Pockets of Greenery


I was never that fussed with house plants.
I have had an aspidistra and a Christmas rose for over 20 years and neither can be killed off by lack of watering and care despite my best efforts.
During lockdown, I got into the habit of treating myself to a small houseplant every time I braved the supermarket.
And now Pockets of green fill every corner of the cottage, with leaves fighting for light in front of little windows and shady corners.
The Chinese Money plants are my favourites, with their delicate parasol leaves, jaunty and flag like 
I’ve even got a tiny money plant in my bathroom. 
But that’s plastic 
Don’t tell anyone 


  1. I'm always impressed by your pots. I imagine that you collect them as you go along, but when you display them all together filled with the greenery, there is a certain harmony and balance to them. That always strikes me when you post a snap of your little home.

    1. I like groups of things , be them pots or paintings or plants

  2. A plant that won't die from neglect, might work for me,

    1. I’m getting better at the old plant care thing

  3. . . . .plants are always lovely and especially the pots you place them in. But look at those fabulous portraits behind this display. . . . nature, art and a bowl of lemons make life really good even in the darkest corners.
    Hugs to you John -

    1. I like collections of things, groups
      Groups of paintings, plants , pots

      The lemons always look cheerful
      I use them for cleaning the sink and hob

    2. Lovely fragrance and no chemicals. The only cleaner I use is.... Lemon skin liquid, take the pith off, then leave in jar of white vineagar for couple of weeks, dilute a bit in a spray bottle when needed. Keep adding new peel when old looks faded and top up vineagar.

  4. Lovely photo. In my view, healthy houseplants enhance any home.

    1. I’ve always had perhaps three
      Now I’ve got 25 of the buggers

  5. They add another layer of life to a home. I have lots.

  6. OMG same!
    I've ended up with plants everywhere. Air plants, succulents, a fern... I even have water plants. Every trip to Ikea has resulted in a new plant the last year. Really.
    Love that corner you posted, BTW.


    1. Funny that during lockdown potted plant sales have soared

  7. I don't do house plants. I've learnt, through bitter experience that I kill them off (usually through neglect). Yours all look so healthy, makes me jealous! PS I won't tell anyone about the plastic plant, if you don't!🤫 xx

  8. Another plus to having living plants in the home ... they clean the air!! So disburse them wherever you feel like it!!

  9. Houseplants seem to be like tattoos. You get one and then...well.
    Two of my daughters have become slightly obsessed with collecting them, potting them, tending them, rooting them. It's lovely. Another living thing we can share our homes with.

  10. Your coleus is lovely. Such vibrant color

  11. In my home, today is Watering Wednesday so your post is fitting! That is how I remember to water the few live plants I have. Otherwise, I was always killing them by over- or under-watering!

    1. Watering Wednesday - I'm having that! Used to be Saturdays, but the WW is much better :)

    2. I’ve just written WW in my Filofax ( remember I don’t do calendars )

  12. Your secret is safe with me. When I/we had apartments, they were filled with houseplants (overflowing). In houses with outdoor space for plants, we had less (although in Connecticut, you couldn’t tell the inside from the outside). Now, we have two orchids inside and everything else is either on the terrace or in the hall. Watering, at least, is easier.

    1. I’d like a conservatory if I could afford one

  13. Barbara Anne2:13 pm

    What a lovely and cheerful corner! Your plants are even more beautiful because of the various delightful pots you've pottted them in. Love the portraits, too.
    I've found that many kinds of plants do well in the loo because of the humidity. Perhaps ...?
    We always keep an aloe in the kitchen for burn injuries.


    1. I like eclectic collections of pots , I like eclectic collections of everything

  14. I really got into houseplants after my divorce - my new home is filled with them now; a friend introduced me to a FB succulents page.......... there's no going back now, I've started propagating them too. The slippery slope of houseplants............

  15. When we moved to this house 18 years ago, I seem to have lost my houseplant keeping abilities. Different water (city vs. well), lighting, humidity??? I have no idea. I have a couple of artificial plants in locations too dark for real plants, so your secret is safe with me.

    1. I have to admit I do have one other plastic plant .it’s in the window of the bedroom and it shields another real plant from the direct sun

  16. There is no doubt about it John you have a real knack with you home decor - it always looks lovely.

    1. Like I said I didn’t photograph the bathroom before I cleaned it yesterday
      You would have fainted

  17. Anonymous3:03 pm

    Precious little corner of happiness: beginning with the sketches on the wall and then a variety of potted plants with a bowl of bright yellow lemons. Purrrfect, John. When I moved was forced to leave some of my very old and large houseplants. My new home has a combination liv. rm., dining area, kitchen with cathedral ceiling so I can no longer delight in a lot of live plants. Turning down the heat during winter evenings is not conducive to babying the plants. I'm forced to have a few (ugh) artificial tall plants but still stubbornly have smaller potted plants. Have always loved gardening and house plants. Take care, John. Your home has evolved into a charming & welcoming place.

    1. Sweet of you to say so….I’ve just cleaned the bathroom
      Strangely no photos of that thank goodness

  18. I'm a little behind in reading your posts. I just read the post on vidui. It's touching.vidui is a Hebrew word. Its meaning is confession.And of course I also really like the green corners in your beautiful house.

    1. I wondered about you yael when I wrote it..

  19. Pockets of green enhance any room...you must have green fingers, they look very healthy!

  20. I have a slew of cactus and succulents that just keep growing and growing. Plants never thrived when Billie was here. She didn't have the knack. I just water whenever and they seem to thrive to the point I keep having to deal with repotting the dam things.

    1. My sister has just started a succulent collection , another dockdiwn pastime

  21. Yorkshire Liz4:35 pm

    Getting and keeping coleus to look that well and shiny is an art in itself. Well done you!

  22. I thought that was a money plant, a favorite. Between your garden and indoor plants in wonderful pots in you lovely home.

    1. They are expensive here , 8 £ each

    2. Eight pounds doesn't sound a lot for a house plant. Plants in NZ are horrendously priced. I paid $59.00 for a Cheese plant.

      Jo in Auckland

  23. They ARE very cool plants -- quite trendy now, as I understand it! We've always had a ton of houseplants. Too many, frankly.

  24. I’ve killed two aspidistras …. That’s how good I am with houseplants !!!!! XXXX

  25. I have a large Christmas cactus (genus Schlumbergera, which I had to look up) that's probably around 100 years old. It belonged to my late mother-in-law who died 2 months before her 100th birthday in 2018. It originally belonged to her mother and my MIL said it was always there when she was a child. It's outlived the mother, the daughter, and her son, my husband. The mother's name was Daisy and so that's what we've always called "her," the plant. She hasn't bloomed in several years because I can't bear to cut way back on watering to force the bloom. I'm just glad she's still going after all these years.

    1. They go on forever….I’ve calculated mine wrong it’s over 34 years old


  27. What a lovely corner display of plants, pots and lemons, you have such a knack for grouping things that complement each other, when I first found your blog I posted it under design but it's much more than that it's a daily dose of many friends who visit here and share ideas and cheer each other on.

  28. Those are beautiful plants in front of your very special art wall. Plants are actually healthy for us since they help clean the air.

  29. Your houseplants look robust and healthy. They add a nice touch to your decor.

  30. Your plants are delightful. You really are an exquisite home maker.

    I gave up on plants when I had young children who would do things like run into the table and knock the plant down. I didn't miss them until I bought a plant as a housewarming gift for my daughter and wondered why I didn't have plants. 20 years plantless was way too long.

  31. I love your plants they look wonderful, just a cosy corner. Everything you do John in your house makes me feel as though I could just move in and be comfy. You are a great homemaker.

    Jo in Auckland


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