Serendipity Number 5


I don’t make it any secret that sometimes I find full time work tiring. 
The work itself, isn’t a problem for me, but runs of 12 hour shifts are, and even though I need the money, I  also need to balance work, money and home.
Today I was informed by the hospice that the nursing staff are to be given a rise in pay. 
We are currently paid substantially less than equivalent grades in the NHS Trust and in a bid to attract and retain staff the hospice has addressed this deficit. 
My increase of pay is robust and will be  backdated and unexpectedly it will now be possible for me to reduce my hours and to work part time.

How fucking fantastic is that? 

I met a friend today for lunch and we talked about this new gift of serendipity as we walked on the beautiful West Shore in Llandudno.
This is the fifth financial “gift” I have received in the last few years and the extent of my good fortune is not lost on me. 
I am so pleased.
We celebrated with coffee and bagels and cake
And I treated myself to  a ceramic curlew from the Mostyn Gallery Shop

When I got home, I found out that the fourth piece of serendipity had finally reared it’s head too…. My tax free lump sum arrived in my bank account from my unremembered pension ….I can now afford my new bathroom !
And work can now commence


  1. Absolutely brilliant news.

  2. Good news all round!

  3. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Good things do happen to good people. You give a lot -your time, your money and large chunks of yourself - you deserve the good things that come back. Revel in them and enjoy.

    1. We all deserve good luck me thinks
      I am very happy x

  4. That is AMAZING John-I am so Happy for You and for your furry gang too xxxxxxx

    1. Yes, I’ve put on trendy carol and her amazing husband too much

  5. Great news, I bet you're really happy. Glad for you, John. xx

  6. You may be a Welshman, John, but you certainly have the Luck of the Irish! Such good fortune, and on St Paddy's Day too!

  7. Life can be brilliant to

  8. Some good news! Enjoy your extra time and extra funds! x

    1. I feel in control of my finances for the first time in ages

  9. And you deserve every single penny.

    Love the curlew- you must have quite an aviary by now. I have just one lifesize curlew and it gives me pleasure every day. We used to have them nesting in our fields on the farm.

  10. Joan (Devon)5:19 pm

    Your serendipity angel's timing is spot on. I'm so glad for you.

    1. In my fantasy
      It’s my gran looking after me

    2. It most likely is, that's why she was checking out your kitchen. When she saw how lovely you had it she decided to help out a little bit more.

  11. The stars aligned and so did your good fortune. Achieving life balance is so important and I'm glad everything is coming together for you. Your new spa bathroom will make relaxing at home even better. Whirlpool tub? Heated floor? Steam shower? Do it all and you'll have no regrets!

    1. Susan my bathroom is tiny
      Really tiny
      I just want a hot powerful shower
      And a robust toilet xx lol

  12. That is a nice piece of well made art..I like that.

    That must be some relief to go part time instead of working yourself into the ground.
    When you think about it, it also gives someone else a chance of work...

  13. Barbara Anne5:23 pm

    How wonderful!!! A good pay raise, the monies in your account from the forgotten pension, meeting your friend for a meal and beach walk, and a new curlew to join the menagerie. What a wonderful day it's been for you and so very well deserved, too. Hope you did a bit of happy dancing!


    1. I sang in the car with Mary licking my cheek

  14. Love it when good things happen to good people! Been in the hospital 4 times in the last 3 years. Don't think the US is that different from the UK in that none of the workers is paid anywhere near what the job is worth.

    1. I think the pay rise is prudent
      Retention is important in private practice

  15. That is good news. I have only ever worked for enough money to please myself. Having said that I have been self employed for most of my working life.

    1. I never have had the guts to be self employed

  16. Brilliant news especially being able to go part time.Any plans for that extra free time.

    1. Yes…..
      Another dog
      More holidays
      More culture

  17. Tracy5:38 pm

    Congratulations! What a stonking day!

  18. Your post gave me a warm glow. Thanks for sharing your good news xxx

  19. Anonymous6:01 pm

    That's wonderful news. By the way, I think your ceramic curlew is an avocet, one of my favourite birds.

  20. veg artist6:04 pm

    I am so pleased for you. This will ease the pressure on your health and on your bank balance. Win/Win!!!

  21. Anonymous6:04 pm

    That's wonderful news and greatly deserved.
    By the way, I think your ceramic curlew is an avocet, one of my favourite birds.

  22. Anonymous6:15 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous7:37 pm

      My GOD you are so boringly predictable you troll

      Not afraid to sign my name

    2. Anon, there isn't much, financially, anyone can squeeze out of a three (?) year marriage. And, by all accounts, I dare say the Prof won't be perturbed by a few hundred pounds here or there.

      However, I do agree with you on the "deserving" bit. Who deserves what? What were the other comments? "Good things come to good people". Alas, things come to people. Good things, bad things. To good people, to bad people. Lady Luck is indiscriminate. And if I may give one piece of advice to anyone: Don't count your eggs before you snuff it. Scrambled today, hard boiled tomorrow.


    3. Ursula and Anon, can't you just be happy for John? Yes, shit happens to everyone at times, but when someone has good fortune, it's nice to congratulate them, not nit-pick. Over to you, I'm sure you'll have something to say.

    4. Happy Hooker, who said I am not happy for John?

      I objected, on a general note, applicable to all of us, to the "deserving" bit; "good things come to good people". It' ain't so. Good things come to bad people. Bad things come to good people. Next I'll expect an ill conceived lecture on "Karma" from one of John's readers.


    5. Tiresome

    6. Flis ... I agree ... So very tiresome!

    7. Oh lord..
      Well I’m feeling quite buoyed up at the moment
      My bathroom man has been in touch , and plans are afoot for my first posh bathroom……”lol I’m a late starter …I’m first one before my 60 th birthday

    8. It will be gorgeous John-and I'm sure you will take much pleasure keeping it all gleamingly clean x

    9. Ursula is right, some great people never catch a break and some horrible people have lucky breaks

    10. That’s just common sense kylie
      Don’t we all know and accept this

  23. That is such amazing and brilliant news. I am so happy for you and think your life will really improve with working part time. I think avocet too but lovely.

    1. I have a lovely quality of life at the moment and part time status will improve it
      For the first time in years I’m feeling more in control

  24. Wonderful news. You definitely deserve it!

    1. We all deserve it , but I am pleased

  25. John, I'm so chuffed for you! You deserve all of the good luck that's come your way. Your fur babies will love having you about more, too. Fantastic, it's made my day as well as making yours! xx

    1. That’s sweet of u
      I’m so lucky to have these windfalls
      I’m also pleased that all of the hospice clinical staff are getting comparable wages to nhs workers

  26. WoW! Good karma is smiling down on you, John.

  27. Fucking Fantastic indeed! And I might add, well deserved.

  28. Wonderful - really pleased for you John!

  29. What fabulous news !

  30. So happy for you John! Funny how good things seem to happen all in a row and so do bad things... rarely is there a nice mix... May the good things keep on rolling in for you. Hugs! deb

    1. Yes the bad things happened at one , now things feel lighter for sure

  31. John, too wonderful to believe - had to pinch myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming. so very happy for you. Hugs from the bottom of the mini-mountain in Maine where the sun is shining brightly.

    1. Good wishes from someone who I don’t know , is sweet x

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. John, considering, her having your interests at heart, how many times Rachel recommended to you to widen your horizons in order to balance your work/home/physical load it's a little disingenuous that you didn't make a nod in her direction.

    Count on friends. Serendipity is ephemeral.


    1. Lol, any advice is always welcome Ursula but I don’t want to do anything else, I’ve already sad this clearly .. I love my work which I’ve already said, I just need to reduce hours and long runs of off duty.
      Which now I can do
      How great is that ?
      I hope to finish my counselling course so I can have have some work to do when I retire from nursing for good

      I do count on my friends Ursula
      I count of my friends daily
      Don’t mix it

  34. Lovely news John. Please do not let the sticks and stones weigh you down. Instead of being pleased for people, the snipers, they are just showing their true colours and that in fact they have serious issues to resolve. Perhaps they should look to their own shortcomings and start dealing with them rather than commenting on what they think they perceive and know of others. None of their business really at the end of the day. Actions speak louder than words and their "actions" are not very nice at the moment. x Pleased for you sweetie xx

    1. Oh dear, I’m working up the comments not down

  35. As I think you people across the pond might say- This is bloody brilliant news!
    (Did I get that right?)

  36. Perhaps it's the "Luck o' the Irish" landing on you there in Wales. Whatever it is, congratulations!

  37. Good news John. I can only imagine how exhausting 12-hour shifts must be.

    1. Well you should know as a teacher, well ex teacher x

    2. Well, not an ex-teacher yet. But I do get it, but I certainly don't do 12-hr. shifts!

  38. How have you survived thus far without a ceramic curlew? Great to know you have had these boosts.

  39. Happy news, John! xx

  40. Yes, indeed, I agree, that is fuckin’ fantastic. So happy for you!

  41. Really pleased for you , you work very hard, as an ex nurse I too used to work nights, but not at your age. They absolutely bugger up your system, so I’m really pleased that you can now consider part time working. I’ve come to realise as I’ve got older , we need far less, in every respect , and time is the real luxury.

    1. For the first time , In years I feel back in control

  42. So happy for you John !!

  43. Congratulations on you good fortune. I am sure it is well deserved!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. SOOO plesed for you! Thank you for sharing.

  46. OMG am so excited for you I just cannot spell correctly today! :-)

  47. Poisonous shit bags are not rare on the internet lol

  48. How bloody amazing is that, the serendipity Gods are smiling down on the right person for a change. I am so happy for you it makes me smile that you can now work part time and enjoy the lightness of life for a change. Your fur babies will be so happy to have you around more. Very well deserved. Love the ceramic bird, I had to look up what an Avocet was; I was none the wiser.

    Jo in Auckland

    P.S. I missed the comment but I just knew Anonymous misery guts would be livid by your news, seems I was right hahaha. I don't wish ill on people but her/his blood pressure must be so dangerously high with all the vitriol it spews I hope they get a check up.

    1. There’s always someone who wants to give a lecture x

  49. WOW...I am so jazzed about your multiple serendipities.

  50. Apply the 20% rule to your new income and the future will be secure :-)

    1. 20% of every dollar that comes you way put into income producing assets. Old wise income producing stocks that have been around for ever like City of London stocks for example. This will produce a growing passive income.

  51. This is wonderful, John, and more than overdue. As good as a head butt from Albert.

  52. Wonderful news! Enjoy your new luxury bathroom!

    1. Oh I can’t wait , the little man is coming round next week x

  53. My dear man, wonderful news!

  54. Anonymous1:33 am

    I am so happy to hear HAPPY for someone deserving. I am a 60 yr. old nurse and those 12 hours are a trial. I like my job a lot and the babies but when I get home I have a date with my heating pad. Feel like I was pulled through a knot hole backwards. Part-time will make a big difference and you furr babies will love it! Well done!

    1. It’s nice to have validation from another nurse
      It’s easy for some some to say “ do something else then”
      It’s not as easy as that

  55. Wonderful news and all the best wishes for you!

  56. Fan-fucking-tastic!!!!
    A good life balance is a beautiful thing

  57. 12 hours is full-time? That sounds more like full-time plus overtime. Anyway, I'm happy you can cut back.

  58. This is just the best news! Better quality of life and exciting plans. And maybe another dog and more holidays sounds brilliant. Very happy for you.

  59. In a world with such sad bleak news it is lovely to read little pockets of good things ...I think the relief of not having to constantly 'look over your shoulder' financially is immense x

    1. To “ get straight” feels absolutely lovely Jane x

  60. I’d call that curlew an avocet, but I’d buy it no matter what it was called. Charming. I always love the art you choose. I am so happy for you and your recent windfalls. Going part-time, though, is the best news ever. You deserve this!

  61. Good things happening for you.How wonderful.

  62. I enjoy reading your blog and have followed it a while but never commented. I'm a similar age - 57 - and recently been looking at my pensions too and trying to work out how to semi-retire so I'm happy for your news. I feel less energy as each year goes by so I can't imagine how tiring your job must be. Part-time would be wonderful and it is something I'm working towards when I get to 60 or 63 at the latest. I plan to do what you're doing - more cultural things and get the house sorted. I don't want more things, just more life experiences. Wishing you all the best.

    1. Welcome Ruth
      Yes it’s time to experience a few new things x

  63. And the job will always need you, more of you, so when you want an extra (a north American tour) you can alway work a few extra days for a while. The we hour shifts have to be a killer. I am doing a run of 9 and 10 hour days - and I am too old for this - I should have asked for more money.

    1. Yes, I will also have the space to support shifts that are suddenly short

  64. That's brilliant news. I love your avocet and I'm looking forward to seeing the new dog, it's always lovely to hear something nice happening to someone.

    1. I’m not worrying about money today

  65. That is absolutely 'fucking fantastic' ... I am so pleased for you, and the Curlew is a fitting reminder of this latest little bit of serendipity.

    Oh how I miss West Shore. We are seriously considering hanging on to our little flat in Llandudno Junction once the tenant moves out in order to enjoy time in Wales again.

    Anyway brilliant news for you. Much love. xx

    1. Yes west shore has everything, big skies big views

    2. Little café, with big buns, homemade cakes and hot coffee :-)

  66. Good for you. It's nice to be appreciated!

  67. Yay John it is so nice to read good news! Thank you for spreading a little joy. Love the bird! I would like that myself. looking forward to seeing your new bathroom! I am a nosy bint!

    1. Oh believe me I will be showing it off bigstyle

  68. Congratulations on your unexpected 'windfall'. People say money doesn't buy you happiness but it sure does give you choices. I'm pleased you can reduce you working hours, it will be brilliant for you.

  69. You must have horseshoes up yer arse:)

    That's lovely and full time nursing at our age is a tough slog.

    1. Lol. That’s anew one x

    2. Pixie and John- That may be worth a try-I could do with some Good Luck and I do have 2 redundant horseshoes by my back door passage x

  70. Anonymous5:59 am

    Wonderful news John 🤗🤗


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes