Volodymyr the sushi Stealer

Tomorrow’s lunch 

 The secret of making good sushi rice is to infuse and fold in the heavy seasoning, a little sugar and rice vinegar into the still warm rice before putting it somewhere to cool before assembling your Chumaki Rolls. 
I prefer to make chumaki rolls as they are more robust sushi and therefore are able to tolerate thicker fillings, so today as the rice was cooling outside on the patio table , I prepared fillings of pat choi slices, long strips of salmon , wasabi ,creamed cheese with garlic and dobs of sweet crushed peas.
Preparing sushi is the nearest I get to proper mindfullness .

Volodymyr the spunky bantam cockerel was watching everything and tiptoed into the garden under the dogs’ and Albert’s radar and managed to cop a dozen gobfulls before Mary realised what was happening and dropped her rubber chicken 



  1. I was wondering if that sushi was safe on the patio with no one watching.

  2. Proof that EVERYONE loves your sushi!

  3. You need one of those food umbrella things to protect your cooling food from marauders. Or, failing that, train Albert to sit on guard! xx

  4. put chicken sushi on tomorrow's menu.

  5. Homemade sushi is the best! I can’t blame the Vol, it looks delicious.

  6. I have yet to meet a bantam cockerel who is not capable of such things. What they lack in size they make up for in sheer cheek.

  7. He approves of your cooking, how lucky

  8. I have never tried sushi but if given the opportunity I would. Just wanted to say I enjoy your blog very much. You are funny, witty, smart and handsome man. I am very surprised that you are not married to the man of your dreams. Who would not want all of that with the extra bonus of animal lover, family man, dedicated friend, decorator and really good cook.

  9. All topped-off with a dash of Bantam spunk. Dee-lish.

  10. Your sushi is irresistible, no?


  11. That looks right fancy John x

  12. Barbara Anne11:44 pm

    Vol is still looking magnificent!
    I've never cared for sushi but your lunch for tomorrow looks good.
    Wishing you well tomorrow.


  13. For me sushi is far prettier than it tastes..and Mary dropped her rubber chicken...such fun..

    1. I have to agree, it is far nicer looking than tasting.

  14. The last thing you need is a spunky cock in your sushi rice.

  15. Your talents are endless, that looks seriously good!

  16. Volodymyr has good taste!

  17. That's some good looking sushi!! Well done. We love sushi but that's something we've never tried (making our own). Nice job!!

  18. It’s serious if Mary drops her rubber chicken. I wonder if anyone else has ever had their sushi rice stolen by a bantam cockerel.

  19. Take 2 on sushi! The first run was deemed just a test run. That is one gutsy bird.

  20. What a handsome fellow he is!

  21. Well, I think he deserves a bit of sushi, don't you?!

  22. Mr Rooster looks like he could surly awaken the neighbors
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  23. Took me along time and lots of scrolling to confirm my suspicion that Mary was a dog.
    I think I am going to have to have a go at sushi. I have not been impressed when I've had it out.
    Is chic Eleanor really Nicole Kidman?

  24. I am drooling. More than usual.

  25. Thanks for the tips. I tried to make sushi in the past, but I'd end up with a mess. A delicious mess, nonetheless. Note to self: Don't use minute rice. Ha. Sugar and rice vinegar's the secret, huh? I have a feeling you live across the world and too far for me to eat your sushi, but it'd be worth it.
    PS I'm here thanks to Debra She Who Seeks.

  26. My wife is upset she can't eat sushi until after my son is born

  27. If my imperious corgi could have conned someone into lifting him on a table (jumping is for peasants as far as he's concerned) he would be face deep in sushi too.


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