Old Tom


Albert is not a cuddly cat
He has never sat on my knee.
He has never slept curled up next to me in bed.
He is aloof and remains very much a supporting actor in the everyday life of the cottage but just occasionally he will have a sudden rush of the affections and will rub heads energetically, like he did this afternoon as I was reading a book.
He’s fourteen years old 
A good age for a cat 
I didn’t realise that he was quite so old.
He purred as we head butted each other and for the very first time in fourteen years he let me kiss him gently on the cheek.


  1. I love this. Albert is one of my favorite "characters" that you post about. I have a special affinity for black cats.

    1. Would he like that he’s a favourite ?

  2. So he's finally given in to your advances.

  3. Albert! He loves being part of the pack (on his terms, of course) and it looks like he loves the pack leader as well.

    1. His affection is so sporadic , that when it happens your remember it greatly

  4. My neighbour has always had black cats, none of which have been affectionate, or rather, sometimes affectionate, but could turn into attack mode in the blink of an eye! I wonder if it's a black cat thing? Still, now Albert is getting older, he seems to be mellowing. Before you know it, you'll wake up with him snuggled up to you, along with Mary and Dorothy! xx

    1. Albert is a great hunter even now .
      But I’m very aware that his old fracture gives him a great deal of trouble
      He was a terrible scratcher when young and would “ attack” your hand with gusto , even when playing

  5. I feel very emotional about Albert's affection towards you John-it's very touching-You have been through a lot together xx

  6. You've given him the kiss of death x

    1. You can give him the kiss of life John-on his little furry lips xx

    2. I will let him go peacefully when it’s his time x

  7. veg artist6:13 pm

    He's lovely, and like all cats, does what he want to do.
    My previous cat, Rupert, black, would not come further into the house than the kitchen, but loved sitting on my lap at the table. He and I moved house three times together. He loved gardening, jumping into piles of leaves or baking in the greenhouse, and lived to 18. After a 2 year gap, a tiny tabby kitten appeared, became Polly, and is the most affectionate house cat I have ever known. Hobbies include watching TV and sunbathing. She's not interested in food, and will only eat once we start eating.

  8. Love cats. Albert obviously let's you know he's there when he needs to. We had to have our Hobie put to sleep a couple of years ago. He was 25, very old, a bag of stones in appearance. A lovely old fella that always wanted a cuddle, but ended up with dementia and mostly blind. Grab those cuddles.

    1. He’s the background to my little life here Gary,

  9. I guess he finally feels he is home. :)

    1. He’s always been here…as a kitten he slept in a box on the kitchen table

  10. A lovely special moment.
    Black cats are a favorite of my family. After son moves we he will adopt another pair.

    1. Albert is my third cat
      Betty and Joan found me in Sheffield

  11. My cat is affectionate-- on her terms. More so since her and I are the only occupants of the condo.

    1. Albert has always been “ second choice” given the number of canines in the cottage, up to four above him in the pecking order

  12. It's like "Steptoe and Son"... Albert and Harold.

  13. That is so lovely. I too love Albert.

  14. It’s heartwarming how cats change over the years. Moose is very affectionate but will NOT be picked up or sit in a lap. He expects me to get down on the floor with him -- often -- to pet him (and of course I do). But lately he’s been letting me rub my cheek against his and kiss him on the head — repeatedly. And I purr.

  15. I always especially love when you post about Albert. As a cat person, I can usually relate to his personality and actions. I also love his big, shocked eyes! -Jenn

  16. If he is head butting you, that's it, you are his and that is it. You have been marked for life. Think that is absolutely gorgeous. I have had many cats over the years, and Molly my older cat is a Tabby. She is not an affectionate cat apart from with me although will go days without. Will under no circumstances go to OH. If she wants fuss she demands it. They are all unique. I am glad you got to give him a cheeky kiss. Special moments x

  17. Albert sounds much like the one and only cat I ever had, Starbooty.

  18. Barbara Anne7:34 pm

    How sweet. Hope dear Albert learned that he's safe, secure, and can show his love for his family at last. I'm glad you were home to enjoy this surprise from Albert.


    1. He knows what side his bread is buttered

  19. My mom's cat is not a cuddler. I wish he was

    1. In some ways , with cuddly welsh terriers and needy bulldogs , Albert could never have been a cuddler

  20. Yes, you are his.
    I love it when I get a cat headbut. It's good to feel accepted

    1. It’s like a hug from an icy mother

  21. I have a cat whom my grandchildren call "Scratchy" for very good reasons. But when she does seek and accept affection, it is as you say- memorable. And we love her all the more for that.

  22. Awwwwwww! Slip Alberta a special treat at supper tonight!

  23. Headbutts are how cats show their people they actually care about them! All of my cats have been cuddlers and giving the head butts! Loved that!
    Albert's a sweetie and every cat dictates when you are allowed to pet them! Cat's Rule!! 🐱😻

  24. Lovely story John - agree with Marcia.

  25. He is a very handsome feline.

  26. You are officially family :)
    The loving headbutt of a cat is a sweet joy.


  27. You'll have to mark your calendar as today is a special day for you and Albert. Like all cats, Albert has his terms and conditions. Sweet Albert.

  28. He used to frequently head-butt Winnie though did he not? Perhaps he has decided you are the closest he can now find to a floppy-faced old bulldog?

    1. Winnie and I look similar , it’s the Jowls

  29. Beautiful Albert; he's always been my favorite. He and Winnie were such a pair ...

    Fourteen is an age that's enough if that's all you want -- or just the beginning if you'd like more.

  30. My dear old Freddie became more affectionate when he was older. I thought of it as saying 'thank you' before he finally left us.

  31. He's looking good for 14!

  32. This tugs at my heartstrings like few other subjects manage.

  33. Albert is mostly such an independent soul. So it's extra special when he comes to you for affection.

  34. The older the sweeter they become at last. My cat is 12 and never been very affactive or sitting on my lap. But now she comes every evening lying on the couch between me and my husband and is purring when petting her.

  35. Oh, Albert! What a good one. I love him.

  36. A mellowing old man

  37. A head butt from a cat is basically a hug.

  38. Black cats are a fickle bunch... but mine was loveable for 16 years...

  39. Lovely Albert. How lucky you were to get such a show of affection from him. I adore black cats and miss mine dreadfully

  40. That's so sweet. We have to take what cats have to offer when they feel like it.

  41. Where did Albert come from, tell us his earliest history before he lived on the kitchen table. Did you find him, like a feral kitten or you were given him etc?

    1. He was the only survivor of a feral litter of 6.
      He was taken in as a tiny kitten by a woman with 2 staffie, then was taken to an animal rescue with the name of Guinness.
      I adopted him 2 days after he was taken to the shelter

  42. Albert may be aloof but I'm sure he's a lot more than a supporting actor. I'm sure he's a very dear friend.

  43. Anonymous1:23 am

    I like my cats more than I like some people, hate to feel that way, but that's the way it is. Albert has a great face and a great home and life.


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