A Sausage Apology

 No doubt I’m in store of some sort of internet backlash but I admit I locked the dogs inside the cottage by mistake this morning.
I only knew my mistake when I ventured a quick glance at my phone messages on my break at 11.30 am .
It was a earlier message from Trendy Carol I noticed first
“ I can’t get in ! “ it said plaintively 
I had double locked the back door 
The dogs are never left home alone more than four hours when I’m at work. Today they were left nearly fourteen.
I felt like a right heel 
Now if my mistake had occurred when Winnifred was alive, I would have faced a sulk worthy of Mariah Carey who had not been presented with her usual dressing room full of puppies and kittens but after being released from the cottage , Mary & Dorothy bounced forward like a pair of Bonnie Langfords on acid.
Ive just taken them for a long walk, then cleaned the kitchen of bodily fluids before treating both girls with the  nectar of the terriers 
Cheap, plastic looking hot dog sausages 
They adore them with a passion .
Even Winnie would have been won over if I had waved one Gayly in her direction ….

It’s been a busy day at work …but a productive one
I will be cutting my hours from 150 a month to 96 on the First of July


  1. Pleased you've been able to reduce your hours. I'm surprised that Trendy Carol doesn't hold a spare key to your place? x

    1. She does, I’d put on an extra lock by mistake

  2. At least you were forgiven!
    Well done on reducing your hours

  3. Barbara Anne8:18 pm

    Oh dear! At least you had the right treat in the cottage to sooth the dogs. It looks as if Albert is asking where his tuna is as he was royally put out, too.
    How lovely to anticipate working half time. Sweet!


    1. Babs I stopped to buy them m I’m no fool

    2. Anonymous5:12 pm

      So even though you knew the dogs had been alone for so very long you didn't bother to hurry home but stopped to buy groceries on the way?

  4. Don't beat yourself up. They were all fine and welcomed you with glee. And you'll double check from now on! Reminds me of the time I was looking after my neighbour's cats and her DIL had locked the inner porch door and hidden the key. Luckily, they could get out so I ended up feeding them at my house. Roll on July, bet you can't wait! xx

  5. But they were safe weren't they John-just a one off and all's well that ends well x

  6. All's well that ends well! I am sure they enjoyed their treat!

  7. How on earth does one wave a sausage "gaily"? I prefer to wave sausages in a macho manner - like Clint Eastwood.

  8. Everyone's allowed one mistake !!! XXXX

  9. There are worse things in this world. They were warm, had water and even peed in the house.

    As for the sausage waving, I do hope the curtains were drawn:)

  10. Dogs are very forgiving - especially after a dose of their favourite food.

  11. Oh no! I d feel so guilty! But they were fine! Maybe it's a good idea to leave full sets of keys w Carole and maybe friend Jason? For emergencies?

  12. Is that ALBERT sniffing the hot dogs? Did the dogs let him in on the guilt offering too?

    Great news about going part-time on July 1st! I'm sure you'll feel the difference in your lifestyle and available leisure!

  13. Animals are a forgiving lot.

  14. Your new reduced hours will be terrific. Things are really coming together. When will you start your coursework? The pups have forgiven you and the sausages made everybody happy.

  15. Those reduced hours sound glorious! 24 hours a week? Whatever will you do with your spare time?!

  16. Dogs are Buddhist - they live in the moment.

  17. Fewer hours.......a sigh of relief for you!

  18. Dogs are very forgiving; especially after a few sausages!

  19. I once had a mixed shepard dog who accompanied me while I was doing feld work, for an engineering projects. All I had to do, was tap the tailgate of my pickup and she would be up and over the tailgate in one leap. Oh how I miss her. She saved me several times from rattle snakes

  20. That was a wise move with the sausages. Am sure all is forgiven now.
    So good to look forward to less hours in July!

  21. Good you’re so easily forgiven! That cut in hours is going to be an incredible change in your life. Exciting.

  22. It's so easy to get a dogs forgiveness isn't it. At least they were safe and sound in the house.

    Great news that you can now cut your hours, it should make life a lot easier for you.

  23. Everyone is safe, happy, and well fed, that is all that is needed.

  24. I find myself doing things I would have not done in the past. I think my mind is going and have to double check everything.

  25. Wouldn't life be so much easier, if everything could be fixed by waving a sausage around?

  26. Your dogs are going to be ecstatically happy when your hours are reduced shortly...as will you be. Hooray for that!

  27. A sausage apology sounded like make up sex until the mention of Carol and your girls.

    1. Yes Mavis-John may have a beau and a spicy sausage may be the order of the day x

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  29. so you got to have a tweet!토토사이트
    But to have just the social media for your post comments might not be a good idea,


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