Salad Day Thirties and an Airbnb Disaster

 Lol, well everything went tits up at the Airbnb 
I thought things may not be as stable as they could be after the owner refused to dog sit Dorothy after finding out out that her “aura”  was apparently “fraught” with anxiety. ( I had provisionally booked the service prior to coming over to Sheffield)
Dorothy was happily oblivious to this assessment but the apparently experienced dog sitter owner 
Said it was something she couldn’t possibly cope with! 
I let it go and rearranged by arrangements and those of my friends.
This morning I walked into the cottage kitchen wearing only boxer shorts only to see the next door neighbour looking through the kitchen door apparently checking up on me.
It was the same neighbour who contacted the Airbnb owner last night to say incorrectly that the dogs had been left in the kitchen, stressed,  all afternoon and into early evening when they had been left  after a six mile country hike,  sleeping together. between 3 and 6 pm only and then walked by myself and my friend Mike soon after. 
The cottage owner texted me her concerns and I told her that her neighbour was incorrect and misinformed .
She immediately apologised but the texts and invasion of privacy had upset my evening somewhat
This morning I felt under constant observation 
And so I loaded Bluebell and drove home with Dorothy quiet and sleeping in her crate which I covered in a throw like a parrot slumbering in a cage. 

I had a lovely break wed and Thursday and the girls were well behaved in their new surroundings  but I only saw half the people I originally planned to see. 
Which was a shame.

The four friends I did catch up I’ve known for over 33 years 
We are greyer ( except in Mike’s case) , we are older, slightly wrinkled, fatter, wiser, more sanguine perhaps. We have all been put through the wringer, at times, with losses and life brickbats ….but we hugged each other, just as we’ve always did, with love and gusto and with the warmth we’ve always had when we were in our salad day thirties.


  1. Oh feck em JG, they must have feck all else better to do !! I love you JG (no gin, just Vodka!) xxxx

  2. What a rude host. I hope you leave a bad review. Getting a neighbour to check on you and reneging on a prior arrangement is not on. A shame you didn't get to see everyone, but hey ho! Tomorrow is another day! Glad Dorothy had a better journey home. xx

    1. I think she was well meaning , but I do wonder if she and the neighbour had arranged to watch me

  3. Good grief, that is ridiculous. Sorry you didn't get enough time with your friends.

    1. Next 5ime it’s a nice hotel in the middle of town xx

  4. I think you made the right call by getting out of Dodge. The snooping neighbour was too much! It sounds like you had wonderful visits with old friends. Now you can enjoy the rest of your holidays in your underwear with no fear of someone peering in the kitchen window.

    1. It was odd being in a house with all the personal effects of someone else to be honest

  5. Too bad your vacation was cut short by a suspicious host and a nosy neighbour. Very disappointing.

    1. Shit happens ….the good outweighs the bad
      Nu went skiing and broke her arm the first day

    2. Oh, dear ... Poor Nu.

  6. And that is why an Air thingy wouldn't work for me. I would feel like an interloper amongst others personal belongings. At least in a hotel it's mostly a blank canvas. Glad you enjoyed the stay you had however, those walks looked wonderful with the dogs. Fresh air all round brightens the mood.

    Jo In Auckland

    1. It’s interesting but I did , I didn’t expect to
      But I walked into this woman’s home and realised that it was her home and NOT. A second property
      And it felt wrong

  7. My friend Mike commented thus
    Michael Kilner
    It was lovely, as always catching up. Sat in front of the fire with a pint putting the world to rights. I'm inspired to learn sign language 😉x

    1. John Gray
      Michael Kilner laughing freely like we did made my day

      Reply2 m
      Michael Kilner
      Me too John. I was still laughing on the way home x


  8. Barbara Anne10:04 pm

    Sorry things weren't as wonderful at the airbnb as you'd been led to believe they would be and that you decided to go home early. Hope the drive home was calm and peaceful
    Sweet dreams!


  9. Anonymous10:24 pm

    That is what scares me about booking a b&b or Airb&b. Still, you made the best of what time you had.

  10. Sorry about the airbnb John. I think it is a matter of luck. I have friends who have them near me and it is all a matter of luck with who they get as well so I suppose it works both ways but I can't imagine you and the girls being any trouble at all.

    1. Pat u r are right
      In this case it was her home , and that didn’t work

  11. This is what reviews are for! It sucks that you had this experience e!

  12. I still think it was a ''win''! You got to see friends and spend time, the girls were exceptionally well behaved---all very positive. Okay the people were weird [how dare that neighbor spy on you and report, how rude and demeaning! ], but you should be satisfied that you did it and try again. Next time mention that privacy is important to you. I am not a traveler but your fun adventure has encouraged me to consider a trip to Cape Cod in the Fall to an airbnd, w my doggy and a few close friends. Thank you for being a great inspiration, John.

  13. Sounds like you had a good time even if you came home early. Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  14. I have never stayed in an AirB&B but have heard from many there are so many rules and such and feel that "observation" thing too. Not for me. Give me a hotel or boutique hotel first.

    Sorry to hear your trip was cut short friend.

    1. I think that fact that the whole house was the hosts full time home made things slightly different
      I didn’t feel totally comfortable

  15. I agree with Maddie on hotels, though we have rented houses a couple of times for a week with good experiences. Travel with dogs or other children can be complicated. Good to hear you connected with old friends, the best

  16. I'm sorry that the Airbnb didn't work out as you had hoped. When you pay good money, you expect privacy.

  17. A bit of an interesting adventure then John-and the a b lady appears to be rather a strange one-if I do say so myself x

  18. What a strange experience. The spying neighbor and property owner are both weird. What kind of scheme are they operating? At least you toured the area and had great meet-ups with several friends. Also, nice that Dorothy had no complaints on the ride home.

  19. Give me a Premier Inn every time - but then I don’t have pets.

  20. I wonder if the property owner was staying next door with the neighbour? I sounds like a set up to me. How disappointing - but you live and learn. At least the meeting with old friends wasn't disappointing too - I looked at a couple of the women I'd been at school with all those years ago and thought "How did that happen?" - I'm glad your friends were still fun people and you 'clicked' again. And it sounds like Dorothy might be getting used to the crate? That's another positive.

  21. I am sorry it turned out that way. I have had very good luck but there is always that little bit of trepidation before arriving, not knowing for sure whether they will be quite sane or not.

  22. I'm happy you at least got to catch up with four friends and also visit some old haunts! It's also nice to know Dorothy slept on the trip home. ; )

  23. What a shame about the Airbnb. With such things one is always leaping into the unknown.

  24. I have found Airbnb to be a very good company to deal with. You will be asked to provide a review (by them, not the owner ) and you should recount your experience and disappointment honestly. It is not acceptable to have people peering into your windows and I’m sure Airbnb will acknowledge that as they advertised dogs were allowed then you have been left alone about them. You usually pay a hefty cleaning fee as part of the rent to cover this. If you left early because of this thereby losing part of your payment to them I would imagine you have grounds for a claim on a return of a portion of your payment. Airbnb hold your payment until after your visit so put your complaint and or review in promptly. The renters that come after you will be thankful to learn of your experience.

    1. Thank you
      I won’t ask for a refund but I hope she learns from the privacy angle

  25. I would love to see the Air BnB review. Verbatim? I'd hope so darling x

  26. Yorkshire Liz6:51 am

    Very creepy indeed. Tell the letting company with total honesty. Clearly the owner only likes sitting tiny white fluffy dogs! And that neighbour is clearly some sort of voyeur. X Files material all round. You had a narrow escape! I would have left early too, and have done once before. What a shame to spoil such a deeply planned and anticipated break. Only consolation is to find out on the story!

  27. What an inappropriate (and ridiculous) AirBnB host and neighbor. Sorry it spoiled the trip. I’m glad you enjoyed your couple of days and at least got spend quality time with four old friends. That’s one AirBnB review I’d love to read.

    1. I think privacy was an issue , Sheffield terraced houses are often not set up for privacy as often you have to walk past windows and doors to get to your own home

  28. All part of your learning curve about life. These things happen.

  29. It's lucky that you had put some boxers on, or the neighbour might have got a shock she wasn't expecting...or perhaps she was hoping?
    Did you pay extra for the non dog sitting....if so you should get a refund. I didn't know that Airbnb can be someones actual home. That is odd indeed. Where did she go? To an hotel?

    1. No I booked her but didn’t pay as she didn’t come up with the goods

  30. Sounds like snoopy neighbour didn't like their next door being a B & B
    Glad you had enough catching up and walking

  31. It doesn't sound as if the air B&B was really set up for what was advertised at all. I would have been uncomfortable about it feeling like someone's home too. A learning curve - but glad that you had a good time with old friends and visiting familiar places.

    1. Everything would have been fine if she had dog sat as booked

    2. I wonder whether she may have made up the far fetched excuse solely because she'd had unexpected invitation to a public house x

  32. You have given me an idea John-of how to stretch my budget-I shall advertise my humble abode as a holiday stay-wait until the people have settled in nicely-then return with my furry ones and continue my daily routine as though everything's lovely x

  33. As I commented on Fb I do think you should leave a review stating the facts, I for one wouldn't go to stay at an Airbnb with a known nosey neighbour.

    It's sad that you had to cut short the little break but at least you all got away and it might have taught the dogs that they are safe in alternative homes with you.

    We are trying to organise house/pet sitters for our furries while we go on holiday ... gosh I home everyone's auras are suitably aligned!!

    1. I was balanced and fair

    2. I would expect nothing less of you John. That's how I try to be on reviews, but I do state the facts.

  34. How did the neighbour know the dogs were home alone? Were they barking? If I was next door to a constantly barking dog I would think they were stressed.

    1. No , I’m thinking Mary was looking through the kitchen door at the neighbours dog

    2. The afternoon the neighbour checked on the dogs was the time the host was supposed to dog sit them
      I suspect they were asked to check , if Mary saw someone looking through the door she’d bark

  35. I would leave them a review. Like Sue says, other people may book it thinking that it is pet friendly. No one wants to feel monitored. You would save another person from a shit stay. Appalling. Busybodies get up my nose. Ruined it for you after all the crap we have had to live through with the pandemic working your guts out I would have kicked off. You are a better person than me. I would have waved and shouted at them when I saw them looking. I would also have let the owner know that you dont appreciate the neighbour spying on you in your underwear. That would have worried me sick. Glad you are safe home in your cottage.

    1. I’ve left a balanced review but underlined that I left for a reason

    2. I did air BnB with out cottage and we were very honest that the lane was dark and long. People still commented on it as a negative. I appreciated all comments as they helped me change things that I never thought about. But spying on someone is beyond the pale. That is not on. I am sorry it meant you left early. Holidays and days away are few and far between in this mad world. When you work hard time away is sacred.

  36. Actually the letting fits the original ethos of Airbnb, to enable people to make a bit of money from their property. Many people still rent out one room of their house through the platform which is how it all began. Others their house to supplement their income and move out for a weekend/few days. I posted on it many years ago to explain it.


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