
Running late….meal out at The Crown tonight was lovely..just got home
Dorothy is over heated and is now lying on a blanket I put in the freezer two hours ago
I had Chicken supreme ….something I haven’t had since the 1980s
As promised a quick snap of my new curlew painting


  1. Beautiful, it looks good there - one of my favourite birds in the whole world. The old Scottish word for curlew is whaup, and there is a nearby village called Whauphill. One of my new knitted hats for the coming winter has whaups on it :)

    1. Whaup is that the noise they make ?

    2. Not really, I'm not sure where the name comes from, never been able to find out. In the meantime, here's all the curlew calls you'll ever need :)

  2. I've sat in a bird hide in Norfolk watching curlews feeding after the tide went out-it was when binoculars were quite large and the birdwatcher sitting alongside with all the gear was sneakily checking out whose was the most desirable x

  3. Barbara Anne12:16 am

    What a perfect painting for your charming home! Next you'll please to show us what's on your mantel, okay? Pretty please with sugar on top?
    Do bulldogs often get overheated? I'm not familiar with that breed on a day to day basis.
    Hope you found something wonderful to do Friday morning before it's time to leave London for home.


  4. That is a lovely picture, John. You collect such special treats for your home! xx

  5. Love the picture; not unlike the bird on your mantle... but I suspect that is an oyster catcher.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Sorry, but it is definitely not an oystercatcher. Oystercatchers are black and white.

    2. Good to know Pam M :)

      Jo in Auckland

  6. I love the new curlew painting! You always make good art choices.

  7. The curlew looks good on your wall.

  8. Another great addition to your collection.

  9. Chicken Supreme !!!! That takes me back ….. as a teenager I loved Vesta Chicken Supreme ….. it tasted of cardboard and I don’t think it had been within miles of a chicken !!!!!
    Lovely painting ….. really suits your cottage. XXXX

    1. Hahaha Jacqueline that made me giggle.. I used to love the chow mein and that tasted of chemicals; however I loved the crispy noodles on top.

      Jo in Auckland

    2. Yes Jo …. I loved the Chow Mein as well …. You had to fry t he crispy noodles didn’t you and they all curled up !!!!!!! Disgusting ingredients but I loved them …… we didn’t have that much choice in those days ! XXXX

  10. Your curlew is beautiful...vastly superior to the exhibition!
    My Turbo (who has a thick fleecy coat)has a 'cool coat', which is made from a synthetic chamois type fabric, you soak it in water, which gradually evaporates, and really works. Now he knows what it does, he's very happy to wear it. Bought it on Amazon - if you put 'Prestige Cool Coat for Dogs XL Blue' into their search, you'll see one.

  11. Yorkshire Liz11:46 am

    Lovely curlew. And a nice photo of a very characterful big toe. :)

  12. Very nice. I like the curlew on the end of the mantelpiece too.
    A side thought...Silff ben tân says so much more than mantelpiece!!

  13. Anonymous1:14 am

    Shadow of an unseen hand adjusting the frame?


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