Obese Camel et al….

 While my sisters threw and painted their own creations at pottery , I got on with painting my old creations before glazing. 

The finished articles will look rather different but I’ve gone pastel for my hilly letter rack and desert coloured for my obese camel .

Janet, is a true talent , this is her beach hut 

Next week I start my chess set

I’m back on the diet and am trying just a veg Korean detox.
I’ll start again tomorrow 
Sister Ann brought me a lamb casserole tonight
So today’s T shirt is a lie
Tee hee


  1. Yourself and your Sisters are very talented-and does that torso belong to you John-Verrry Dishy x

    1. lol it is me and the camera lies lol

    2. You look very rugged John-like one of your Bear boys x

    3. I will call into the Pharmacy tomorrow-thankyou John xx

  2. No! The T-shirt is not a lie because lambs are indeed herbivores!

    1. Don't lambs nurse and consume milk from their mother? So not herbivores.

    2. Okay then maybe John's T-shirt should read: "LACTOPHILE".

  3. All the pottery pieces are outstanding!

  4. You're very artistically talented.

    Does Mrs Trellis know you poke gentle fun at her on the blog?

    1. I never poke fun at Mrs Trellis
      I love her dearly

    2. To qualify my answer…….
      I think I observe her , her bobble hat, her old dog who used to drag her all over the village ,
      Her fear of meeting another dog, so she disappeared into peoples gardens
      Her odd gifts
      Her wise sayings
      I don’t really like the word “ poke” which to me infers disrespect
      I observe her and share that observation
      To answer your question , yes she does know she is mentioned and one time signed her Christmas cards. With the one name
      “ trellis”

  5. I absolutely adore the camel!!


  6. You and Janet are producing very nice pottery. Your camel has personality and Janet's beach hut is adorable. Your letter holder is contemporary and wonderfully designed, the colors are good too.

  7. I like your camel too, detailed face.
    The octopus squid detailed as well.
    The colors you must feel and they look appropriate as well.
    Beach hut(don't we all want to be there?)

  8. You really nailed that camel! Did you also make the spoon and spoon holder?

  9. Barbara Anne12:51 am

    Love your pottery creations and thank Gemma's person for her interpretation of that shape behind the spoons and to the camel's left is a squid or octopus. You had me wondering.
    Love Janet's #17 beach hut, too.
    Great shirt, and if you're wearing it, you don't seem to need to be on a diet.


  10. That's a porky camel alright! I loved pottery when I was younger I remember making a squirrel for my mum out of slab clay. The camel colour is fabulous. Your sister has the knack too.

    Jo in Auckland

  11. I love your creations, especially the letter holder and the camel! That letter holder is beautifully original and will be both decorative and useful. The face on your camel is very nice. I love Janet's beach hut too. You two are quite talented!

  12. I see more creative things on the horizon, now you'll have more time. Please can we see them all after firing? They'll look so vibrant. What a clever lot you all are! xx

  13. I love the pottery creations. Especially your well fed camel! Your sister's beach house is so good.
    Will follow your herbivore diet with interest.

  14. Well, rules are made to be broken. LOL

    Like Mitchell, I love the camel!

  15. No reason for the diet, you don't look like the camel.

  16. I love the fat camel and the beach hut 🙂

  17. The pottery pieces are true charmers!

  18. That camel is AWESOME!

  19. Wonderful sweet-faced camel


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