And Away


The dawn chorus was loud this morning
I was awake well before five and it was cold enough for the dogs to caterpillar their way under the duvet in order to keep warm.
Before getting up for work, I read a little more of Bob Mortimer’s And Away…. Autobiography , which is a cracking read.
The snow that fell last night had gone from the lane but it remains cold  
I’ve chugged my bucket of coffee this morning which I lace with agave nectar, whilst listening to Steve Allen on LBC radio. He’s an old waspish Queen and his complaining wakes me up nicely.


  1. I couldn't believe that we had a flurry of snow overnight after the beautiful, warm week of Spring weather ! Typical British weather ! Bob Mortimer always makes me laugh and, we have been listening to Steve Allen for years ..... laughter is the best medicine. XXXX

  2. Definitely a day for snuggling back under the duvet if at all possible. I don't know about March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb, seems to be the other way round this year! xx

  3. I love your description of Steve Allen! I listen to LBC in the night when I can't sleep and often catch an hour or so of him.

  4. I'm reluctant to take off my 2 pairs of fleecey pajamas but I must wrap up in outdoor civilised clothing to venture out with the furry ones and replenish their food-It will soon be time for you to have fun again John x

    1. Mavis-I've returned home from an exhausting struggle with an enormous bag of dog food-during which I and had an unpleasant experience-A strange man stopped facing me and hesitated- as he walked off he muttered to himself "I could have her"!!! x

    2. Perhaps it was a must for you to have been properly clothed, although I doubt anyone could have you without you and your thatch's consent.

    3. Yes Mavis-my thatch is quite "lively" x

    4. I haven't even managed to leave the house for work yet and you two have me giggling out loud hahaha! Stop it both of you!

      Jo in Auckland

  5. I hope that the roads were not too slippery as you drove west singing, "I'm A Tiger" and "Stop! In The Name of Love".

  6. I don't know this Steve Allen. I only know Steve Allen of "The Tonight Show" fame, but he's long dead. (Also very funny in his day, though.)

    1. You wouldn't want to know him. He's a twat and certainly no ally of his sexual community.

    2. Same here, Steve. Our Steve Allen died in 2000 and doesn't fit John's description of him at all!

  7. I decided our bathroom was too cold for a shower this morning and as I don't have to leave the house I'm having a 'dirty girl day'. We've just finished And Away. Both thoroughly enjoyed it.

  8. Almost time for me to face the world

    1. I have a 40:minute commute
      So I have time to wake

  9. Barbara Anne1:44 pm

    I'm with Steve in only knowing of the Steve Allen on TV ages ago here in the US.
    It's good your day got off to a good, if chilly, start and hope you find joy along the way.


  10. Cold again? Same here! Layers are needed. We all need humor in our lives. Any good jokes will be appreciated.

    1. Have a listen to Steve on podcast…it’s just a stream of consciousness

  11. You do such a great job sharing little bits that tell so much about you and your life. The only Steve Allen I know of was the one who was the first host of The Tonight Show in New York the year I was born.

  12. Cold ''everywhere" and blowing a gale. It's still March.

    Did you know agave nectar is now considered VERY unhealthy? Who knew....

    lizzy xxx

    1. Really do tell me Lizzy, I’m too tired to google

    2. ''likely not the way to go. Several natural sweeteners — including stevia, erythritol, and xylitol — are much healthier choices. In fact, agave nectar may be the least healthy sweetener in the world, making regular sugar look healthy in comparison.''

      there s a lot more info online, but I am on my way out w my dog into the gale.

  13. We have plenty of snow here if the dogs fancy some as an excuse to get under the duvet.

  14. Sounds delightful.

  15. It's actually getting a bit chilly here of a morning too. Cardigans at the ready now. I hope your day got warmer and here's hoping mine does too.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. He snow on the welsh mountains to the west looked lovely today

  16. Windows thrown wide open today. Tomorrow? Snow.

    1. In llandudno today we had bright sun again.
      Go figure

  17. Thanks for the recommendation, just ordered it. I adore Bob Mortimer.

  18. I have a new DAB radio which is set to JUST ONE CHANEL; BBC Radio 4 Extra. I used to listen to Steve Allan every morning, but can no longer do so. I really must sort-out my radio.


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