Cockerel On Time

Where has the day gone? 
It’s 6.30 and the bantam rooster has just tapped on the window for his supper.
I’m not going to choir
It’s been cancelled again 
More covid.
Greg, my little bathroom man came this morning and has arranged to start work, the week after next .
His quote is well under what I expected 
His electrician will repair the faulty cooker extractor fan too.
We talked a lot about dogs.
He also suggested that I book a skip.

I went to see our work counsellor this afternoon. 
She will support my counselling course and will supervise me in practice 

Everything seems to be slipping into place


  1. Happy news from your corner of the world. Well. Except for the covid.

  2. Sadly, Covid does keep rearing its ugly head. I hope everyone is only mildly affected. Not long to wait for your new bathroom. Exciting stuff. Woo hoo! xx

  3. The rooster is so cute, do you think he is lonely?

    Seems lots of covid in your area, hope it misses you! Tho some friends who have had it here, lighter but still pretty bad version [very ill!] say they are happy to get it over with?

  4. Barbara Anne6:18 pm

    Mr. Cockerel seems to be quite happy with your yummy hand-outs to him!
    So glad to hear all is working out well for you and your plans for the loo work and counseling course.
    Hope all in the choir and area survive covid and that it doesn't spread.


  5. So pleased things are going your way just when you needed a boost.

  6. Everything slipping, except for you on a bar of soap x

  7. It sounds like things are falling in place for you. Hope your counseling course gives you new paths to a more fulfilling and lucrative future.

  8. Joan (Devon)7:52 pm

    Serendipity has played an excellent part in turning your life around for the better, all that's missing is that elusive other half. I'm so happy for you.

    There are various degrees of Covid so I hope your fellow choristers don't suffer too much with it. Fingers crossed.

  9. That's wonderful news John!

  10. I like your man-he sounds a good sort x

  11. Its a relief when things just start to happen right!!

  12. So glad things are falling into place for you - well deserved.

  13. That's a handsome rooster! And he has you well trained!

  14. With the exception of your choir getting hit hard with Covid everything else is coming together nicely. You must be very pleased!

  15. I have been trying to catch up and have missed so many blogs. Love the photo of Freye and Mary. Made my day so much better.
    Happy to hear about your plans being in order,

  16. We used to have a rooster who would come up on the back porch for a snack. We called him Corn Flake. The children thought he looked like the fellow on the cereal box.

  17. My last Cockerel was called 'Big Business' (named after the Bull in Cold Comfort Farm. He was an absolute bast*rd.

  18. Well it sounds like the universe is finally delivering some good stuff your way. The Counseling course sounds right up your alley. The work you did with the Samaritans was a pointer in the right direction. Once you have qualified will you go out on your own and leave the Hospice work behind or will the Hospice be the integral part of your work?? Lovely Rooster; as Debra has said he has you well trained.

    Jo in Auckland

  19. And what a beautiful chicken!

  20. It’s so satisfying when things are going well isn’t it? Great to hear your positive news!

  21. He's a beauty isn't he, I do love it when they are in their prime and before some young whippersnapper comes along to push them off the top perch.

    It sounds like you are well on track for the counselling in the future, hopefully it will lighted the workload in some ways.

  22. Such a pretty bird. You will be good at counseling.

  23. What lovely feathers he has! Glad your course work is getting set up. Good luck!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Best wishes John. I am so pleased that things are working out for you.All good things come to those who deserve them X Much love x

  26. How long did it take the rooster to train you? So looking forward to the photos of the little bathroom... and the little bathroom man.


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