On Line

It was snowing here this evening 
Not a great deal, but enough to be noticed 
I spent most of the day on line , a fact that gave me some admiration for people who spend their working day glued to a screen 
I found the day generally productive 
Lots of boxes ticked
Lots of positives felt.

I sorted out a nice hotel for gorgeous Dave and I on our mini trip to Rome in June and before that , just after my 60th birthday, I’ve arranged to travel to the Catalonian coast south of Barcelona for a few days on holiday alone and booked a private tour of la Sangrada Famalia as well as a three hour tapas & Wine walking tour .
I found a dog carer who will pamper Dorothy in their own home then organised to meet my friend Alex from Poland in London in three weeks time.
We have got tickets for the Emlyn Williams play The Corn Is Green, with Nicola Walker at the National which will be a real treat. 
I’ve booked the nice hotel z in Covent Garden again.

I picked my bathroom suite , tiles , and accessories and let my little bathroom man know messenger then sorted bills and banking out before booking myself on an online Course exploring Pre war German History 
I can thank seeing Cabaret for that one.
I’ve been in a very bad place until yesterday 


  1. Sounds like lots of wonderful enjoyment and fun in your future!

  2. OMG Barcelona? I'll be your interpreter.
    And you have no idea how boring it can get after you've spent four hours in front of the screen, scanning meetings with boring people. Ugh.



  3. I've been in a strange place in the not so distant past but somehow I've got through- I'm stronger than I thought and so now feel quite positive for the future x

    1. Good flis.
      It's been an odd week all told

  4. We so often put ourselves in the "bad places", I think. My life was transformed the day I realised that without changing anything about my situation I could suddenly feel totally different about it just by thinking about it differently. It can work like magic now, for me, and almost instantly. We are our own worst enemies, so often, until we realise, and look at things differently. Good wishes and, with apologies for possibly sermonising, Amen.

    1. No I get exactly what you mean. Most of us have “ go to” places we go back to at our bad times and those places are not always healthy .
      I often want others to make me feel better
      Saying to myself
      “ if only if they had done that”
      It’s the way I think about the matter is more important

  5. Good times! Fun things booked, good friends to share with. The tours in/near Barcelona and trip to rome sound so wonderful.

    Be sure to check in w Dorothy's sitter a few times before June, dogwalkers have a way of disappearing. Where will Mary and Albert stay?
    Last nagging advice: save a file of photos of your bathroom choices and send a copy to your contractor [I refuse to call him a little man] and make sure to look at the file together---bec sometimes what is delivered is NOT what you ordered. When does work begin? What will you do for bathroom facilities during the work? Or do you have two bathrooms?


    lizzy xx

    1. And how will they remove the bathtub w/out damaging your house? If it's a stand alone tub/ clawfoot, you can probably resell it if they're careful.

    2. Yes dorothy will be visiting her boarding home several times before she goes. I'm hoping Mary will be going to treCarol's ol's

    3. When the dirty work is being fine at home I shall go out for the day

  6. You have so many lovely trips coming up! Enjoy everything, I'm happy for you! x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Get with the programme Ursula; according to the latest Government advice, there is no legal obligation to self isolate if one tests positive.
      It's ridiculous advice, but it's a fact!

    3. I don't believe that YP is the type who would not take precautions-Get Well Soon YP x

    4. Ursula not your forum to be insulting to others ..please be polite

    5. John, I am polite enough to point out to others that the likes of YP are a health hazard. If that is an "insult" so be it.


    6. No I thought your tone was somewhat rude.
      You have made your point
      Which you could have done privately by emailing YP yourself.

      I'm really not in the mood for these spats

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. You can delete me as much as you like, John. Fact is you don't get it. And I repeat:

      There was no spat only a spade. The spade YP used to dig his own grave. Neither can I email someone whose email address I don't have. You say (in your email to me just now) that I embarrassed YP in public. The only person who embarrassed YP is YP, the man who wrote about fearing Long Covid more than anything else, the man who foams at the mouth calling people who aren't vaccinated names. Can you imagine what would have happened if I had casually mentioned gallivanting when at the height of being infectious? I'd be stoned to death - by you, your readers, not least him.

      Still, never mind. One of these days I'll get it into my skull that there is one law for some another for others. In the meantime let facts rot in hell. Like the fact that you are already infectious two days before symptoms set in, possibly up to ten days till they pose no risks to OTHERS. No government can change that. Whether legal or not: What you do be it between you and your conscience but don't call me rude if I call someone out on their contradicting themselves and, at risk of repeating myself and invoking more wrath, being irresponsible.


    9. Ursula I deleted your post because of the tone of it and not what you said in it
      I thought you were rude.
      I'm not getting into why's and wherefores .you've made your point clearly and YP we all know how you feel
      This blog entry was not about covid it was about other things
      So let's not blow it all up
      I've said all this I'm my email which , I may add was a reply to yours

    10. You are totally wrong. A man writes about his fear of Covid, his fear of Long Covid, and the very next post he writes about going out. He makes no mention of precautions he took, he made it sound in fact almost frivolous that he went to collect his car named Clint. If he had referred back to Covid and the precautions he took, and the reason he felt it vital that he leave the house, nobody would have batted an eyelid. You don't lay it on heavy how scared and concerned you are about something one day and then the very next not even mention it and breeze off out. So I stand with Ursula, she was not being unreasonable. Oh, I just noticed my comment was deleted so this won't make much sense to readers, but I did defend Ursula's comment earlier.

    11. I will repost this if you delete it.

    12. You know what
      I'm having acup of tea on my unoffical break 10 .5 hours into myshift
      And I really can't be arsedwith any more of this
      Have it your own way ladies and gentlemen
      floor is yours

    13. Well if you just got off your high horse and stopped being Mr Right all the time you might just see that sometimes you are wrong. Your decision is good if not for the right reasons.

    14. It's ok everyone-I cannot comment on YP's blog as I've no google(he may be relieved about that)-YP Has explained matters for anyone who may be concerned x

    15. Well, Flis, let me "explain" what someone in my vicinity, struck down with the virus, did. The garage dropped off the car, popped the keys through the letterbox. The bill was settled on the phone.


    16. Anonymous7:35 pm

      I say the comments are always more interesting when people are allowed to debate and disagree, and actually the only commenter I can recall being regularly insulting is the blog owner himself, with various "F*** off"s and "Arsehole"s and etc; which of course he is perfectly entitled to be if he chooses, it being his blog; but the others just seem disagree in an enlightening and at times thoroughly entertaining way. Life needs spice. I hope debates and disagreements are retained. (But I may be told I am an arsehole who should F**k off now).

    17. Anonymous7:39 pm

      To add more stirring to the old pud
      I noted that Rachel deleted john’s comment last night
      But wouldn’t be deleted herself tonight!

    18. Anonymous7:46 pm

      Do you mean deleted on her own blog? I have never visited there. Is there more fun and intrigue to be had there? I shall take a look...

    19. I am deleting all John's comments now because of his inequality in treating comments on this blog. I make no bones about that. However I commented here tonight because I felt that Ursula's comment was fair and honest and did not deserve to be deleted. I thought it was unfair to delete my defence of her which made the thread make no sense.


    20. I am deleting all John's comments now because of his inequality in treating comments on this blog“



    21. I preferred your first reply. But then to delete it and change the wording is you isn't it and to make out you don't know what I am talking about. Get over it John.

    22. The arrogance of your comment just hit me

    23. Time to say goodbye Rachel ….
      Now I can say take care

    24. Always the victim hey John.

    25. Jings. Confusing. Interesting. It might be better if either all comments were left unmodified and undeleted, or comments were simply not allowed. It is all a bit "Soviet" to be selectively deleting and modifying comments, if I have understood what seems to be occurring correctly. Still, it is always worth a look in here.

    26. Mine are deleted sometimes and I don't mind one bit-and I would do just the same x

    27. This feels uncomfortable now and smacks of bullying
      It’s no secret that Ursula and Rachel have been unhappy at YP and his comments and today I’ve seen them both round on him and his comments and me who deleted those comments
      I have to remind you all
      This-is my blog and my play pen
      It’s not a open public forum that allows anything
      Only recently Rachel would bleat if I left Comments left by Ursula about her and now when i support YP in his similar request she bangs on about it.
      I am astounded at Rachel’s arrogance
      And to be honest after a long shift at the hospice I am astounded at the small minded view of a pretty banal blog .
      Rachel please leave me alone
      Ursula , please play nice or leave too
      I’m pretty sick of this whole spat
      Given the day I’ve had dealing with bigger fucking important things
      Now that’s the end of things

    28. I’m off to bed as I’m up at 6
      When I get up in the morning all further comments will be deleted

    29. John, please do hear me out before you wipe me out.

      First of all, I do acknowledge that it's unfortunate for all concerned, not least yourself, that your blog was the only available platform to address the blogger, YP. I'd have far preferred to make my view on the ONE issue I raised directly to him - on his blog. However, regardless of what is said, how it's being said, on principle not reason YP will not allow certain commentators to see the light of his comment box. My views on that are well known and I won't repeat them here as not to distract from the purpose of this reply.

      The purpose of this reply is to make two general points, in an attempt to clear up some misconceptions. One, I do believe is not readily and willingly understood in parts of blogland; consequently leading to confusion and, indeed, sometimes bad blood. The latter often unnecessarily so.

      When I criticize someone for a particular behaviour or question an opinion of theirs it does NOT mean I devalue the WHOLE person; it's not an "attack" on the whole person. Why is that so difficult to understand?

      Secondly, I think it misguided, in human (blogging) communication, to call people who displease you "trolls", dismissing them outright, putting a stamp on them. How do you define "troll"? I have looked into it and the saddest definition is to call someone a troll in order to shut them up, give them a bad name for reasons not discernible to other readers. So, I am afraid YP's "Response" once again contradicts his own convictions. He complains that his reputation is being maligned yet does the very same to "his" trolls. Not, I hasten to add, that he is the only one who does so.

      Special thanks to thoughtful Andrew of the double-barrelled surname: Your "Soviet" comparison made me smile. Which reminds me, apropos of nothing: Have you ever read any Mayakovski, the poet?


    30. I haven’t mentioned the word troll
      And when I have the words relate to usually snide comments left anonomously or by clearly anonymous commentators.

      This is NOT the place to address Yorkshire pudding directly
      If you want to do that email him, or comment on him blog.
      You and Rachel have made it very clear that you don’t agree with him. Well that’s fine complain directly and not via going gently.

  8. I've been struggling too but we get on with it, don't we? And things change.

  9. My typical work day, it 9-10 hours on two screens and keyboards. I don't know how you spend 10-12 hours on your feet. Rome, Spain, London, life is good.

    1. I'm so looking forward to Rome and hope to return to the city with another friend

  10. It sounds like you've been down a bumpy road. All is good now and that's important. You plans for travel sound excellent. Purchasing all your bathroom materials says you are good to go. Fabulous.

    1. Ah Susan. The bumpy road was mostly one of my doing , I'm in charge of where my head goes

  11. The Catalonan Coast will no doubt feel very good after the snows of March in Wales.

  12. Barbara Anne3:01 am

    It all sounds wonderful! So happy you're feeling happier!
    Will you be away for some of the time the bathroom re-do is happening?


    1. That's my plan, whether it works that way is another thing

  13. My goodness you're busy. I'll probably be in France when you fly over to Spain. I'll wave if I see your plane!

  14. I agree about the "go to places" we return to when we are very low. It ca be a pattern that is so hard to break out from, but when it's something we cannot change ourselves, then it's best to change how we think and react to it. Glad things are feeling better and you are making wonderful plans. So exciting!

  15. A bit late to the party, here. You have been busy making plans and I'm glad you're now in a better place. One day, one step at a time, especially if the road is a bit bumpy. Take care. xx

  16. I'm so pleased to know that you've 'turned a corner'!
    There's simply nothing to be gained from you moping around, feeling sad about what has gone, when the other party quite simply doesn't give a damn!
    Onward and upward now, get on with enjoying life, with bells on!!! X

  17. It always feels good to catch up on things! I'm glad you have some plans to look forward to.

  18. Dark days are no fun, but the future looks quite bright!

  19. If I win the lottery, I might beg to meet you for coffee or a drink in Sitges.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes