
Housekeeping day 
I popped down to the pet wholesalers and bought dog food ( there is a shortage in the supermarkets ) 
While there I also bought two dog crates for the Airbnb jaunt, petrol and fire logs.
Any longer journey will need the energetic Dorothy safely confined in the back of Bluebell.( hence the crate)
I called in to Aldi too and purchased lots of cheap spring flowers to cheer up the day and the patio 
It’s been a miserable and very wet day all told made better by the presence of two pre teenage girls outside  the supermarket who were holding a homemade Ukrainian flag as they filmed their supportive waves on their phones. 

I’m having breakfast out tomorrow, then have booked a film course before choir .
Pottery later


  1. Cold, wet and grey here, too. Your flowers will add a touch of colour to your garden. I love the old copper(?) kettle on your plant stand. Did you see Pottery Throwdown last night? The knight's helmet urinal was brilliant! xx

    1. Now there’s a final phrase you don’t hear a lot
      I’ve bunked off,pottery tonight,
      The fire is just too inviting

  2. Barbara Anne5:55 pm

    Lovely flowers and will be interested to see how Dorothy takes to the crate. We have an old kettle among our flower pots, too.
    Feb. 29th (if there was one this year) would have been my mother's 106th birthday and her name was Dorothy.


    1. I’ve got the glove compartment filled with pigs ears

    2. Oh my God x

    3. Talk about phrases you don't hear every day! xx

  3. Beautiful spring blooms John.

  4. Good to be prepared with dog crates, especially for travel. I have crates as well. One for dogs and one for cats. Your flowers look cheerful and beautiful on the patio. The democratic world supports Ukraine and we must continue to do so. Elon Musk has now launched Starlink satellite service in Ukraine. Communications is key.

    1. I see Switzerland , a famous neutral , has taken sanctions out on Russia

  5. Teens virtue signaling on there phones would be better off volunteering for some relief organization. Of course, they would probably film that too.

    1. Anonymous7:25 pm

      So what? Kids showing any sort of support for Ukraine is good. We don't need your 'jug of cold water' comments thank you!
      Sorry to hi-jack here John X

    2. I was quite moved by their small show of solidarity

  6. I bought dog food today-Both shops had empty spaces-I wanted a sack of a certain dried but they only had small x

    1. Ps-my terror travels in a strong cage with a divider-with little teddy safely in the other half-there are 2 separate doors alongside-larger dogs wearing dog harness on back seats-today monkey terrier scarpered as soon as the door was open-I am still recovering x

    2. I don’t understand the problem with dog food levels

  7. They are just what I need. Lovely things.

  8. Same thing on dog food in the US, shelves almost empty. I let me extra supply get low. I am restocking now. I like them to eat the same food they are used to avoiding tummy upset. I will order 2 bags a week for a while to build the stockpile back up. They go thru a bag a week. My goal is to have at least 6 month stockpiled.

    1. I don’t understand the shortage can anyone explain

    2. It's the same here in NZ. Both cat and dog food shortages. I can only imagine there are shortages of ingredients and supply chain issues. No one here knows why either.

      Jo in Auckland

    3. Possibly transportation issues, as it seems to be all kinds of dog food, dried and tinned as well as fresh. Pets at Home was decimated last week.

    4. I went into another branch of a pet store earlier today and they didn't have my dogs food either-I got anxious and took an alternative x

  9. Your flowers certainly provide a happy splash of colour John. Have you tried using a tethered harness to keep Dorothy secure in the car? I tried two kinds, one was a strap that went through the seatbelt and was attached to the dog's collar, and the other- more secure, fed the seatbelt through a loop and then the seatbelt was done up. The problem with that one was when Kiwa decided she needed to turn around she was stuck. Containers are doubly useful in that you can secure a sick animal in them... I hope you can convince Dorothy to get into the crate ... the second time you try!!

  10. Lovely spring photos.

  11. The crates are a great idea. we have them in our boot, they have a divider. It stops my dogs from throwing themselves out into the road and the worry they will run into the traffic. Also there is the thing that the highway code says your dogs should be secured. we cant do the tethers in the back seat as they tie themselves around each other and then scream till you stop and untangle them. I also appreciate that I dont have to wipe dog snot and wet licks off the windows.

    And before anyone comments its Highway Code 57, 'When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars.' Its so the dog doesnt shoot forward if you have to do an emergency stop. Hurting the driver or itself.

  12. Pottery Goats? I think you should have some.

  13. Flowers make such a difference! I love them. Especially the colours of polyanthus and daffodils in spring.

  14. Good to hear that the dogs will be safely crated in the car for your journey. Sol is right about the highway code, and I am sure I read, some time ago, that if you have an accident with unsecured dogs in the car your insurance could be void!! Enjoy your hols.

    1. that is correct, if you have an accident and the police attend, your insurance wont pay.

  15. Those flowers DO brighten the day. A pet-crate holiday. So exciting.

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  17. Nice flowers! I love primroses.

  18. I love the kettle/flower combo :-)


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