
On the back of my earlier blog entry I am intrigued by what everyone would have written on their epitaph or headstone 

What would you have written if allowed ?

On my headstone would be 

“ Here Slumps John Gray

             Loving friend, colleague, brother and husband 

             Back Home by 100 yards “  

 Tell me your chosen headstone epitaph ..


  1. My stone is already inscribed. Between my late husbands name and mine is a single word: Beloved. Mine just waiting for a date

  2. Marlane here for the last time.

  3. Love Spike Milligan's quote "I told you I was ill". Janx

    1. I always loved that one too

    2. That's always been a favourite of mine too.

    3. The pity is he had to have it in Irish Gaelic for the authorities to allow it!

    4. Yes, that’s why my epitaph reads simply
      There are rules about what you can’t write

  4. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Jan Morris' choice.
    Here are two friends, at the end of one life. franinoz (lurker)

  5. A engraved martini glass, centered, followed by-

    Mistress Borghese

    Cheers Bitches.

  6. I've always said that I would be
    Here lies Jess
    Beloved wife and mother
    ' I did it my way'
    I do love the song but really it's the final time my wife can say I'm a stubborn woman, it's true and I find the idea of someone reading it very funny because they wouldn't really know the real meaning behind it but my family would.

  7. Like my blog....

    Within me was the invincible summer. Go find yours.

  8. I just Can not decide-but I'm often working on what music I would like x

    1. Well as you ask-I thought it once may be 70s funky funk but now as listen to classic FM all day and my favourites change-one is Vaughn Williams Rosymedre-Welsh Hymn -I have mum,and 2 uncles with Welsh names and since a small child vivid dreams of wearing Welsh costume weirdly(my previous life perhaps) x

    2. ps-I forgot to say my Grandma had a Welsh name too-all I know of her family is they bred pomeranians-and I was fated to buy a clodau watch x

  9. The Final Adventure

  10. I’m not here…I’m at the beach

  11. Greatful for family and a long, good life.

  12. No tombstone for me. Plop my ashes in a hole and put a lilac tree on top. I like the idea that those who love me will know where I am, and when they are gone, strangers will pause in the spring, and that I will play a small part in that pleasure.

    1. just like high school

      Jack and Kris 4ever
      and sweet pup Oz

      Life goes quick, Love is forever!

  13. If I were to have one it would say: Gone. And Forgotten.

  14. No headstone for me. I want to be cremated immediately and my ashes put in a hole and a tree planted on top same as my Mum. When we were kids she always said I don't care where you plant me but make sure I have a tree on top. So we did and we giggle about it all the time now.

    Jo in Auckland

  15. Thank fuck that's over

    1. Oh I’d visit your grave if the headstone said that

  16. No headstone for me either. I tell my children to scatter my ashes somewhere that is meaningful to them and me.

  17. Please look after my sister now that I have gone.

    No headstone though..im being fryed.

    1. This moved me greatly

    2. My sister is mentally challenged. I have been caring for her since our folks passed away in 2005. She's a wonderful funny person but hasn't a lick of sense. She is 61 going on 9 and I am 10 years older. I do plan on living a long time..

  18. Keep off the Grass!

  19. "I didn't die with my music still in me"

    Or it might just be a simple "lol"


  20. Barbara Anne5:18 am

    No headstone here either. Still plan to donate what is left of me. Somebody needs to find a cure for lupus and perhaps the clue is within me.


  21. My ashes will be thrown to the waves and the wind on a frigid winter day. No headstone needed. I'll be remembered in the glittering sparkle of summer surf, sandcastles, seaglass, hearts.

    1. I’m not sure I’d have someone around to do that for me

    2. John, you will always have people around you.

    3. They can plant me under a spring blooming tree if the beach becomes difficult. But the beach is, after all, right out the back door.

  22. No headstone here, either, but I think I'd like my eulogy to say along the lines of," She didn't always get it right, but she did it all with love." xx

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. No headstone, but instructions, when finished with, please place on compost heap.

  25. A burden lifted.

  26. I'm Behind You!!

    I wonder how many people would look over their shoulder :-)

  27. Our local graveyard has a grave with the words 'Where ever you be let your wind go free because that was the cause of the death of me' this is true.

  28. I would have :
    “ It’s better than it was “
    I say that all the time re cleaning etc !!! XXXX

  29. Probably just my name and dates. Nothing more.

    1. I thought your tombstone would be a great opportunity for one of your jokes. I am disappointed.

    2. Disappointed, Rachel? YP can always be relied upon to live up to his reputation. An exercise in diminishing returns.

      Never mind his tombstone. His coffin will be Clint. I mean, what is the purpose of Clint if not carting YP here and everywhere? Including heaven where there are no rights of way for YP to dispute. That image alone makes me feel sorry for him.

      RIP, YP, 1952(?) - as yet, like one of Schubert's symphonies, not finished.

      Hugs, no hisses,

    3. Lol , I did have a long hard think about it, and thought a joke would not be allowed , I think written memorials have to fulfil some sort of criteria

    4. You are obviously still reading MR Pudding’s work, he’ll be flattered

    5. I was looking out for a joke from him here. I thought it was his ideal showcase.

    6. I see you say you didn't think a joke would be allowed; it is a blog post, not the real thing. By the way, Spike's wasn't his, it had been used by others before him.

    7. Yes..no I, serious with my thoughts on the epitaph
      I want to organise EVERYTHING

    8. Yes me too. All done here too. I was referring to a bit of fun with the epitaphs. I love Mave's.

  30. One of my favourite movie quotes: "He was some kind of a man. What does it matter what you say about people?"

  31. One of my favourite movie quotes: "He was some kind of a man. What does it matter what you say about people?"

  32. I am being "green cremated," where they use a tank of some solution, rather than the box and burn method. What's left will be compost for a tree - perhaps in one of our National Forests that have been torched by wildfires. Had I chosen a tombstone, mine would have said, "Whatever."

  33. Anonymous2:17 pm

    No headstone or grave or service. The least fuss possible.
    A private cremation, already paid for, body taken to the crematorium by the funeral company at whatever time they've arranged it for, only the crematorium staff present.
    No family or friends. I've arranged to go as I lived my life, without fuss.

    1. That's a bit mean, Anon. After all, funerals are not for the dead. They are for the living. Ritual and all that. Coping with the grief even if, secretly, everyone is glad to see back of you.

      "No fuss"? You'll create more fuss than you ever wished for by excluding everyone. Trust me on that one. You'll be the centre of attention - in absentia.


    2. Both of my parents were cremated, as was my husband three years ago, according to their wishes. You can still celebrate a person's life without having a funeral. No one is "excluded."

    3. If it’s your wish anon,
      I get it totally

    4. Anonymous10:52 pm

      Why on earth would I want to trust you about my cremation Ursula? You know nothing of my life, my past or my present situation.
      There is nobody to be "excluded" and if you read my comment again you'll see the words "no family or friends" which means exactly as it says, I have no living family left and have no friends, by choice.
      My solicitor will deal with my estate, such as it is, to be donated to charities after his fees have been deducted. I have already given to charities any surplus that I no longer need.
      When you know nothing about a person's situation Ursula please keep your criticisms to yourself.
      John, thank you, I thought you would understand.

  34. This isn’t mine, but saw it on a headstone. “Finally I am skinny!” Haha
    Sharon in CO

    1. This one wouldn’t be allowed in the uk
      But I like it

  35. No epitaph, just my ashes scattered to the wind in the mountians.

  36. Here lies the greatest human being that has ever lived,
    And you dumb suckers had no clue.

  37. No more staff meetings

  38. Well i wont have the opportunity as i put on my hubby's
    "To the world he was a man
    To me he was the world"

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. A good heart is hard to find, but this woman had one .....

  41. "He got away with it far too often."

  42. Headstone? I won't have one, but if I did, perhaps: "This explains why I have stopped commenting".

  43. Evidently blogspot thought my reply needed repeating. I’ll be at the beach because my ashes will be scattered in the Gulf of Mexico

  44. I keep threatening my family that I'll put - Julie and her 2 pussies on it, as I want my cats ashes to come with me. At least people would have a laugh.

  45. I had to look again at the possible scammer whose last line of his comment was "slot on line". All kinds of strange things came into my mind as to what that would mean on a headstone. Then I read the beginning of the comment and I semi-understood what he meant, but that was a bit funny considering the subject, to me. I just took my allergy medicine so maybe I'm easily amused right now.

    I can't decide if I want to be buried or cremated. If cremated I hope someone would want to keep some of my ashes,and I would like the rest of the ashes sprinkled
    into the middle of the Mississippi River from a ferry that we traveled on across the river and had many enjoyable times on road trips, plus sooner or later some particles of me will make it to the ocean. I love the Mississippi River about 40 miles upriver from St.Louis and some of my best memories are of times spent boating, swimming and fishing, camping on the sandbars along the Mississippi where the water was clear enough you could see your feet until the water was well over knee deep.

    I also like the idea of having a tree planted very near my grave site. I have no idea what, besides name and dates, that I would like on my headstone. Maybe some lilies and/or dogwood flowers carved into it instead of words.

    My husband says he wants to be turned into a diamond!
    He is a real jewel.

  46. "Just Passing Through"


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