. I loved it. Lucky you that this loo has been rescued!

  12. Very handy to have 2 loos. You're wise to keep out of the way while CBM works his magic. xx

  13. Over here, cast iron tubs sell for small fortunes, I guess this is not the case over there.

  14. YOU HAD A TOILET YOU DID NOT KNOW ABOUT?! Well. I'll be darned.

  15. You had mentioned storing things in the outside toilet (we assume this is a small sort of utility space with a door to it from the outside) in the past. Glad he was easily able to make it functional.

  16. That sounds great! We will need photos of all of this when the CBM is done!

  17. Two bathroom renovations instead of one! What will it take to make bathroom #2 a working unit? Having a second loo is especially nice when you have guests.

  18. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Wait, is the second toilet a flush hooked to the sewer line one, or .....composting? Or just a deep hole type thing? Need to know more. Plus pictures.


  19. I am beginning to feel sorry for John; him being bombarded with questions in the comment boxes. Can't a man have a quiet refurb with another shithole accidentally thrown in for free?


  20. Anonymous2:59 pm

    What a helpful surprise and good work CBM for making that bonus loo functional. Now you need your sister to landscape the area for you! Onward!

    Hugs - Barbara Anne

  21. CBM is a miracle worker. I just about killed myself moving a cast iron bath tub once...and there were two of us on the job.

  22. Our 60's bijou Brighton home has an outside loo. It is used as a junk room!

  23. Pleased to see that functioning loo - have worried about you all day and had images of behind the hedge.

  24. My grandparents had an outside loo.. I hated it as a child, I was frightened of the dark, of the spiders and of the bogey man; not necessarily in that order, but I was told not to be a scaredy cat so had to suck it up.

    Jo in Auckland


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