What Day Is It?


After four 12 hour shifts I’m aching today and it’s taking me longer than usual to get going
It’s midday and I am still sat at the kitchen table after a walk, nursing a coffee and thinking of what to write.
It’s not quite a spring day yet, but I’ve opened the cottage windows wide to freshen the place.
I’m glad I have a jumper on.
I’ve got necessary paperwork to do but for the past hour have been watching YouTube videos and reading texts from my nephew who is excited at the prospect of having his first date very soon.

We have a new postman who mistakenly pushed the letters through the letterbox instead of the clearly labelled plastic box by the front door.
I could hear him swearing after Mary nipped his fingers.

The workmen who are titillating the monstrous new cottage behind me are blaring out Lady GaGa hits which I don’t mind much
Mrs Trellis left a Snickers bar on the kitchen wall wrapped in a red napkin.
She must have left it days ago as the napkin is sodden.

The daffodils have suddenly appeared onto of the field wall.
They had been planted there by Trendy Carol over a decade ago
And are mature and bunching up nicely

No choir tonight, four of the sopranos have covid 


  1. Sorry to hear that Covid has hit your choir. Hope all will be well soon. I love the daffodils and am looking forward to seeing mine bloom - probably several weeks yet but I can see the shoots of their leaves bursting through the dirt in my garden.
    Enjoy your free time - it's okay to rest and relax!

    1. I’ve just spent two and a half hours on the phone sorting out problems with my pension

  2. I have an irritating blockage of the entrance to my driveway caused by workmen-I'm awaiting a truckload of logs too-also a large stolen cheque which is ongoing and I'm dragging a well padded ulcerd foot around the countryside-I shouldn't complain I know as things are-and I did hear a woodpecker x

    1. You’ve opened up mave for a disgusting comment

  3. Take your time to get going, you've been rushing about for too long! I hope your nephew enjoys his first date and it leads to a second - oh, young love, I can just about remember it (sigh). Spring is definitely starting to spring now, I can't wait! I hope the Covid-struck choir members aren't too poorly and are back to full voice soon. And the postman will (hopefully) have learnt a lesson! xx

  4. I hope your nephew's first date goes well! Very sweet.

    1. Me too, I was rather moved that he told me and told me the details of how they met

  5. Sounds like you are feeling your age today. I feel like this more and more these days.

    1. Lol….48 hours work in 5 days …..

  6. When there's no need to rush - don't.
    Oooh, first dates. Now there's a topic for discussion. xx

    1. I know , I’m trying to be supportive but not too nosey from afar

  7. Barbara Anne3:10 pm

    Oh, I hope the sopranos get over covid quickly, without lingering effects and that no one else gets it.
    Mrs. Trellis' daffodils are lovely and our cheerful daffs are blooming, too.
    Enjoy having the time to take it easy when long shifts have left you tired and befuddled. It's Wednesday, March 15, btw.


    1. I had to think babs
      It’s Tuesday lol

  8. I'm surprised the Snickers bar stayed there that long! Seems like a hungry fox might have made off with it.

    Why do dogs hate mailmen so much?

    1. Mail carriers, I should say.

    2. I guess it’s the wrapper I didn’t eat it , it looked a bit fishy

  9. I was out on a river at the weekend, Constantly bombarded by the tap tap of two love sick Woodpeckers. Problem was they were both female, They spent half an hour knocking away until they got close enough to realise there wasnt a Mr between them and then fighting furiously they serenaded each other three times only to end in frustration, it was great to be out though

    1. How glorious
      I’ve never seen a real woodpecker though ive heard lots

  10. Had to chuckle over Mary nipping the fingers of the postman!
    Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers ... Trendy Carol did a good deed planting them there for all to enjoy!

    1. Mary is such a happy friendly little bitch , learned her “ hatred” of the postman from William who was the most gentle of dogs , he learned his obsession from Meg who in turn caught the bug from welsh terrier number one Finlay

    2. Anonymous8:28 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. What a disgusting thing to say behind anonymity

    4. Unfortunately I missed Anon's comment (they are always good for a laugh - if hard hitting). Let me guess what, apart from whatever you may have perceived as "disgusting", they might have said: What's so funny about a postman having his fingers nipped by your "friendly little bitch"?

      Since I am of a practical bent (problem solver): In the spirit of being kind, considerate of others and stuff, why not install one of those basket thingies (inside the door) that keeps a postman safe? Or BLOCK it all together. Now there is an idea, don't you think?

      Or do what Americans do, back on the ranch and in the suburbs: Have a box at the end of your drive way. It's one way of getting some exercise. All two meters of it.


  11. It's ok to get going slowly, John, especially after 4 long shifts in a row. Treat yourself kindly.

    1. Oh I am , now , I’m eating Korean dumplings with my fingers

  12. "tittivating"? not titillating? Can you show us us the monstrous cottage? At what point does a cottage become a house? Size, location, etc?

    Maybe tape the mail flap shut?

    Love the naturalizing daffs! Mrs T's food offerings will draw rats tho!

    lizzy x

    1. I will photograph it soon….it’s the size of a house

  13. PS Mary must be very fast and vigilant to get to the mail guy's fingers in the seconds that he takes to deliver the mail.

  14. Daffodils brighten any day ... but four people with Covid? Ouch! Be careful.

  15. It’s currently raining mud from Morocco here. I don’t work 12 hour days and I still don’t know what day it is. Please give Mrs. Trellis my address.

  16. Well there's a lot I could say in response to this post but I will just answer the title question: IT'S TUESDAY MR GRAY! TUESDAY I SAID! WOULD YOU LIKE A NICE CUP OF TEA AND A BISCUIT? NO! I SAID BISCUIT!

  17. Yes, it is Tuesday. Yes, those daffodils are glorious.

  18. Remember what I told you - relax.

  19. How exciting for your nephew and how special that he shares his excitement with you!

  20. I think if the mail carrier can't take the time to read a sign, he deserves what he gets! Love the daffies.

  21. I burst into laughter at Mary's nipping incident...and the resulting cussing.

  22. When my thatch darts to the letterbox-which has an old letterbox cage attached high up on the door-I say thank you to him and that keeps things short or 2 of the others will join in the mayhem- lily is far too serene reclining x

    1. Happily John most days-I have a very well behaved Postman-he creeps in pops it in-and sneaks out x

  23. Anonymous10:13 pm

    hope you enjoy some quiet days after long shifts. Your nephew having a first date is quite the momentous occaision! Glad he shared this with you....more to come! And your new mail carrier will no doubt learn quickly where to deliver mail!
    Susan M

  24. The daffodils are beautiful. After a nip, your mail carrier will be more careful. I have no doubt, you'll be A-okay in a day. Covid has hit your choir quite hard. Hopefully everyone has mild Covid.

  25. Oh goodness! 4 twelves are horrendous! I felt like a zombie after only 3 twelves! Thankfully, after those I had 3 days off to "recover"! Bless you! (But retired now so all those 12's did give me a reasonable pension to rest on now)

  26. I have my mail held for the next two days. Off to a 4hr drive to the Mayo Cancer institute, hotel sleep over, and next morning to the Alzimer insitute. . . . then back home with another 4 hr. drive. A 2 day trip to the big City.

  27. It's great that your nephew has you to support and listen.

    Funny and also a bit sad to read of the legacy of William, Meg and Finlay. Dogs - they never really ever leave us. Thank goodness.

  28. I admire Mrs Trellis, she's written.to Putin. I would like to write to Putin but I don't want to get on a list. I hope the Snickers bar was okay.


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