A Human Voice


I’m not a lover of Tilda Swinton but in Pedro Almodóvar’s short movie A Human Voice she dominates the screen as a woman dumped by her lover which whom she one sidedly has a series of conversations on the phone. 
It’s a powerful performance in a powerful short movie, but I did find myself missing the director’s flourishes of humour and warmth in Spanish , for A Human Voice is his first movie in English .

The film left me a bit flat as did the atrocious weather
So I’ve come home and lit the fire . 
Which is now roaring an optimistic roar


  1. As flat as Tilda's titties 🤣

  2. No need for any bellows this evening x

  3. Optimistic roars are very welcome here this evening John - atrocious weather

  4. Glad to hear you've topped up the wood supplies - and hopefully have a lock on the woodshed, now!

  5. This brought back the memory of a film I saw in the 60s with Ingrid Bergman, which impacted me strongly. The title was "The Human Voice" adapted from a play by Jean Cocteau. I suspect this is a remake. It will probably never make our theaters, so I will probably have to monitor the streaming services. Have you seen "SuperNova"?

    1. Yes it was based on the Cocteau play x

  6. Replies
    1. Read from bottom to top it is my version of an optimistic roar. A pop and sparkle.

      A wish and a prayer.
      Hugs to you .
      Cheers ,with a drink of choice.

  7. Director's occasionally inject too much ego into their work. I haven't seen this, but it sounds like a case in point.

  8. Sounds like it's a good thing it's only a short movie! xx

  9. I love your silver lining thinking ♥️

  10. Interesting space she is in, the colors, the painting,

  11. Tilda Swinton is an acquired taste, it's true, but she always picks interesting roles.

  12. Barbara Anne2:35 pm

    I'd not heard of this short movie but it doesn't sound very appealing.
    Hope the weather improves. We could still use any rain you don't want.



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