(Finlandia by Jean Sibelius)

Sublime moments happen rarely 
Last night in the wee small hours at work, it was nice to have a brief break outside and take in the air as it breezes in from the Irish Sea.
In the hospice garden, you can’t see the sea but you can taste and smell it and that feels cold and wonderful after a few hours clinical work especially when listening to this version of This My Song to Finlandia, a song we sing in choir

Listening to Sibelius in the dark.
And feeling a bit ….well….weird 


  1. Sibelius must be a nice companion in the middle of the night.

  2. I love Finlandia. This is exquisite

  3. Beautiful song and so appropriate for the World at the moment! If only the words and tune alone could heal the world! How glorious that would be!

    1. Yes ,,,there are a few songs for peace doing the rounds at the moment

  4. Yes Marcia-"If only" was what came to my mind too x

  5. Barbara Anne12:15 am

    Glorious ... and may it be so for today and evermore.
    Ta, John.


  6. So beautiful, so poignant at this moment in time.

  7. Lovely, I agree with Marcia - and to smell the sea on leaving work (Thalatta, Thalatta!). Given that it's an ode to Sibelius' native Finland, odd that the video background is of rural Wales. That's definitely Grosmont in Monmouthshire at the start ( being an anorak - I've taken the same photo from the castle there. No sea though... ).

  8. Proclaiming peace...how hard can it really be just to be nice.

  9. I've only ever heard this as an orchestral piece. The added words are interesting; especially as they're written on screen.

  10. Beautiful - music and words. Wouldn't it be good if this was the national anthem for every country?

  11. Brought a lump to my throat. If only...
    I can imagine you, alone, in the dark, listening to Sibelius and breathing in the cold, salty air. xx

  12. How lovely is that? I have, also, only heard the orchestral version. Very haunting and appropriate at this moment in time. Ro xx

  13. I love classical music too. A favourite suite. My father loved classical music and this was one of his favourites. In his youth he was soloist in Lincoln Cathedral choir. Apparently he had a beautiful voice. If only the world could be healed with music that would be an achievement and this piece is more than suitable. Sometimes in the middle of the night our soul needs feeding too. Bet it was magical for you listening in the dark last night. Often you get more enjoyment that way. Take care xx

  14. Words that evoke a sense of being there

  15. Love Finlandia - have never heard it in that setting - sublime I would guess.

    1. It’s very moving singing it in a group

  16. Sibelius and Grieg, two of my favorites. Dark, rugged, grand, mysterious!

  17. What a beautiful piece of music and we might dedicate it tonight to the Ukraine.


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