4 pm

It’s four pm
How did that happen?
What have I done today?
I slept late, I know that much, and I’ve shopped for lunch tomorrow and for dog food.
I’ve booked a pottery lesson for next Wednesday evening and for the cinema on Thursday followed by an on line evening zoom Night with Patricia Cornwall on Fane 
Next week I’m working more hours than I should
I’ve had a bath and cooked Korean noodles for lunch tomorrow and walked the dogs 
I downloaded my covid pass, bought some Christmas gifts on line and “talked” to my friend Ben who was drinking beer on his Korean balcony in Seoul .
Autumn days just fly by. 
It’s almost dark and from my office window the village lights are just starting to twinkle  through the Church yard trees
It’s 4 pm …….how did that happen?


  1. You do more in a day than I do and I don’t have to work. Does Seoul have balconies that aren’t Korean? How can you tell if it IS Korean?

  2. The short days of impending winter. You seem awfully busy to me!

  3. It's now 5.15pm and I'm thinking it must be bedtime. It's been dark for hours. Roll on spring! xx

  4. Joan (Devon)5:22 pm

    You've done more than I ever do now. At 4pm I was fast asleep in bed, thanks to the MS fatigue (fatigue from what? I always think).

    1. Ms fatigue is horrendous , I’ve witnessed it many times x

  5. It is another good reason for not changing the clocks. At 4pm it was dark in Sheffield. If you want to go walking at this time of year you have a very small window of opportunity. Damn that William Willett!

    1. Well, you have the same window of opportunity regardless of the clocks - changing the clocks does not change the length of the daylight day after all, that would require planetary engineering - you just need to get up earlier, yes?

    2. I want to wake in daylight and go to bed in the dark

  6. Good question, John. Worse, it's 2021. How did THAT happen? To think that once upon a time I wanted little more than be of age (legally). I didn't reckon on the clock ticking. Regardless, relentlessly.

    Anyway, by way of comfort, apart from Christmas there is the 21st of December to look forward to. It's the shortest day of the year. After that it's all uphill. Till 21 June. Then we are on the descent once more. I warned you about my atrocious bedside manner.

    Just light a candle, all good,

    1. I went out with gorgeous Dave tonight, which made me feel better

    2. Why have you let the viper back in the nest John? It's only a matter of time before the nastiness reappears.

  7. Barbara Anne6:12 pm

    You've accomplished a lot today!
    I agree the days seem to fly by and before I know it, it's time for me to stop and rest before I go next door to cook dinner for our son who has CP. I love to read as I sit and rest.


    1. I’m back at work all day tomorrow so a restful slow day was appropriate I guess x

  8. Might it be that you are only just better and ar Only a suggesxtion.

  9. We all know that feeling, esp at this time of the year

  10. You got a lot accomplished; that's where the day went. Often my day at home flies by too but when I try to itemize all the activity, it doesn't seem to add up. -Kate

  11. It is difficult to start in the dark...turn around and it's dark again! Roll on the Solstice!!

    1. The older I get the more seasons seem to affect me x

  12. I just run around the garden like a teddy bear or a blue arsed fly and get nothing much done-apart from being run ragged by those darling furry ones who drop off to sleep by around 4pm-until they wake for more food and medical checks x

    1. I haven’t heard that old rhyme fir an age, it was a favourite of my grandmothers
      Round and 4ound the garden
      Like a teddy bear
      One step
      Two step
      Tickle under there

  13. Time does seem to accelerate at this time of year. Though the last couple of weeks have dragged for moi after 'the snap'

    1. How are u in winter my friend?

    2. Ahhh tis not the snap of winter but rather that of my collar bone, so grounded and stir crazy! Besides that I am well my friend

  14. You've made me need a nap.
    I am of the philosophy that sometimes one has to sit and do nothing. I have it down to an art.

  15. Me too, with knitting and a cat on my lap...bliss

  16. There was a discussion about overworked doctors on Any Questions. I'm sure nurses are equally overworked but they didn't get a mention.


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