After Life - ''There are angels''

I’ve been catching up with After Life this afternoon after much nagging and have binge watched season 1 today.
It’s a powerful, incredibly funny and at times painfully poignant exploration into grief 
And the scenes where Gervais let’s the luminous Penelope Wilton shine are incredibly beautiful to watch. 
I loved the more observational humour scenes such as this one in series 3  , just as much 


  1. I absolutely loved After Life and as much as I was overjoyed at the beautiful final episode I really wanted the misery to continue.

    1. Don’t tell me I’ve not reached it yet lol

    2. He reminds me of you mave

  2. One of my favorite shows in the last few years.

  3. Doug and I loved that show, Ricky at his best and some awesome messages.

    1. I never liked Ricky Gervais until I watched "After Life". So tender. So funny. So sad. A real triumph.

  4. Absolutely loved it. Watched all three series over the last week, cannot get it out of my head. Love Janx

  5. I haven't seen this at all-I'm sure I would really enjoy it though x

  6. suzanne dorries11:31 pm

    you must watch 1883. it is good in my opinion. give it a shot.

  7. I love Gervais!!

  8. Both excellent clips, but I love the first one.

  9. This one passed me by. Will have to look it up. xx

  10. I loved this series. The final moments of the last episode I found very touching and profound.

  11. Brilliant. I love both clips.

  12. Glad you found this series. Beautifully observed.
    Filmed where I grew up.

  13. I also binge watched this series. Brilliant and amazing and keeps you thinking and talking about it long after viewing. Ro xx

  14. Ricky Gervais is brilliant and funny, if a bit too cruel at times for my taste. The show was exceptional. His depth of understanding and ability to express it is profound -- even with those moments I wanted to slap him for his cruelty.

  15. So much truth in that first clip. A great series.

  16. It took me a long time to get around to watching this, I'm still on series one, but it definintely grows on you. And I LOVE that his dog has saved his life quite a few times already.

  17. A man is talking to a child. It annoys someone. He proceeds to annoy two people just to make a point in a vulgar way. Why is it that people can't simply overlook small annoyances? The need to return fire with twice the force is a sad commentary on today's state of affair. We are not the center of the world. Sometimes things in life can be a bother. It is rarely worth getting yourself worked up into a lather about. It is never worth humiliating others.

    1. I think u missed the point of the whole scene
      It’s about mobilising anger during grief
      Sometimes totally inappropriately

    2. Yep, that's how I read it too, John. Plus who hasn't experienced the agony of enduring someone else's excessive noise just to 'keep the peace'?

    3. That was my point, actually: that the scene was displaying inappropriate behavior. I accept the fact that I took the scene out of context. As a stand-alone, it is cruel and ridicules other. Also, I guess that I define 'agony' a bit differently.

  18. I've always loved Ricky Gervais and this piece has been incredibly touching. He's right on spot! This is the sort of realism more viewers would benefit from instead a lot of the trash that's out there. He makes me laugh, cry, and do some serious thinking. Improving with age.

  19. I usually steer clear of Mr Gervais. Maybe I'll give it a look.

  20. This was one of my favorite pandemic finds. Good all around.


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