The World Is Your Lobster


My trip was lovely, despite the weather and a Big Brother Airbnb host.
Such is life.
I’m home and the weather is glorious. 
Dorothy, as bulldogs have a want to do, is playing I love my home Diva and after a walk has taken herself off to sleep under my duvet with a contented sigh.
Mary is sunbathing on the back of the trendy blue sofa.
I have a day free today. I’m not planning anything more than pottering and cleaning and reading.
Tomorrow I’m having lunch with Chic Eleanor Darling john I simply can’t wait” and Affable Despot Jason and I are going to the comedy club evening at Theatre Clwyd.
Today it’s home.

Mrs Trellis stopped as I was sorting logs out for the fire. She’s written to Putin about the war.
The cost of stamps have gone up , she noted. 95 pence for a first class now
Still good value we agreed.

We were still chatting when the postman dropped off a parcel 
In it was a lobster and a card which read simply “ The World Is Your Lobster” 
Mrs Trellis was intrigued as a while ago she had bought me a smaller one in a jumble sale 
Hilda Ogden used to say “ The world’s your lobster” on Coronation Street 

Which was an endearing malampropism in itself.
There’s no return address or even a name on the card or packaging so I am intrigued too
Thank you to whoever sent it.

I’m making curried vegetable soup 
Albert has been sneezing at the spices 


  1. Putrid will surely think again when he receives Mrs Trellis's letter. Shame she wasn't old enough to write to Hitler in 1939.

  2. That is one cute lobster!

    1. He’s quite a looker , for a crustacean

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend! I wonder who your secret gift-giver is. What a treat!

  4. That's a nice riff on the oyster being your world. At least you won't have to cook this one [the lobster, that is].

    Mind you, come to think of it, lobsters are RED. Is there a hidden meaning behind the claws?


    1. That lobster is cooked. They are brown to start off with.

    2. Obviously. That's why John won't need to cook it. Admittedly, I could have worded the chronological order better.

      Remind me to tell you the story about how I once set a live crab free before it hit the pot. Did it ever find its way back to the Isle of Wight?


    3. That was sweet of you Ursula x

    4. I’ve never cooked lobster

  5. Your life sounds idyllic John-well most of the time anyway x

    1. It’s like any other flus, ups and downs

  6. What a lovely portrait of Mary! She looks quite pensive for a dog ... a beautiful profile shot!
    Enjoy your free day!!

    1. All welsh terriers are big thinkers

  7. I would so prefer a world that was my lobster rather than a world that was my oyster.

    You sure are loved, John.

  8. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Albert must be happy to have his pack back after being home alone. Pat

    1. Out of the three , he only greeted dorothy

  9. I hope Mrs Trellis's letter finds its way to Putin and does the trick. If so, it was 95p well spent! That cute lobster will always remind you that, yes, the world is your lobster and you can make it whatever you want. Love Mary's face as she soaks up the sunshine. xx

  10. Darn, now I want lobster.

    1. I adore a lobster salad, very chic New York

  11. Home sweet home. Enjoy your day.

  12. Glad you are having a restful day.

    1. It’s been chilled, Dorothy is presently licking my feet, I’m watching a shirt adventure film which entertains

  13. people are good arent they.

  14. Barbara Anne5:42 pm

    What a lovely day for all in your cottage sweet cottage and this down time is an unexpected gift to you and the family!
    Love the cherry red lobster. Like Mitchell, in all my years, I've heard it as "The world is your oyster." Go figure.
    My hat is off to the daring and dashing Mrs Trellis!


    1. Yes that’s the original saying I know
      The lobster was always a. Malampropism

  15. A pretty good day then.

  16. That sounds like a good day all in all. Glad you enjoyed your break away from home.
    My son told me a "big" thing now with these airbnbs is to have monitoring devices (installed by the owners). We rented a place down the shore last fall; never occurred to me to check for that sort of thing. A favorite place to have these cameras evidently is any overhead fan or light. Seems like it should be illegal...

    1. Now that’s worrying ,,,perhaps the neighbour wasn’t watching me

    2. Omg- it could be one of those voyeur set ups I've heard of-and if you had a fancy man in your boudoir-someone may be watching Everything-that is unacceptably intrusive and scary x

    3. Now I’ll never do another

  17. I used to say that the world was my ash tray when I smoked.

  18. You have a secret admirer, what fun! That is a beautiful picture of sweet Mary!

    1. Fuck a secret one
      I’d love one in the flesh

  19. What a nice surprise, hope you enjoyed your day off.

  20. I forgot to mention that you look quite fit and slim in your holiday photo by the castle walls. You must still be doing slimming club, even if just on your own.

    lizzy x

  21. Being monitored put me off airbnb idea! Here is what they say:
    What we do allow
    Disclosed devices monitoring only public spaces and common spaces: Devices that allow for viewing or monitoring of only a public space (ex: a front door or a driveway) or a common space that are clearly identified and disclosed ahead of a reservation are permitted. Common spaces do not include sleeping areas or bathrooms.
    What we don’t allow
    Concealed and undisclosed devices monitoring common spaces: Any device monitoring a common space should be installed in a visible manner and disclosed in the listing description.
    Devices located in or monitoring private spaces

    1. They were watching you in the kitchen! eeew.

  22. Anonymous3:15 am

    TOTALLY off topic....but have to tell you. You were in a dream of mine last night. You were at a theater/club.....a viewing (per se) promoting a documentary film about your life. I was sitting next to you.....and had my hand on top of your if comforting? supporting? you through the viewing of this trailer film about the documentary. How do these odd/random things present in our brains? was warm, comfortable, and seemed quite familiar....... just had to share. I only *know* you through reading your blog.....but for some reason- the cosmic energy was connecting in some odd way
    Susan M

  23. I am hoping Mrs. Trelliss’ letter does some good. The world needs some.

  24. It's good to return home whatever the break was like. Mary looks contented and beautiful!

  25. Good for Mrs Trellis, perhaps we should all bombard him with letters.

    'The world is your lobster' is a Phoebe quote from Friends, you have to mime the pinching claws as you say it , then link the pincers and go off into the sunset together forever.

  26. If anyone writes to Putin, be sure to "forget" to pay enough postage. Just a thought. (Scuttles off to find her 2nd class stamps).

  27. Writing to Putin! What an intriguing idea. I must say I never thought of doing anything

    Love the lobster! A wonderful surprise!

  28. That's a very brightly coloured lobster. So visible that you couldn't mislay it for longer than ten seconds!

  29. Lobsters also come in blue.
    I sent Trump a postcard..he was not worth the cost of first class letter, besides I wanted everyone along the way to see him called a loser. Welcome home. Check the lobster for bugs.

  30. thankkksss... Good write


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