Fuck Sad

I expected to feel somewhat low today
I’m not.
I don’t want to be.
The valiant muscari Armeniacum  which had been potted up on the front garden table could not look any more cheerful and after a winter of lying dormant the delicate Sea Pinks in the French Basket by the front door have just started to flower again after I rehydrated them back to normality.
After nights,
I’ve let my little bathroom man have the details of my bathroom choices and have opened the cottage windows wide as I play loud cheerful radio 2.
Fuck the incessant yappy Yorkshire terrier in the new build 
Bra straps pulled up with a massive hike
I’ve washed clothes, changed bedding, put all of the houseplants out into the spring sun and watered them with rainwater
All before the weather changes tomorrow,

Sourdough bread is in the oven 
I have just enough butter left to enjoy it 
Hey ho


  1. And thanks for sharing your sunshine.

    1. It disappears from us tomorrow I’m afraid

  2. I know them as grape hyacinth-This may be too much information John But-There's no bra straps here as only fried eggs so pulling my drawers up high- reason being an obnoxious person is lurking irritatingly-I busied myself outside- and only 20 minutes or so ago I at last planted a saxifrage and a sea pink(spookily) as my other had perished-Isn't it Luverly x

    1. I remember them generally as muscari ..I always forget their common name

  3. Barbara Anne3:21 pm

    We call them grape hyacinths, too, and they're in flower in the grass of our side yard. Your Sea Pinks are beautiful, too. Delightful!
    Am glad you're making the most of today - fresh bread! Does it get any better than that?

    1. No babs , proper time to move forward

  4. Life is good. The sun is shining, the yappy dogs are drowned out by Radio 2 and you have the last of the home made butter to enjoy on warm sourdough bread. xx

  5. Very positive! Yay! The hyacinths are such a delight, that color! And fresh bread.I hope to make Irish soda bread later, as it is very cold here---are you expecting a cold snap or storm too, you said weather is changing?


    lizzy x

    1. Yes it’s evening now and there was a chill in the air in the lane just now

  6. Must say I don't like Yorkshire terriers. Yorkshire deserves a better county dog - a larger, more even-tempered, friendlier mutt that eats Yorkshire terriers for breakfast.

    1. Yes they never suit the county apart from their bravery

    2. Indeed, my Yorkie thought he was a Rottweiler but I taught him early on that barking was a no-no.

  7. I think my comment is always the same, but it is my thought when I read your blog - you have created such a wonderful life for yourself.

  8. Good for you and your bra straps!

    1. They’ve had good use over the last three years

  9. I am glad you are doing well, John!

  10. Fiona5:31 pm

    Some people seem to be oblivious of their dog barking or they don't realise that it's become a nuisance to others.

    A remedy to stop the yapping dog for the price of a postage stamp - send an anonymous letter through the post saying Dear owners of the barking dog, your dogs persistent barking wakens my children from both their afternoon naps and at bedtime, also my elderly parent who is poorly and bedridden is constantly woken from her daytime sleep. Would you please be considerate and stop your dog from barking.

    I know this works because I did this and now very rarely hear the dog barking, my children and my parent both have undisturbed sleep at last.

    I sent it anonymously by post as I didn't want to confront them or be seen to put it through their letterbox in case of possible confrontation.

    1. I have done that when I caught a drunk driver parking his car in the village. I left a note on the car telling him I’d seen him drive drunk
      After that he sought help

    2. Maybe the new people aren't home and don't realise their dog is barking? Maybe the little guy is alone and scared in a new house. Maybe it would be nice and friendly to go by and introduce yourself as a neighbor anf fellow dog owner. Maybe Yorkie can come play w the girls in he garden. My dog doesn't bark much around me but I always ask neighbors to pls tell me if he barks when I am not home. And yesterday he went wacko about a child playing street hockey in full skates and uniform and stick---new! exciting!
      No need to be negative about the dog at this point. Be kind.

    3. I can and am kind regarding dogs
      But constantly yapping dogs impart on all of my neighbours and we are all feeling the same
      This IS unfair

  11. I fucking hate yapping and barking dogs in neighbours houses !

    My next door neighbour in our semi detached houses has turned his into a BnB.... every now and then there are loud Sex parties... so maybe yapping dogs is a better option for noise pollution !!!

  12. Nobody likes a yapping dog. In my rural town, if a dog barks for more than 10 minutes the dog officer can be contacted to inform the owner of the 10 minute bylaw. Your homemade bread with butter sounds delicious.

    1. .10 minute by law, oh be still my beating heart x

  13. Nature is a wonderful balm for the soul. I've actually just come in from a gentle stroll around the meadow with the dogs. One of them covered her undercarriage with mud, which I failed to spot until she had rolled on the bed, wriggling under the cover for good measure. End of idyll. I hope you can make friends with the Yorkshire terrier, I think he might be lonely and/or bored.

    1. He has a lot of other happy dogs in the house too !!!

  14. 'Fuck sad', couldn't have said it any better!

    1. Halleluiah! Remember this moment of insight. It just kills me when you let him hurt you still.

    2. It’s not his fault ,
      Only I can change things for me

  15. I love grape hyacinths …. I planted some last year but have not seen hide nor hair if them so far !!!
    Glad you are being positive and putting the bad stuff behind you. No point dwelling on it but I know that’s easier to say than do. Keep keeping your pecker up John. XXXX

  16. It sounds like you are having a perfect day! Good for you!

  17. Glad your day has been better than expected! You never know, right? I am not looking forward to this wintry weather we're due to get.

    1. Love the sea pinks John - have you a latin name - if so can I havee it please. Good to read such an update post -yes I think often these things linger on intil one day you realise it is all over and you can start again. Much love.

    2. Sea pink, aka sea thrift, is armeria maritima. Much love to you and John, Jxx

  18. I rarely write and way in someone else's, today is one of those rare days. I realize you don't really need to know this, but you are a bit of an inspiration for me. You have not let the end of a relationship totally ruin you, you just plugging on, hard as it was you kept moving forward, that deserves a pat on back, a cup of tea and a Scotch egg. Hold those who you love and those who love you close. Hell you know all that crap. I would say more, but I don't want to over stay my welcome.

  19. I think I read somewhere that the best revenge is living well. I also remember when I stopped checking the obituaries for my ex's name.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


  21. Saturday at the farm as I was moving rocks around, all I heard were gunshots. People in the country in the US, guns and target practice. I'd rather have a yappy dog barking ha.

    You got this John, as others have said, living your best life is the thing to do. You have far more people across the world rooting for you and sending good vibes than you realize.

    Much XOXO!

  22. Just like the house you are opening your windows to let the fresh new day surround you. Some days you just have to "man up" and take life by the balls.

    1. Love you from afar and hope the best always for you in your life.

  23. Yes!A sentiment I agree with. Do I get sad.. yes I do, do I stay sad.. not for long. I wallow then kick myself up the backside and get moving. I don't ignore what made me sad but I seem to have the ability to recognise it's uses and move on swiftly. And I agree with you wholeheartedly your ex has no respect for you or your history together and to be honest I don't think he has much self respect either. Glad you were enjoying your sunny day.

    Jo in Auckland

  24. I think you have done right by yourself as that relationship ended and that's what really matters as you move forward.
    Glad you managed to make the most of the good weather. I try to enjoy as much as I can of the sun and outdoors when I can, so that there is strength for the darker days. Lovely flowers!

  25. John, whilst I understand your sentiment, one also has to ask the question what purpose it would have served if Chris had let you know. What would he have said? "John, hi, I know it's only been three years but just to rub salt into the wound I'd like you to know that I am just about to tie another knot."

    Some people prefer the tidiness of a clean break when no other continuing links (say, children) are involved. So, no contact, no anything. If you are knitted differently, then, yes, it's painful. On the other hand, don't forget if there is a new significant other they do have feelings too. And, more often than not, they don't include those gone before them.


    1. It would have been kinder

    2. Anonymous9:08 am

      I am remember you blogging about telling him not to contact you again. Maybe that was why he didn't tell you?

    3. Flis may have hit the nail on the head there, sometimes when you move on you do feel pangs of guilt for those you have left behind if you have had to hurt them.

    4. Anonymous 27:45 pm

      I have no desire to rile you but I have to agree with Anonymous above. I definitely recall you saying some time ago that your ex-husband had reached out suggesting you remain friendly and in touch and you telling us that you had replied telling him not to contact you again. So how can you then be hurt or offended that he did not contact you to let you know he was getting married again?

    5. He sent me a Christmas card , the type you’d send to a neighbour. I asked him not to send any more
      Personally I think a brief email or note informing me of his marriage would have been a kindness
      But in general terms youare perfectly right
      I hope you feel vindicated

  26. If you keep on hoiking up those bra straps you are not going to be able to breathe!!

  27. Anonymous11:18 am

    My long standing parner was engaged to someone else before me.
    The ex made friends with his sis in law and a couple of girl cousins
    I was fuming about it, think she wanted him back.
    Anyway l said to them that l didn't want them gossiping to his ex about me,and basically can you let her go please.
    They did, think she is on husband no 3 now, might be more, years roll on.
    Be like Elsa 'Let it go'
    Suzie x

  28. 63 comments for such thin copy. You need to count your blessings and stop rolling around in your own ordure.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes