Are They Your Underpants?

Covid numbers within the choir seems worryingly high and with only ten able to meet tonight ,  choir practice has been cancelled. 
I’m pondering my day, sat at the kitchen table.
This afternoon I’m at film studies, picking On The Waterfront to pieces 
The rest of the day is free.

The cottage smells of peas.
The slow cooker has been warming pea soup all night. I’ve made sourdough bread and have just bought a Kilner butter maker on line which means the guilty pleasure of homemade salted herb butter…..

Are these your underpants ?”
That was Heulwen calling over the kitchen wall.
It’s breezy and a pair had caught the wind and had left the box hedge where it had been drying 
They lay in the lane, flattened by a tractor wheel

She’s sad that choir has been cancelled tonight too.
We chatted for a long time.
It’s sunny but a little too cold in the shade.


  1. I used to have an old butter churn, which belonged to my husband's Nana. No idea what happened to it. I never tried making butter, and now I'm lactose intolerant, I guess I never will!
    Now that's a question you seldom hear over the kitchen wall! Shame you'll have to wash them again to get the tractor stains out. I hope all the Covid-infected choir members aren't too poorly and soon recover. xx

  2. Your poor underpants, LOL!

  3. I shan't mention your underpants. Flis will do that. And swoon. That you have some sort of anal fixation we all have known for a long time. I myself pick holes into everything. Mainly because I delight in invisible mending.

    Some of your posts - not least this one - have an amazing ability to conjure up violins in my mind. You know, the soulful ones when the world is just about to come to an end. Think Titanic (not gas chambers). To counterbalance the violins as soundtrack to your more or less tragic undertones maybe you'd like to take up Salsa dancing or watch Zorba the Greek (Anthony Quinn) doing the Sirtaki.

    Loosen up, man. The world is about more than bathroom tiles, Mrs Trellis' bobble hat and pea soup.


    1. Are you on the NHS waiting list to have the large bug from up your arse removed or will you go private, Ursula?

      For goodness sake don't be so bitter and vile. There's more than enough of that going on in the world without adding more.

    2. Actually I have been accused of being rather prudish-I work at not being so x

    3. Christina, I'd recommend less bluster more Zen.

      Since you mention the NHS, did you have a humour bypass? "Vile" is in the eye of the beholder. So please do remove the splinter that blinds you to what I said. And, maybe alongside John, do take up dancing whilst you still can. Joy will be yours.


    4. I always view John's posts as a chat with friends. Not necessarily saying anything deep and meaningful, just general chit-chat. You do seem to look for something that isn't there, Ursula.

    5. Ursula
      I really don’t “ get” your comment.
      This isn’t a sad post ( in any shape or form ) nor was it meant to have been .
      It may be banal ( certainly) the underpants were an aside and I thought quite a funny one given the fact that Ian who lives down the lane had already pointed them out to me and I could quite be arsed walking around the cottage to retrieve them

      And I’m quite loose thank you…. If you want political discussions or world news or debate then please visit other blogs, or read the papers or watch the television. Going Gently is what it has always been…’s a snippet of my life, thoughts and experiences and doesn’t need to be anything else but that.

      Just because I don’t discuss “ the world” here doesn’t mean I don’t discuss and enjoy the world in the wider view, you are just not privy to that part of me….

      But then , as always , you know that

      You enjoy throwing a grenade into the party to see what reaction you get…..

      The more you comment like this Ursula the more violins I hear

      ( the arse comment I was lost on btw )

    6. John, I am flattered. Rarely do you comment at such length. LOL more your style.

      I didn't say it was a "sad" post. It's just that you have the ability to conjure up said violins in MY head. MY head! Get it? Only put the sock on your foot if it fits. Don't make any of my utterings into bait.

      As to enjoying throwing "grenades". I don't throw grenades. I make the odd "observation" (as you do with Mrs Trellis and others). If my take ignites anyone's wrath that's between them, their temper and limited horizons.

      Other than that, I could do with some pea soup (enriched with Ham Hock) this minute.


    7. It seems to me that someone has the intention of upsetting the apple cart x

    8. " lol" I write when I'm genuiningly humored by a reply
      Or when I M bored and being polite
      By one
      You did suggest the most was a sad one
      By adding " not least this one" to your comment
      As for the pea soup
      I've only added a ham stock cube

      I'm.flattered too if some of my posts illicit sadness ( only.if they were sad posts themselves)

    9. I had an Great Uncle Dick-he had lots of gold teeth when he smiled x

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I thought it might require a surgeon.

    2. The grenade has gone off …

  5. Barbara Anne1:32 pm

    Ah, life along your lane in your wonderful village!! Ta for the morning laugh at Heulwen's question to you but, alas, they'll need to be washed again. :)


  6. veg artist1:36 pm

    Just think of all the calories you will burn in making the butter! (Hint - put a DVD on first.)
    The current manifestation of Covid does seem very transmissable. Husband picked it up at a school concert (governor, not teacher), and I've been much worse than him with it.
    And if you will dry your underpants on the hedge, what do you expect?

  7. The cottage smells of peas" - Are you writing in a Spanish accent? It may be the dogs' fault.

  8. We were in the car on our way to visit my Aunt and Uncle who were holidaying in a caravan at Cromer-Mum said to my Dad as we approached the Caravan site-"She said it's the one with black lacy pants on the washing line"x

    1. My mother would never peg out her underwear in view of the general public

    2. My Mum would like it known that she was quite shocked about the letter she has received announcing my Auntie's plan( her brother's wife)and mums underwear always remained private hung near the house guarded by Dad's white cotton handkerchieves-and "only common people leave their washing out after lunch " x

    3. Barbara Anne7:41 pm

      My mother always hung the undies between the lines holding the sheets so no one could see them. The clothes pins held them tightly on the line, too.


  9. The village will be posting a warning: Flying underwear! The new Covid variant is on the increase. US numbers are doubling weekly. We are told it's more transmissible but does not cause hospitalization for those vaccinated. I hope your choir members experience only mild Covid.

    1. It looks mild , but everyone is inoculated

  10. There's a mystery story with that line as a newpaper heading "Underpants flattened by a tractor wheel"
    I thought you were startig back on diet!! Herb butter sounds like an invitation to a couple of crumpets by the fire in the evening to me.

  11. Do you want me to send you some pegs so you can affix your clothes somewhere to dry?

    1. Lol, I don’t have a washing line ,
      Sometimes I just let things sun dry on the garden wall

    2. Anonymous7:01 pm

      Maybe you could peg them to the box hedge on windy days. ;-) Pat

    3. I think I need a washing line

    4. Ach man, a washing line would be far too boring and conventional for you. May I suggest a very tall flagpole for you to hoist your undies and everything else to fly proudly over the cottage and visible for miles as Trelawnyd's unofficial emblem declaring that John is in Residence?

    5. I said it , I’ll never have one lol
      I like hanging my sheets on the field gate
      The flag pole is genius

  12. I’ve been reading comments. Oh Dear God. ANYWAY, sorry about choir. Also sorry about the pea soup (although I’m glad it makes you happy). One of those things I loathe. It’s right up there with mushy peas and baked beans. I’m also sorry you didn’t share a photo of your run-over underpants. You make me smile!

    1. The skid marks would make you vomit

    2. Heh heh! I was going to respond, but you said they’d been washed. I had to think for a moment and then I got it(sometimes I do that — think, and get it).

  13. I'm with Mitchell on this one - Oh Dear God!
    I love your random musings about your day, John. I find you charming and entertaining. I would love to be your neighbor.

    1. I’m a nice neighbour if I like you,
      My immediate neighbours love me dearly

    2. And I’m with “e.”

  14. An interesting pattern for underpants if the tractor marks don't come out. Might even become a conversation starter, who knows? :D

    1. Looking at the tread
      It may have been a land rover

    2. Quite the forensic scientist.

    3. I lost several hens to a land rover the tread onthe corpse was distinctive

  15. I can’t believe nobody has made the joke about skid marks!

    1. Lol how apt that comment was…..generally x lol

    2. Well, your flying undies gave me a good chuckle!
      I love pea soup! Some diced smoked ham goes quite well in that!
      See ya tomorrow, John!

  16. That's a cute butter maker- please let us know how it works out once received.

    1. There will be a whole post on my butter production forthcoming

  17. This is a blog and comments site that never fails to interest and entertain me, at least; and obviously plenty of others. I am currently pondering TWoG's expectation that John will be enjoying "a couple of crumpets by the fire in the evening". A treat probably wasted on John, but perhaps I have misunderstood

    1. I’ve experienced crumpets in my 20s
      But it was a phase

  18. Athene comment about skip marks is precious!

  19. When I was with the Park Service, one of my rangers' Campfire Talks was on how mountain families saved and prepared food. She'd get cream and a Mason jar and have the audience pass it around and shake it. By the end of her talk, there'd be butter. Which mean that she was accumulating a lot of butter. So she'd salt and put herbs in it, and we used it to bribe Maintenance to do extra work around the historical cabin we were working in. We didn't have the pretty butter press my Grandmother used on her butter when she was going to trade it, but the Maintenance guys didn't mind. It was tasty.

    1. I’m looking forward to make it…it seems so easy

  20. My mom had a similar contraption to make whipped cream (with two beaters). There was a fine line between having that and whipping a hair too long and be left with butter (and sadly no whipped cream on your apple-pie).

    1. Looking at the YouTube tutorials the who thing looks incredibly easy

  21. I've seen those online and have nearly bought one twice; then I just go back to shaking cream in a jar to make my butter when I want something fresher than I have already. I started to get into making cultured butter but it's a bit of a faff. But nothing beats fresh butter on fresh white sourdough.... yum.
    It's amazing that something so innocent as a pair of flying underpants causes vitriol in one commentor they must be so bored.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. It astounds me that a lot of what I Write either irritates , angers, provokes or brings out the “ I know better” in people
      It’s only a diary after all

  22. Those particular jocks will always bring a smile to you, "the ones that took off and were returned with a blog worthy quote "
    My daughter makes her own butter and always keeps a lookout for reduced price cream (near date) the cartons then go in the freezer until needed....always handy and nice savings.

    1. Underpants are always fair. Game for a good blog title

  23. I have made butter a few times, it takes longer than I expected, but good. At least the butter and undies were not related to one another. Hope they were nice undies.

  24. I'm a serious person on one level. On another I find Viz Comic amusing...and in some other universe 'Carry on up the Khyber' is the epitome of British film comedy - ie humour is subjective. I thoroughly enjoyed the tale of your underpants. In these very grim times we need a little lightness! Thanks John.

  25. This might not translate across the sea (or to anyone under 50) but the talk about the underpants getting rolled over makes me think the story could use a violin--Henny Youngman's!

    1. Oh no not more violins , Ursula will be pleased

  26. "a pair had caught the wind and had left the box hedge where it had been drying. They lay in the lane, flattened by a tractor wheel"

    THANKS! That is the best gut bust I had all day!!!


  27. So very sorry about the spreading COVID.

  28. I remember 'whizzing' some milk and chocolate in the Kenwood, and ending-up with lots of butter clinging to the blade. Chocolate flavoured butter was NOT what I wanted.

    1. It’s arrived today , I’ll make butter tomorrow x

  29. I love the tale of the tragic end of the flying underpants! But I love more that you were so chilled about going out to retrieve them at first. Brilliant.

  30. I saw "On the Waterfront" so many years ago that I barely remember it. I remember Marlon being quite fetching. Your comments section is always so...provocative. And exhausting.

  31. Literally laughed about the underpants.

    1. A few of u enjoyed my underpants adventure x

    2. Anonymous11:18 pm

      A few sad bastards did

  32. I have no idea what a crumpet is and I think the driver of the tractor rode over your britches on purpose.
    I'm having black beans and rice for dinner..piled high with diced onions..tomatoes and hot sauce, but I do like split pea soup..


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes