Alium Heads & Other Stories


A whole bunch of flowering aliums have had their flowering heads cut off in the back garden. They were in a clump next to the lane wall and the heads have been scattered along the path. 
How odd
Animal work or pure vandalism? 
Who knows

The village food bank which is set up weekly in the phone box on well Street has been emptied for the second time . Again its shelving has been removed which would indicate that the culprits have a car. 
It’s a sad state of affairs as there is a need for such an initiative.

Village leader Ian came around yesterday for coffee and told me about the food bank. 
He was a little saddened by it all which in itself is sad given the great strides the new Community Association ,which he helped develop, have taken over the last year. 
I took time reminding him  of how much a force for good the association is and how much I admire their philosophy  of making things fun, and I meant what I said .
I know what it’s like to galvanise people out of inaction 
It can be rewarding but often it’s a thankless job
Positive feedback the Welsh are not always good at.

Bridget who runs the food bank is stocking up again today.
I will pop down with more donations later. 
She’s another minor star in the village.

I want to support the other new initiatives that are springing up: the plans for wildlife conservation at the village pond; the coffee mornings are starting up again and the wonderful Folk at the Hall returns at some stage alongside positive plans no doubt suggested by the community Council post lockdown.
Time is difficult as I’m still working full time , but I will try a little harder to support these groups of ordinary people who are striving very hard to make the village a nicer place to live in.

It’s Monday today. 
This is my last week as a community Hospice Nurse.
I’ve enjoyed the experience and would like to return one day 

I bought a ceramic wind chime in the shape of a fish today
It pleased me, 
After I hang it , and clear the kitchen . I will take the dogs up to Lywenna  ( Gentleman Farmer Ralph’s widow) to say hello

It’s time I made some time for important things 


  1. It's sad that there are anti-social idiots even in your little village. I just hope karma gets them. xx

    1. I would like to think the thieves are from out of the village especially as they seem to be using a car

  2. It's Victoria Day here in Canada. A holiday to maybe partly use to also make some time for the 'important things' in life.
    Wondering who would steal food? Unless they too needed it and were too proud to ask. Who knows?

    1. It’s a food bank , the idea is to take it
      But not the shelves too

  3. To steal food AND remove the shelving as well, indicates to me that it's someone who objects to having a food bank in the village. Isn't the food bank overlooked by any houses?

    1. Yes , that thought has been put forward.
      The bank has been Sanfctioned by the phone company

    2. Oh, it's not with the permission of the phone company? They're probably the ones who cleared it out.

  4. Hmmmm...I'm guessing the beheaded alliums were the work of a kid with a stick. That's a shame about the food bank! I can't imagine why someone would take the shelving, unless, as Rambler said, it's in protest against the existence of the bank. (Or it has resale value?)

  5. Perhaps the food bank needs to think about some camera's on the food cupboard. Do they sell trail camera's in the UK? They are motion activated things that run off batteries. We use them a lot around here.

    1. A camera may prevent people that really need the bank to use it Karen

  6. Is there anywhere else that the foodbank could be such as at the back of a Village shop or Church just for a while.It is odd about your aliums John-I noticed in my back garden today I've a few little snippets strewn of lilac x

    1. Well the phone box is the ideal site for it

  7. It's a shame about the alliums. Even sadder to hear about the food bank and how dispiriting it is for those who make such efforts to make things better for everyone.
    Agree it is good to make time for the important things in our lives after the survival times of Covid.

    1. I’ve been a bit selfish , not everything is me me

  8. My guess is the Alium heads will be kids' work, although it doesn't seem like your lane is on a road to the school? Either that or your mystery troll is a local with a wood-burning stove (hence the recent stolen wood), and a continuing grudge. One of the problems with identifying your location so clearly in a blog is that such things become feasible, sadly. Cheap security camera needed? Maybe it would have revealed an angry cockerel pinching the flowers.

    1. My only consolation is that there seems to more good people in this small world than bad

    2. Unfortunately just a few bad ones (or even generally ok ones doing occasional bad things) can have a huge negative effect.

  9. It's very sad that so many people have generously contributed to the food bank, but it takes only one person to spoil their efforts.

    1. The food was still there when I popped down with some pet food

  10. Barbara Anne4:15 pm

    What a shame that someone or something beheaded your alliums. They always remind me of Dr. Seuss plants.
    Karen's suggestion of lights that are motion activated at the food bank is a good one unless it would deter the needy.
    Well done in planning to be as involved in the village as time allows. Full time work does cut into free time rather badly as I remember.


  11. some people are damn disgraceful! don't let them stop you and the other villagers from doing good. and a doggie visit will be nice.

  12. You are an incredible force for good in your village John and an inspiration over a wide area. People who empty a food bank are unspeakable but glad to hear that you don't let it defeat you - that would be to play into their hands. I suspect the alium heads were cut off by human hands too but again you haven't given whoever did it the satisfaction of making a fuss. Well done you.

    1. The forces for good outweigh the bad apples pat xx

  13. i think one of the things we love about your village is how idyllic it seems in our imagination. to find out that there are arseholes there is such a let down. i guess they really are everywhere. i feel so bad about your alliums. you wait for them to bloom and then someone ruins them. damn.

    1. I think it’s important to realise the village isn’t a Disney cartoon....
      I do describe the true aspects of it that I like to notice more
      The good, the whimsy , the characters ....they live in every community

  14. Taking the shelves and all the food shows lack of consideration for the community as well as those in need. A mean spirited individual went after your alliums. Isn't there always one or two rotten apples in every group?

  15. The current petty crime spree takes the glossy charm off your village. Report the vandalism and the firewood theft to the police! If they ''laugh'' make a fuss to your town representatives. Seems like the same thieves maybe have robbed the food bank---again. CCTV for your cottage? You' ll be devastated if they get into the house! I am worried about you and he doggies.

    lizzy x

    1. Trelawnyd is just like everywhere else Lizzy
      I just describe the sweeter and nicer aspects as I see them xx

    2. I think we understand that--it doesn't mean you shouldn't call the police when theft and destruction occur. Your tax dollars at work etc.

  16. I am glad you are focusing on the do-gooders and helpful neighbors in your village. You are correct that there are more nice people than bad but those few bad can be annoying!

  17. I'm sorry your little community is dealing so with reality these days. I hope it does not discourage The Community.

  18. If it's one thing I can't stand and that's a tea leaf. To clean out a food bank when others may also be in need is reprehensible but to take the shelves too....beggars belief. I'm with Andrew R Scott on this...maybe your troll IS a local...nasty individual that they are.

    Jo in Auckland

  19. Our Lilies are often cut off half way down the stem, but that's an insect of some sort. Maybe you have a bird problem?

    I wonder what goes on in peoples minds when they steal like that. I think they need help more than baked beans.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes